
Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio.

Cyclops breaks off and forms his own school for mutants to realize his revolution. He seeks out three brothers with the power to help him realize his vision. Blaize! Tremor! Rain!

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Issue #8

" So... I don't suppose I could convince you folks to head back to your secret lair and leave this to us?"

Wolverine asked as the group flew towards the very grounds where the X-men first battled magneto.

Scott and the others simply stared at the group in silence.

" Fine, but don't think this changes anything."

Wolverine said to Scott

" It doesn't. You're still an idiot."

Scott replied back as the two got in each other's face.

" Okay, look you can all hate each other later. For now, we have business to take care of. I don't know what happened to make you all so hostile and frankly I don't care. But get over it."

Tremor declared to the group.

" Brother!"

Rain yelled.

" What?! We're about to go into a battle and they're at each others throats. That's how people end up dead. Go ahead tell me I'm wrong."

Tremor explained to his brother.

" You're not. But we don't know those people all too well. We can't expect them to have the same mindset as us. Just try to have a little more patience with them."

Rain replied.

" I'm trying. But my patience is wearing thin."

Tremor replied.

" Settle down. We're almost there. Then you can release all of that built up frustration. But tone it down just a little. We don't want civilians getting hit in the crossfire."

Blaize explained to his brother.

" Uh... Excuse me if yall don't mind me asking. How old are all of you?"

Rogue asked the three brothers.

" Does it matter? We seem to be more mature than any of you so called adults."

Tremor replied

" Seventeen."

Rain and Blaize responded.

" What? You're still only kids."

Kitty stated in surprise.

" And yet we seem to have our shit together. Unlike the rest of you."

Tremor replied.

" You don't have to be here."

Wolverine said to the boy.

" It seems we do. All of this arguing is only furthering our enemy's objective. My brother maybe Brash, and stubborn. But when it comes to battle strategy, he's even greater than I am. Seeing for myself how the great X-men act, I can see why he is so frustrated. I myself find your arguing annoying."

Rain explained to the group

" We got something! All law enforcement agencies just received a homeland security alert. Code X-51. That means a mutant related Assault on a military base."

Beast explained to the group.

" They have a code for that? Why am I not surprised."

Kitty stated.

" Cape citadel. Oh, dear."

Magneto stated as he realized where they were going.

" Magik."

" Colossus."

Scott and Logan yelled at the same time

" Let's move!"

The two again said in unison.

" About damn time. We don't need to teleport. Open the door."

Tremor said as he got to his feet.

" We're thousands of feet above ground."

Hank explained to the young man.

" Hank, just do it. Once my brothers mind is set there's no changing it."

Rain said to the man.

Hank nodded and the door opened.

" Alright!"

Tremor yelled as he jumped out of the jet, his brothers close behind him.

The three landed in the middle of the battlefield as the rest of the X-men teleported in.

" X-MEN!"

Logan yelled.

" Take them down!"

Scott finished.

" Leave Metal-head to us!"

Tremor yelled as he and his brothers attacked the older and much more powerful Jean Grey.

" Ugh! You three again."

Jean yelled as she blocked the incoming attacks.

" This is so weird. One more Iceman and we can start our own basketball team!"

The young Iceman said as he and his future counterparts attacked the giant Iceman.

" So, if you're the real future me what the hell is this ice hulk guy?"

The current Ice man asked.

" One of my ice creations who gained a crude sentience and came under the sway of Xorn. I have as of yet been able to reabsorb him. Be wary when creating free roaming doubles of yourself, my young friends."

Future Iceman said to his younger selves.

" Wait, I can do what now?"

Young Iceman asked in surprise.


The Giant Iceman yelled as he attacked the other three.

Elsewhere in the battle of Beasts.

"Is it crazy to want to murder your own future self?"

Current Beast asked his younger self as they battled the future Beast.

" Maybe. But we're not as crazy as he is."

Young beast explained.

" In another few minutes, boys. You may just change your minds."

Future beast stated.

" Look around you Jean. It's over. There's nothing left. You're going back to your own time in chains. Or, well more chains. Just look around you. Your brotherhood is hopelessly outnumbered and are being defeated. There's nowhere else to run. The fight is finished."

Rain explained to the woman as the Icemen, the beasts, and rogue all defeated their opponents. And soon even Jean was overpowered by the three brothers

" You've lost, Jean. The fun's over. The X-men win again. Time to go home."

Shogo said as he and the others surrounded the woman.

" Oh, I wouldn't say the fun is over just yet."

Jean said ominously.

" Aw, you've got to be kidding me."

Future Quentin said as he looked into the air.

" Attention X-men and assorted unknown mutants from this time or any other! This is SHIELD commander Maria Hill! You are trespassing on an American military base! Cease whatever the hell you are doing and put your hands or claws in the air! If you do not stand down, we will be forced to intervene!"

Maria commanded as shield forces surrounded the X-men past, present, and future.

" These guys. I never liked these guys."

Quentin said as he prepared to fight.

" Shield? What are they doing here?"

Rain asked.

" I forgot there used to be a shield."

Shogo said.

