
Spirit King and The Queen of queens

Nana went still, her heart skips a beat as she gasp. The girl in front of her seems to be changing appearance. The skin was ashy and the mighty crown like structure on top of the head has Nana feeling cold. Then she blinked and Ping was there, back to her, still chanting something she couldn't understand. 'did I imagined it?' Nana didn't know. Ping requested her silence and to not disturb her so Nana couldn't even ask any questions right now.

Her hands has turn coal black, from her fingertips flowing like swirls of smoke down to her lower arm. It happens when she uses her inner capability. She never did examine her true form but she can guess she looks anything human. She is a witch yes, but she has always felt a little different from the other born witches. To be honest, she had felt she is somewhat superior. Right now, even as she is trying out the summoning spell, she could feel the air still around her, the nature in surrounding anticipating the outcome. She can sense other creatures sneaking a peak at what she is doing.

It only took her a five minute circle preparation, and ten minutes of chanting the spell when the circle started glowing white misty light. They heard the voice before they saw the creatures form.

"Who dares summon me?!" the silver furred magnificent fox said. Ping is 178cm tall but the creatures was taller, even glared down at the person who summoned him from the depts of spiritual world.

"I, Li Yan did." Ping loudly replied and stood her ground in from of the majestic creature. "From this night on, I am your master and you must obey my command in every reincarnated life until I truly perish from the world."

"I disagree, for I, Wang Jiu, The King of my kin, do not take commands from mere mortals like you." the fox growled,

"Are you doubting my capability, little fox?" Ping's true form flashes, eyes burned hollowed, skin ashy and ghostly pale, hair turning grey with a crown structure like bones form on top of her head, razor sharp teeth as she seethed before she calm herself with a breath and turn to her former self just in a blink.

It was said that she exist, The Queen of queens, but he never believed in the words for her existence itself was a myth even among them. The one with a immortal soul that can't be really killed.

Wang Jiu trembled as he saw the true form of mere human mortal girl. It seems like the girl has yet to know who she is but knows what she can do, and it was dangerous, even for a Spirit King like him. He could never win.

"A thousand apologies, I, Wang Jiu, pledge my loyalty to Li Yan, my master, till the end of time." Wang Jiu bows down to the girl, who was anything but it. The girl smiles so widely that left the creatures baffled, she looks so innocent and pure as she gave a genuine smile before turning her back to him.

"Nana, babe, I just made a friend, come see!" Ping excitedly called for the other girl, happy that the summoning has been successful on the first try and she has a new creature to quench her thirst for more knowledge.

It's unexpected and quite unnerving, but she wasn't afraid even little bit. She smiled back and walk the space separating them and stood beside the other, facing the huge fox.

"Xiao Wang, meet my love, and your other master, Nina." Ping said as she warps her arm around the others waist, nonchalantly informing the both party.

Nana was surprised, Ping had said she has a nickname for her but hearing it right now as she got inform that she could also be count as the master of the magical spirit fox was quite.... overwhelming to her that she almost fainted. She didn't but she still fell forward and Ping chuckles as she pull her right into her arms and hold on to her, kissing the top of her head lovingly.

"He's pretty," Nana marvels at the gigantic fox with many tails swishing in the air behind him.

"His beauty does not match up to yours love." Ping interrupts and lean in to fully kiss the girl on the lips tenderly, and the other girl welcomes her just as lovingly.

In the myth, The Queen of queens is known for her ruthlessness and brutality. She was not kind or capable of showing any kind of affection for anyone. It was said she did not have a heart, or more specifically, she burned her own heart and turned into the darkness. They said she has the hoard of the thousand beasts in the palm of her one hand and could have taken the world if she wishes to.

Wang Jiu never knew The Queen is capable of such love and passion, and even hold them for a mere weak human, and to witness it firsthand, he could only turn his gaze away and try not to show how it surprises him even more so than her existence.

"Xiao Wang let's ride the night!" his master said then they were off the forest, flying into the night.

"You fancy that weak human master, is it real or are you just playing?" Wang Jiu asked as he watch his master putting the human to sleep.

"Do I look like someone who likes games?" Ping retorts back, glancing at the fox through the window outside. She tug the blanket up to Nana's chin before kissing her temple.

"Let me tell you that I do not like games or people who don't know other than being playful all the time. I do not hate, but do not tolerate them either." Ping jump down from the window like she's skipping stairs and land on her feet like it's nothing jumping from the sixth floor. The fox was silent so she just started whistling a song and starts walking down the neighbourhood with her hands fold behind her back.

The Queen is one hell of a unique and unpredictable person, that much Wang Jiu can say and the way she calls him, maybe, just maybe serving her won't be so bad as he thought it could be.