
Ch. 27

I was about to leave when he tapped my shoulder. "While I don't wish to utilize you, you are the only one capable of subduing my headstrong daughters. Please keep them safe in this time of need." I shrugged and was about to leave when his eyes widen. "Before I leave, we have guest that might interest you. Regardless of that, you are nobility. You have to come greet them in the city hall." I waved my hands and bounce. A yawn overcame me as I walk through the house. Bril servants was fast in taking up ownership. I could see them doing various chores. I went up to the room to see Bai Qiu cheering at some fight, probably. I showered then jump on her. I really wanted to roll around in her scent but making passionate love help me do the same.

Bai Qiu 28

There was an annoying person knocking on the door and first muffle words out of Chen Yi mouth was something stupid. "I'm tired. You answer it." If she wasn't so passionate, she wouldn't be so tired. She didn't seem to care much about me being injured all that much as she left her scent all over me. I pushed her off me as I got out of bed. Reaching out to grab a robe at the same time. I wondered who would bother us at this time of the night. Swinging open the door let me see one of the sexiest creatures I ever saw. Which was more than enough proof to prove Chen Yi was Yin. "Where is Chen Yi?" I stepped aside so she could see Chen Yi laid out on the bed. Half under the fur blankets. The serpent tattoo half hidden amongst hair and fur.

"Wake her up and help her prepare for banquet. All nobles must attend on orders of the Imperial Envoy." The creature bark orders at me and I was going to ignore her but Chen Yi movement attracted our attention. "I don't obey orders from prey." Chen Yi words were half mumbled out and mix in with her accent, was almost incoherent. An enormous pressure appeared in the room as a bearded creature appeared. Unlike the girl, he was robust and made me feel insignificant. "Lil Princess, if you do not get out that damn bed and get dress. I will beat your ass like your father should have done a long time ago." Chen Yi sat up and rubbed her eyes. "But I am so tired and the envoy has no authority over me. I don't even feel tiniest bit of respect for such a weak person." Her voice was whiny and quiet.

The powerful creature sighed. "It isn't he who you should fear but his advisers. Now up." Chen Yi yawned before rolling out of bed and slithering into the bathroom. The old man disappeared and the girl creature left the room. I rubbed my neck in confusion before walking into shower. Two hours later, we were both dressed. I was sporting a nice white suit with gold trimmings. Chen Yi was wearing a very revealing lacy dress that left cut out around the front of her legs from the crotch downward. Only to flow behind her with a little drag. The only none see through part was those that cover her privates. The rest was thin patterns that reveal skin. The whole thing reminded me of stuff we wore to bed as foreplay. Her silver hair was braided around her crown with two hair horns poking out the top. She look absolutely like a deity.

I glance at the two Snow King Apes who were dressed up in embroidery mao suit. They look rather dashing and the posing didn't help. They look entirely more awesome than I did. I glance at the old man as we floated down from the eastern mountain to the magnificent city below. That was better than our little village town. I wonder if these people knew that Chen Yi power increased by significant amount. Before, I would feel just slight bit of pressure and that was with her trinket that help block it. Now, she was unleashing a presences that made me fight the instinct to get on my knees and worship her. Her presences was stronger than anybody else I met before and that was including her Mother and Uncle. She might be on level with the imperial Emperor. I glance behind us at the snow storm that cover the whole mountain in white playground. While the rest of us were wearing heavy Fur coats. She was half naked with gourd in hand. I was pretty sure that was one of those spiritual wines.

"Should you be drinking that while pregnant with our Son?" I poke her to get her attention and she turn such a dazzling smile upon me that my mind went blank for few seconds. She touched white gold bracelet on my left wrist and the pressure I was feeling lessen. "It is spiritual fruit juice. It will give our Daughter, Chen Yimu, a good starting foundation. She emphasis daughter and her name. I rolled my eyes at her silliness. Of course, it would be a boy. I intertwined our hands before pulling her in close. I lean my forehead against hers as I looked into her deep silver eyes. "I just want you to know whether it is a boy or girl. They will be name Bai as I am much more awesome." Chen Yi laughed before giving me a peck on the lips. "In your dreams but before we arrive. Let me just say that you should not let anyone provoke you into fighting. Even though you are on the very verge of a breakthrough. In their eyes, you are a commoner and easier to be dealt with. Let my babies handle all opposition. I don't want our true strength getting out to vultures." I nodded as I turned as we landed. The giant female orc look at me with strange look. The old man deep voice spoke up.