" Right, I'll set their little boats down all nice and gentle like."

Quentin exclaimed.

" This was your plan Xorn? You knew if you made a big enough scene, shield would come. Why? What were you hoping to prove?"

Scott asked the future Jean

" Only the truth."

Jean said as she attacked the ships. She used her powers and fired all of Shields's weapons and rockets at the X-men.

" Welcome to your future X-men. Hope you survive the experience."

Jean said as the rockets soared towards the group.

" Oh, my stars and garters."

Beast stated.

" What he said."

Young beast said in agreement.

" No one panic. We've faced worse than this."

Storm exclaimed.

" We have? Great. I got a lot to look forward to."

Young iceman said.

" Not if we're all about to die you don't."

Future Iceman said in response.

" Shut up, old me."

Iceman said to his future self.

" Hit the ground!"

Rain yelled to the others.

The X-men seeing the three moving forward did as they were told and hit the ground.


Tremor yelled as he slammed his hands on the ground. A massive wall jutted out from the ground.


Rain yelled as water as hard as steel reinforced the Earth wall.


Blaize yelled as a giant wall of flames erupted behind the two other walls.

The missile bombarded the walls nearly busting through. Though the walls held steady and kept the Mutants safe from the barrage unleashed on them by the brotherhood.

" YEAH! We're saved!"

The Icemen all yelled in unison.

" This is the hour! We stand at a crossroads in mutant history! Look at me, you all know me. I am Henry McCoy. I'm an original X-man. I've been here since the very beginning, and I'm telling you, people we are bound for ruin. I've seen it with my own eyes. We are bound for death and destruction unless we all- HUHK!"

Future Beast was explaining before a beam pierce his heart and killed him.

Suddenly Sentinels bigger than any before them descended onto the X-men.

" Pretty effective way of making his point."

Young Iceman joked in terror.

" Oh, my God. Did I just see myself die?"

Young Beast asked in terror.

" That wasn't us. Don't think for a second that we turn into that."

Beast said to his younger self.

" Sentinels. These are all new. These I do not know."

Magneto said.

" Shield has its own flaming sentinels. Heads are going to roll for this."

Wolverine threatened.

" I'm more concerned about our heads. Look out!"

Beast yelled as the sentinels attacked.

" Was old beast right, kitty? Will we still be fighting this same damn fight our whole damn lives? Just one group of sentinels after another. Does the hatred never end?"

Psylocke asked as she dodged sentinel fire.

" There are still X-men in the future. So, what does that tell you?"

Kitty replied.

" Then what's the point? What are we even fighting for?"

Psylocke asked.

" As I've told you all before the future is not set in stone. It is a stream that is constantly changing. As for what you've asked Psylocke. It is simple. We are fighting for our lives. For our freedom. For our peace!"

Blaize exclaimed.

" Not Just For Ourselves. But For Our Wives. Our Daughters. Our Sons!"

Rain said as he joined his brother.

" For The Lives of those lost in this Tragic History Of Ours. For Those Will Be Lost In The Comin Days!"

Tremor exclaimed as well.

" Go!"

Blaize yelled as he and his brothers attacked the new and improved sentinels.

" Dad was so cool."

Shogo said to his mother.

" Yeah, he is. Now, focus we have more enemies to deal with."

Jubilation said to Shogo"

Jubilation said to the man.

" Heads up, Iron Nerd. Fastball special incoming!"

Raze yelled as the giant Iceman chucked him.

" I've told you before, kid. It doesn't matter who your daddy was. You're no wolverine."

Jubilation said as she slashed Raze in his back.

" You and me Raze. Claws on Claws. Let's finish this once and for all."

Jubilation said to the man.

" Yeah, let's. You, me, and the giant killer robot behind you."

Raze said to the woman.

" Jubilee!"

Rain yelled.

Jubilee turned her head to the man in fear as the sentinel's blast tore through her chest.


Shogo yelled as he watched his mother get hurt.

' FUCK!'

Rain thought as he rushed to catch the falling woman.

" Brother!"

Tremor and Blaize called out.

Rain caught the woman before she hit the ground and cradled her in his arms.

" Take them out!"

Tremor yelled to his brother.


Blaize yelled as a giant sphere of fire formed in his hand.

He raised the sphere and threw it at the remaining sentinels.


Tremor yelled as he slammed his hands into the ground. Another wall of earth emerged, this time much larger and thicker the before.

The giant sphere of fire burst and destroyed what remained of the sentinels. As well as a large portion of the earth wall.

" It's up to you all now!"

Blaize said as he and tremor collapsed from exhaustion over constantly using their powers over the past two days.

" You're all alone now Jean. Do you know what that means? X-men Kick her ass!"

Young scott yelled as he and the other X-men from the past attacked the woman.

' What do you think you're doing Jean Grey?'

Future Jean asked her younger self.

' You stay out of my head.'

Jean declared.

' It's my head too.'

Future Jean replied.

' I beat you once. on my own. This time you don't stand a chance.'

Jean said to her older self.

' This time I'm not holding back. Don't make me hurt you. Believe it or not, I don't hate myself that much.'

