
English Lady

Nana was so worried that she stressed cooked and Ping got home to an large meal. They didn't said anything to mama Huang about the situation they had to faced. But they did told the older women that the man who came with Yan Ping is their close friend. Wang Jiu was delighted to have finally meet mama Huang and be able to sit and eat with the two girls who he fancies. Lady Nina is just as pretty as his master Li Yan, don't get him wrong but he thinks he can love both of them even if they are so much younger than he is. Maybe not his master since she is an old being but Lady Nina sure is young since she is a mere mortal, a human.

"What did that man said to you?" Nana ask when they were back in her room, chilling after the dinner with them cuddling on the bed. All three of them with Nana on top of Ping while Wang Jiu lay beside them.

"Nothing, just gave me some note book and his card to contact him." Ping says, her hands playing with Nana's hair while her other hand intertwined with the fox.

"What kind of?" and that's how Nana get on with reading the notebook.

"Is it interesting?" Wang Jiu ask, his face buried in his master's neck, scenting his master subtly as he rub his nose on the skin and softly kissing the neck. Ping let him, tilting her head to the side giving him more room. Her hand in his hair.

"Kinda, but not much." Nana replies and wiggles her way back into the other girls warm embrace.

""'Her enchants were louder and clearer as she repeated it for six times as all the candle, excluding inside the circle already, melted and the wax gathered up in front of her and arose into a form of a 'man'.

She was smiling seeing form but it fell when the wax figure of a 'man' broke and fell back into the floor, breaking and shattering into millions of pieces"""

"Well that's sad." Ping comments and smiles when Nana pouts up at her. Wang Jiu right out chuckles at what Lady Nina had just read out loud from the note book.

"She just wanted to revive her old lover she summoned from literally out of nowhere." Nana says pointedly and slam the book down on the night stand before snuggling up to Ping. "Can you do THAT kind of thing?"

"She can, don't underestimate Li Yan." Wang Jiu leans and kisses Nana's forehead then cuddles his master tighter.

Nana pouts cutely but Ping pulls her up to kiss her properly on the lips while Wang Jiu watch them with his arms around his master's waist. "You're whiney, love. Mama is next door, so please keep quiet." Ping whispers before flipping their position. Nana gasp at the sudden change but welcome the kisses with a smile, opening her arms to Ping who pampers her neck with kisses and bites which left her whimpering and gasping, wanting for more.

"Yannie please." Nana pushes the girl away from her a little but pull at the baggy t-shirt. "Off, wanna see you." she huffs.

Ping sits up, sitting back on her ankles in between the others' open legs. She did took off her t-shirt with Wang Jiu unclasping her bra that fell off her smoothly.

"Get it up old man." Ping looks back at the fox with a teasing smile, licking her lips seductively as she eyes the man. "I'll eat you next."

They pleasured Nana first. Wang Jiu had kissed her and swallowed up her pleased moans, holding her whimpering and shaking form while Ping pleasures her. Then Ping had let Wang Jiu take her from behind. She wasn't loud like Nana and only made soft sounds of pleasure and breathing heavily while she lets the fox help himself up with her.

They had to change the bedsheets before sleeping and the two put the fox in the middle, snuggling up to him as they fall asleep.

They moved. Ping got into the university she wanted in Seoul and recommend the place to Nana. They started preparing for the new start and Nana didn't even question when Ping took her to a mansion. She only joked if Ping had started selling drugs to make such money enough to buy a large house, to which the other just laughs and said no. They came a week before to get settled into the new surroundings before the semester starts. They were giddy at the prospect of living by themselves and finally having absolute privacy in the large house where only three of them were present. Wang Jiu was free to roam around in his original tail fox form and Ping could use her abilities without worrying about someone witnessing. They didn't had to sneak off to get affectionate with each other. The intimate parts too. They were free to do whatever they pleased in the privacy of their home.

They took different majors so their department building was different with Yan Ping taking visual arts and Nana choosing English literature major. They only had lunch period together and the free evenings.

The talk about the notebook surfaced after a week their first class. Nana had read some novel the previous day and wanted to know if Ping was interested in helping the man who gave the notebook to her.

"I think they want you to bring that man back, whoever it is." Nana said from where she sat on the counter while Ping is on cooking their meal for the dinner.

"Calling someone back from the death is... I'm not comfortable with the idea of it. If someone is dead than he wasn't strong enough to live on. End of the story." Ping says as a matter of fact with a shrugs of her shoulders.

"Necromancy is kind of forbidden too. It is considered a dark art." Wang Jiu added from where he's also curl up on the counter in his fox form. Nana just pouts at her two lovers and whined cutely at them.

"I was just asking, no need to gang up on me."