
Undead sniper

Jhonathan_Fiecas · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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The end of my story and the beginning of a new one

<p>author: sorry this is my first novel so i there might be some problems in the story i remade the entire story becouse i wasn't satisfied with it] <br/><br/><br/>In a planet called titan theres a small village in there living a boy he had a black hair and a pair of black ayes he was skinny and was wearing tattered clothes hes parents was killed by the villegers when he was young you may ask why were they killed its becouse they stole money or so they say they just killed them without even showing any evidence<br/>He was sleeping at the time when that hapend it hapend so fast that when he woke up he was thrown out of the house by some random guy<br/> he tried to resist but was beaten up he was so confused as to why some random guy broke in <br/>hes house and the villager's that saw the whole thing didn't even help him he only got an anwer when he asked the man that kicked him out of hes house<br/>That when he heard the story <br/>He was not surprised by it becouse the village chief had been threatening them and he was not paticularly close to hes parents they both had side family and didn't bother taking care of him he was kicked out by them along time ago<br/>So he worked hard and got himself a house now that hes parents got themself introuble he got drag down with them while hes job in the village and always getting beaten up one day he tried to fight back and manage to land a few hit now and then but then one of the guy that got hit brought out a knife he was scared so he ran away to the forest and the group of guys thats beating him up chase after him after running for a few menutes they manage to catch him after all he was hungry and didn't have that much stamina on the other hand the guys that chasing him were<br/>In perfect condition after getting cought the guy that holding the knife stab him i the chess he was shocked he didn't expect him to actually just straight up stab him and the other guys that saw what just happend panicked and run away along with his murderer <br/>As hes vission was getting darker and daker he promised that he will ta revenge<br/>Before he completely closed he's ayes he saw a blue window in the sky [players connecting] <br/>and then a simmilar blue window appeard infront of him <br/>[player:nameless] <br/>[status: near death]] <br/>[stre-<br/>.... <br/>.... <br/>.... <br/>Thats the last thing he saw before his vission completly went dark</p>