
undead ascension: the discarded

A black blacker than nothing is what here is I can't tell if this is the place you are sent after death or before it. Consciousness snapped back into place along with sight followed by muted feeling to the rest of my body 'Where am I, what is this place' The surroundings are nothing but plains of rotting soil infested with an unknowable amount of bugs and mould with bolder stones jutting out everywhere. With the only notable feature is a monolith of a hand-shaped bolder. [Ding!] 'Hu' [Welcome traveller from another world! To the world of Aphis where with the help of skills and techniques you endlessly ascend in strength and become a God or more, to get started say status if you want to know more focus on what and if you have enough causality it shall be explained to you, Good luck!] 'What? Staus?' [Species: undead (discarded) Name:_________ level: 1/5 (exp: 0/3) MP: 1/1 HP: 5/5 SP: infinity/infinity Strength: 0.3 (for each point of Strength is 10 kilograms of force) Endurance: 0.5 (for each point of endurance is 10 HP and SP, increases physical resistance) Agility: 0.1 (for each point of Agility is 2 meters per second) Dexterity: 0.1 (increases your ability to perform technical skills) Intelligence: 0.5 ( 1 point of intelligence equals 2 MP and increases skills speed and ability) Wisdom: 0.5 (1 point of wisdom gives 1 MP regeneration every 10 minutes, increases mental skill control) Charisma: 0.1 (increases liveability and leadership skills) Skills [Unrestricted body (level: 1/100) ] 'Hu, what? Undead..' the thing I so wanted to ignore to just push to the back of my mind, with the rotting flesh tubes that would have once been called arms in the bottom of my eyes view that are practically sagging out of their sockets, The panic that was so desperately being superseded seeps through my body as every fibre of my being tensed as what felt like my entire nerve system was crushed in excruciating pain. [YOU HAVE DIED] Death again and just as quickly back to die again, death after death after death after death it continues.

Charlso_1o1 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

true grit

One week has passed since maxing out my Dexterity for this level so through a lot of effort and grit I've maxed everything else, and during this process, I learned that if you die any experience you got is lost,

after finding other undead in the area they will kill anything on site so I started studying them from a distance and gained[inspect]that let me see their Species and level, these undead are called walkers but they all have 3 or 4 in physical stats at level 1 without training so I couldn't fight them at the time.

Anyway, it was a monumental task maxing every stat, the physical stats were easy I just practised my fighting style, well calling it a style would be a stretch...

the problem was the mental stats having no idea how to improve, I decided to try meditation after some struggles it worked me[meditation]that, and when performed, when performed increases MP regeneration and energy control while putting you in a blank state of mind,

While in this blank state, I had the idea to try this improved energy control by attempting to speed up my thought processing using Mana, don't know what I was thinking because it worked letting me feel exactly when my nerves fried themselves upside it well... worked, so the self-torture continued but finally

[Species: undead (discarded)

Name:_________ level: 1/5 (exp: 0/3)

MP: 1/1 HP: 5/5 SP: infinity/infinity

Strength: 2

Endurance: 2

Agility: 2

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 2

Wisdom: 2

Charisma: 2


[Unrestricted body (level: 59/100) Inspect (11/100) Meditation (23/100) ]

Apparently having maxed a stat gives a qualitative improvement to related bodily aspects which coincidentally improved my Charisma so I didn't have to worry about it,

But the most interesting thing I learned is about my skills.

[Unrestricted body](59/100) — removes the body's natural limiter to bring out its peek

59% increase in bodily adaptability

59% physical energy purity

Every 25 levels a skill will get a new aspect added on, the increase in physical energy purity is particularly useful because I don't have to put as much energy for equal if not better results than if I didn't have it.


The walker stands about a meter away, and I have meticulously separated it from the rest of its cluster since it seemed to be the weakest, so here I am about to try my first true hunt this could go well or very wrong and all this effort will be wasted,

filing my body with as much oxygen as possible and preparing lunch myself as fast as possible to at least disable the walker to make it somewhat easier on me,

'Alright, I can do this. I'm as prepared as can be I even figured out how to leap, ok 3.. 2..'

The distance was closed almost immediately the walker didn't even notice until I was right in front of it, but it was too late for it my arm hit its leg like a whip,


Hitting me in return I slam into the earth, luckily having no bones makes it easier to resist fall damage but the problem was the chuck it ripped from me,

'Damit, I have to be more careful'

Rolling out the way of an overhead strike as it falls, I wip it in the head but although it loses most of its skin I can't get through no matter how hard I hit the skull I'm not strong enough.

'Shit, shit, shit'

now resting on its knees starts wildly swinging every time I try to get close only I am injured, am I gonna have to just give up,

'NO! I refuse to have all this effort! no, all this pain be wasted just to give up I know I don't have to do this but I refuse to just be a skeleton-les course on the ground, I want to explore and be free to see everything to my heart's content AND I REFUSE TO LET SOMETHING LIKE YOU STOP ME'

I feel it, like with the strike that maxed my Dexterity, the coiling muscles' blood that seems to boil even as a corpse, nerves that seem almost hyper-aware of everything going on in my arm,

But there is something more this time, energy I just can't tell what kind although it doesn't matter my hand is already in front of the walker's face.

'Buzsaw gutter!'

One second it had its head the next just a bloody mist was left.

[New skill acquired [strike]]

[+2 exp]

'I-I I did it? I did it yes!'

Then I check what went on with my arm, only to see the mangled flesh that is now my arm

'NO, no, no, no shit if I lose more blood then this would be for nothing and how am I supposed to be able to kill something if I can't move, wait can't I just heal myself'

[The Species discarded are incapable of being healed through the normal way of other undead]

'What? So all of this was pointless. No matter how many times I kill 1 I won't be able to kill the other needed to level up if so WHAT IS THE POINT OF LETTING SOMETHING LIKE ME EXIST? You know what it doesn't matter anymore

The surroundings seem to dim with the revaluation everything feels just so hopeless I won't even get to figure out how I did that

'Wait, that last strike that energy? I don't know what it was, but it made me feel... alive? I'm dead, maybe the reason I felt alive is that my end is so close, that's not right if I'm an undead won't dying just mean you are closer to life, wait! that's it if death can happen without life that would just be none existence and life without death is just existence, both must exist for something to be truly alive'

Then it clicks like two separate parts snapping back into place to work in perfect harmony,

The Necrotic energy of the surroundings is drawn towards me as it is converted into life energy to feed mine, as new skin forms that peel off when it becomes truly alive and my body is back to the way it was before the fight and better.

[Congratulations you are the first to discover the second Discarded specific technique [death's grace, life's spite] ]

[Congratulations! You are the first Discarded to achieve the (perfect) state]

[Title acquired [the un-bitten]- the undead that didn't stop them from truly living, grants you the ability to come back to life as you have the will.]

[Title function unlocked]