

Ping had a class but Nana don't. So she sent the girl and the fox on a date and came to attend her classes.

They had to sketch a portrait of that vase many times. Ping just wanted it to end and get to another class and be done for the day. She has two lovers to catch on the date.

Or so she thought.

Ping had just reach her house and was opening the gate when two men in formal wear approach her with a stoic expression.

"How the hell- Ping stops her words and internally curses at the damn card the man gave her. "Why are you here?" She questions instead.

"We are here to take you to Mr. Jin." One of them said and move towards her.

Ping closes the gate back and stands still, looking at the two men. They already know Nana so it's only their assumption that she is the one that met up with that Mr. Jin, which is right.

"What if I don't want to?"

"We'll force you." The man states and others crowded towards her.

"Boring." Ping scoffs and walk towards the cars, "Come on, I don't have all day."

'be cautious and careful, I'll come get you'

Wang Jiu sat straighter and blinks at the girl in front of him. "Master Li Yan is in a situation, she said she'll come to us when it's done." he relayed the message to Nana.

Nana eyes widen in surprise and she put her cup of bubble tea back on the table and stares at the fox, "Is she in in danger?" she ask worriedly.

"No, I dont think so but I'll be able to sense it if it's life threatening." Wang Jiu says and Nana sighs in relief and slums back on her seat.

"Should we wait at home?" Nana questions, suddenly feeling tired after knowing that her lover is somewhere unknown and dangerous.

"Let's go then Lady Nina."

Meanwhile, Ping was back at the secret facility somewhere in China. She doesn't know since the man made a request for her to be blinded with a piece of black cloth. How foolish of them. Ping don't necessarily needs her eye sight to fight if she wants and know where in the earth she is. But she chose to humour them and let them tie the cloth to cover her eyes. She didn't tell them that she can actually sense the little speck of dust flying in the air around them.

"Welcome back." Ping heard a voice in front of her as she sat on the chair she got pushed down on. The grip on her shoulder didn't hurt her but she hates people who thinks less of her just because she is a girl.

"Uh-ah, don't take off the blinds." a hand grasps Ping's hand tightly when she was about to take the cloth off.

Annoyed, Ping opens her eyes and yes, she can clearly see through the piece of clothe but they didn't need to know that.

"Fine," Ping pull her hand back and instead took grip on the neck of the man who was being rough with her, "I don't like being manhandled, note it." Ping says tilting her head towards the man in a blue suit before her. He seemed unaffected but the guards around him were already pointing their guns at her in alarm.

"Super strength, sense and speed, what else are you capable of?" the man questions calmly.

"Lots of things your little human mind cannot even imagine of."

"Are you implying that you are not human like us?"

"Maybe, maybe not. I don't care." Ping smirks at the man who's stoic face creaks as he let out a sigh in irritation.

"We have that Kim girl in here inside a cell." the man informs with a serious face but Ping just burst out in quite chuckles.

"Come on, I'm not dumb Mr. Blue Suit." Ping leans back on her seat and looks at the man in her grasp who was turning blue without being able to breathe. "Pathetic men trying to dominate me." Ping threw the man into the wall and turn her gaze back to the man in the front, "Who you fooling, I know you've got the eyes of the night walker. You're not human."

The man suddenly smiles and flicks his hand, making the guards walk away from the room leaving the two of them alone in here.

"Count Ming Fei Yu, pleasure to meet you." the man stands and bows mockingly at the girl.

Ping scoffs and just waves her hand down and the man went kneeling on the floor, "I prefer people kneeling rather than bowing in front on me." she smiles and tugs off the blinds from her eyes.

"How dare you?" Fei Yu tried to stand up but the man sneers at her from the floor, unable to move.

"Who is that women and why do you want to revive her?" Ping questions, looking over the man carefully to observe as much as she can.

"Non of your concern!" Fei Yu glares and still tries to break off from the force. "Set me free this instance!" he commanded.

Bored, Ping let the man go. "Ready to tell me who she is?" she asks.

"She was the greatest Witch of the North, the one who birthed me." Fei Yu glares and tried to reach for her but Ping slaps him away. Fei Yu went crashing into the wall and started coughing out blood unto the floor.

"Do not ever underestimate me." Ping stood and glares down at the man, "Now, tell me everything!"

Fei Yu saw it.

The sunken and hollow eyes, ashy skin and hair, bones forming on the head like a crown.

He blinked and the form was gone, but the girl still has the same aura as before. Was it his imagination, he doesn't knows. But it was too real to be just the image of light. This girl was too dangerous for him to ignore though, and so he had to tell her what he knows.

"So, your mother is one of the early 50's witch who died because of a disease and now you want to bring her back for what reason you haven't told me."

"I... she left a personal request for us to-to bing her back into this world..."


"....so...so she can ga-gain immortality and-and finally rule over the world!"