"She has a trinket that gives her that part and the reproduction system to germinate eggs." I raised my eyebrow but Chen Yi shook her head in amusement. What scared me was the heat her eyes emitted. It was something I seen much in Wuying when she was out killing. A type of aggressiveness that was reckless. Is this due to Wuying and my careless comments or pregnancy? I kept such thoughts inside my head as we walk into grand building. The moment we cross the threshold, sound of heavy rain bombard the area. The Old man look behind us then at Chen Yi before grunting. I glance at Chen Yi who look even more divine than before. Compared to the lady in front of us, Chen Yi presences was simply heavenly. However, my mouth fell open at the extravagance of the decor. This would be worth many times more than anything I could every earn in nine lives. That was with secretly selling some of Chen Yi old trinkets and weapons. I look around to see people dress just as expensive as Chen Yi. Some wore twice as much jewelry. Chen Yi wore brilliant white choker that cover her whole neck and rest on the beginning of the valley of her breast. She wore matching forearm bracelets. No piercings but her dragon and serpent tattoo was colorful enough to distract you from those worldly materials. They made you follow her neck down her lovely curve spine to the round ass. Further down those globes to her short legs. I pulled my gaze away from her before I got enthrall again.

Compared to her, these guys were dressing up as if to display wealth which was another form of power. I was surprised that people still call out names and achievements. Like this was this was 210 I.E. I had no idea we were in the presences of royalty or that they considered Chen Yi on the same level as their King and Ancestor. The Old man was impressive but I still feared Chen Yi more than him. Even though we were together, she still made me feel like I was just prey she was toying with. Like a spider that wrapped you up in web to eat on later. We walk into a room that was like a miniature city in space.

There were three stages in triangular pattern in the center of the room. On the right side was line of tables and chairs. On the left side was similar. Near the door, where we entered was servants, guards, and array of food. To far north was platform that was about nine to ten steps above the rest of people. There the King sat at U shape table with what I suspect was the highest members of the society. Behind them were decorations and more elite guards. The Old man led us up to the platform. The Princess bowed before ascending with the rest of us. Chen Yi stood beside me as she waited for something. I look at the Princess who motion for me to bow which I cough and did before we ascended the stairs of heaven. Old man and Princess took a seat on the right side. On the left side was two orcs and then some kind of elf? Old man motioned for Chen Yi to sit beside him but she waved her hand and the incomplete U shape table turn into O shape. Beautiful crystal dragon chair appeared. However the seat was backwards. Facing the crowd instead of the king. I was confused onto she pushed me into the chair and sat on my lap facing me. Her head resting on my shoulder. I felt a bit embarrassed as the two Snow King Apes posture like thugs beside us. Hand inside their coat. I knew for a fact they had those guns she made back in our old world. I also knew that the stopping power of those weapons exceeded the ones this world created. My eyes twitched as I heard few people comments. I closed my eyes and focus on meditating instead of hearing these degrading remarks. If they only knew how amazing she felt in my lap. How intoxicating her smell was. Would they not consider me unlucky toy.

Chen Yi

"Master Yi, let me introduce you to our guests." Old Fogey spoke up as his useless grandson was clenching his teeth in anger. It isn't like the arrangement was discuss with me first. Who would want to sit between two stuffy men for hours? I took out my gourd and took a sip. I could feel the energy around me being absorb by Bai Qiu. I guess she wanted to play catch up finally. The Old Fogey pointed to the people on his side. "These two are Envoys of the Holy Emperor. Gal Benedek, the cousin of the Holy Emperor and Baron of homeland province. Simon Balazs, Ambassador of the fifth realm. Excellent shaman but poor personality." They both gave me a look but only Gal had any emotion easily readable. I look away from the Female Shaman to the creatures that look very similar to dark elves. Even mastered the haughty personality as they had sneers on their face.

"Those things over there are ambassadors of the Allerheim isles. They are just off the coast. While we sometimes consider them as allies, they are nothing but vultures looking at corpses for treasures." The male elf mouth twitched as he sat straighter. The King cleared his throat. "Let us enjoy the banquet and welcome our allies and friends from homeland. This is a rare time for us to get together and settle some old scores. Or change up the style we have been in for past years." His booming voice echo through the great hall as his eyes linger on me as if he was ready to challenge me any second. I wink before taking another sip of this cold fruit juice that had a refreshing minty taste that warm up my insides. I felt a boy walking towards me. Both Snow King Apes took a step forward and flex inside their suits. It was so cute that I couldn't help giggling.