Future jean exclaimed.

' You don't have to do this. We tried to go home.'

Jean said to her older self as the group continued fighting.

' These people refused to see the truth about the world. They still do. They're not ready for the future Jean. Neither are you.'

Future Jean explained to herself.

' I don't care what you say. I don't care what I saw about my future. I love these people. I'm not giving up on them. And I'm not afraid to die.'

Jean said to her older self as she attacked her.

' Finally, something we agree on. I know you think you'll win, Jean. I know you think you're ready for what's to come, that you all are. I wish I could believe you. But I promise you whatever power you think you've got on your side... It won't be enough.'

Future Jean said as she decimated the Original X-men.

' Stop. What's happening? What's wrong with your powers?'

Jean asked her future self as her powers started to destroy her.

' You'll figure it out someday. Goodbye Jean Grey. And Good luck.'

Future Jean said to her younger self.

' Oh, Xorn. I wish there was another way. I promise this won't be in vain. To me my brotherhood!"

Charles said to his group before disappearing.

" Get back! Her powers are overloading! She's gonna..."

Jean yelled to the others as future jean exploded.

As the explosion raced towards the others Blaize got to his feet and stood between the others and held back the blast long enough for Illyana to teleport everyone to safety.

" No! We have to go back!"

Jean yelled as the group arrived at the Jean Grey Institute.

" Relax Jean It's over."

Young Scott explained to the girl.

" Magik, Blaize nice work getting us out of there. And getting ahold of yourself. Magik?"

Scott thanked, but it seemed the woman wasn't listening.

" Get the wounded to the Med-Lab! This way!"

Rogue yelled as she held onto the body of Colossus.

" Wounded? We have no wounded. Only the Dead and the Damned."

Illyana said as she looked at her dead brother and the dying Jubilee.

" Ju...stin... Huuuh. Don't... Leave... me..."

Jubilee gasped as Rain held her in his arms.

" I'm right here Jubilee. And I'm not going anywhere."

Rain said to the dying woman, trying to comfort her in her final moments.

" I missed you. I loved you, Justin. I wish we could have... Had... More time together."

Jubilee cried in the man's arms.

" What are you talking about? I'm right here right now, and when you wake up, I'll be there. And this time we'll be together until the end of time my love."

Rain said to the woman.

" You promise?"

Jubilee asked.

" I promise you. I will never leave your side again."

Rain said to the woman.

" One more time. Please?"

Jubilee asked as she lifter her head.

" One more? No. This is just the first of many."

Rain said as he raised the woman's lips to his. He kissed the dying woman long enough to feel her last breath pass through his lips.

The crowd of X-men past, Present, and future looked on as Rain gave the woman her last wish.

Rain eventually broke the kiss to discover he had stained her face with his tears. After cleaning her face from the blood and tears, Rain stood up and handed the woman's body to her son and walked away from the group.

After some time, Rain returned to the group and his brothers.

" Rain."

The two called out to their brother.

" I've made a decision Brothers. I wish to stay here with these X-men."

Rain declared to his two brothers.

" WHAT?!"

Tremor and the rest of the X-men yelled in shock.

Blaize put his hand on his brother's chest and spoke.

" Is this about Jubilation?"

Blaize asked his brother.

" Partly, yes. Her death made me rethink a lot of things. I don't know why but holding her in my arms like that really made me question whether or not the path I am following is the one for me."

Rain explained.

" What are you talking about brother?"

Tremor asked.

" Think about it brothers. The three of us together are some of the strongest mutants on this planet. But I don't enjoy fighting the way you two do. I'm not a prodigy like you are. I've always had to try harder just to keep up with you. I need to find myself and I can't do that if all I do is stand beside you guys. I want to see more of the world. I want to try living outside of the battlefield. I'm not saying I'm just going to abandon you both. You're my brothers and I love you both very much. But I want to try being less Rain and try being Justin again."

Rain explained to his two brothers.

" Is this what you want brother? Truly?"

Tremor asked.

" Yes, Tremor. It is. That is if you'll allow me to stay."

Rain said as he turned to Wolverine and the rest of the X-men.

" Kid this school was built so that Mutants could find peace. So, kids could learn to control their powers. And live a somewhat happy life. If I turned you away after all of that, I would be spitting in the face of every man and woman who has made sacrifices for this place. Of course, you can stay."

Wolverine explained to the young man.

" Very well, know this brother, though we may now walk different paths. We will always be brothers and we will always be there for you. And that goes for the rest of you as well. We may not see things the same way, we do however fight for the same thing."

Blaize said to his brother and the rest of the X-men with a smile on his face.

" I'll miss you brother."

Tremor said as he hugged his brother.

" This is not goodbye my brothers. We will see each other again, someday. And when that day comes, I will show you both how far I've come."

Rain said to his two brothers.

" Very well, Illyana, take us back."

Scott ordered.

Illyana nodded and with a swing of her sword the uncanny X-men were gone. Justin looked to the sky as he thought about his brothers, before turning and walking into Jean Grey's School for the gifted.