I glance at Simon as I felt her essences gathering. "Ambassador Simon, how about you come closer and regale me with some tales of your younger days. As the coming up generation, it would be a honor to be able to learn from an experience shaman such as yourself." Her only reaction was to narrow her eyes as she stood up and walk towards me. My eyes followed her essences pathways but I couldn't help but noticed the glances from Agra. Filled with such animosity but could only be submissive in front of me. I motioned for her to take a seat in a chair I conjure up beside me. So close that I could reach over and molest her. Given the loose pants and tee that hug her. She was trying to appear low-key. I noticed a man beside her get up to follow my pet Princess. I created a wall of transparent ice. He walk head into it as Agra passed through. My eyes lit up in amusement but I turned my attention away from them to look at the Ambassador who was ordering a servant to bring her wine. The Ambassador was like most of the typical Shamans I seen so far. Fair light green skin with body worth killing others to possess. Wrinkles around her eyes and corner of her lips. The dress she wore was formal but not so revealing or skin tight. She wore jewelry but not in excess. She was above materials pursuits but used it to show her wealth.

"What kind of tales would you prefer to hear? Wisdom or my foolish days?" She spoke in eloquent tone and my limited vocabulary almost didn't pick up everything but I was learning fast as I pierce together random comments from the major noble clans. "How about a mixture of both as wisdom is often found in the simplest of things." Simon look at me before her eyes glance at Agra who look a bit pale. I sneakily snuck my hand under the table onto Agra's lap. She stiffen but turned and order servant to bring her food to cover up her reaction.

Simon spoke and people around the table quiet down to listen. It was beginning of a tragedy. She fell in love with a warrior who had a penchant for guilt. She ended up the trophy of a winner and spent majority of her younger days as nothing more than servant. Until she decided to take things into her own hands. She focus on the one path she had some hope at. Magic. Fortunately, she was able to excel and gain an official position than move up the chain of command until she is at the highest position someone of her status could be awarded. She had no kids and no future. She was still a dog tied to a chain but with more length. When she finished she took a drink and waited for questions but I turned to Agra with smile on my face. "How do you like that tale of a weak woman in men society? Do you think you could have achieve different? Went against the heavens and become a warrior with no leash. Famous and feared at the same time? Or would you believe that you would not have achieve what she did? Not have been capable of enduring? Overcoming your own weakness until you were able to shine. Move from dirt bed to bed of cotton? Or would you have secretively killed yourself instead of put up with humiliations?"

Agra throat clench visibly. You could hear the sound of spoon hitting the plate as everybody was silent. My soft voice and heavy accent added a layer of hidden connotations that only the shrewd pick up. Did I not only insult the Ambassador but also the Princess? Agra look at her father and Mother who didn't come to her defense. She was about to open her mouth when Brill took the burden for her. "I would have probably committed suicide. Betrayal would have left me too weak to fight back and my own mind would have justified leaving this world. What about you? What would you choose?" I smiled as I never took my eyes off Agra.

"I have never been in a situation where I was less skilled than my adversary. So my mindset would never allow me to picture myself in such a position." The King snorted. "Are you saying that if you were Ambassador than you wouldn't have been led by your tail?" I rolled my eyes and turn to the King. "I am saying that my personality would always force me to seek knowledge and upon that path. I would never face a situation where I had to bend like a tree in a storm because my fate is like a violent river. It is why I am better warrior than you." The king rosed up while slamming his fist into the table. "Is that a challenge, then?" I laughed. "Why would I challenge someone I already beat. I'll make it easier on you. If your best student can beat my best student. I will allow you to lose at my hands again." The King face turned such a deep green that I thought he would vomit blood. He turned and pointed at one of the elite warriors.

"General, go show this slut what real warriors are capable of." The General bowed and walk towards the stage. I wave my hand at the Snow King Apes who were playing rock paper scissor to fight this lowly orc. My baby, Bob won and jumped upon the stage. I turned around to watch this massacre. My hand rested upon Agra thigh and she control her flinching as I rubbed her inner thigh. The General took out a broadsword and I almost face-palm. The Snow King Ape bowed before pulling a spirit Katana out his spatial ring. The General was fuck. If he fought hand to hand, then he would have won probably. Snow King Apes had a big weakness and that was they relied on brute force regardless if they knew how to fight hand to hand or not. Both of them would have been even match and the win would come down to endurance and skill. Now, it came down to how fast the Orc could move that broadsword and if his warrior skill was as good as the sword intent Bobby possess.