
Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio.

Cyclops breaks off and forms his own school for mutants to realize his revolution. He seeks out three brothers with the power to help him realize his vision. Blaize! Tremor! Rain!

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Issue #6

" Is it time yet Rain?"

Tremor asked in a hurry.

" Not yet."

Rain replied.

Elsewhere at the Jean Grey Institute.

" Jean, I can appreciate this is very difficult, but it's the right thing to do."

Hank said to the woman.

" Save the platitudes, Hank. it's not helping."

Jean responded back as the X-men walked into the Mansion.

" Welcome home! Although I should warn you... I don't see road-worn X-men, so much as I see potentioal babysitters!"

Jubilee said to the group as she held her son in her arms.

" Amusing, Ms. Lee. But I'm afraid our time is in short supply."

Charles said to the girl.

" I'll take these three to the time cube, now."

Future jean said as she led her past self and the others away.

" Kitty..."

Jean called out.

" Shut up or I'll start crying."

Kitty said to the girl as she hugged her.

" I'm proud of you all seriously. This is first class heroics. You're a credit to the X-Men name... Charles Xavier's name."

Scott exclaimed sarcastically.

" I am Charles Xavier, young scott. And sarcasm doesn't suit you. You're far too clean cut. Now, the matter of the remaining two of the original five..."

Charles said.


You mean young beast and young Iceman? They're gone."

Bling said as she walked into the room.

This made the future charles Angry as he immediately turned to the woman in a rage.

" Pardon me? Did you say gone?" Gone where?"

Charles asked angrily.

" I, uh... Why are you so mad at me?"

Bling asked in confusion.

" That was minor irritation, perhaps a bit of annoyance. Here's what mad feels like."

Charles said as he began using his telepathy on the young woman.

" Stop... Stop it, that hurts!"

Bling yelled in pain.

" Roxanne Washington. Bling. Whatever that's supposed to mean... Tell me where those two men are immediately. They went into the future. Our future. I can't believe this! And you let?!"

Charles yelled at the woman.


Bling yelled in agony as she clutched her head.

" Hey, pal. Take it easy! That's not how we do thing!"

Wolverine yelled as he grabbed the man off the girl.

" Your entire life history, wolverine, reads like a manual of how not to do things. So back off!"

Charles yelled at the man.

" This is exactly what we feared, kitty. They're coming. Not if, when. We have no time to maintain charade. Let's skip to the punchline dear."

Charles explained to future kitty.

" Hey! I'm not done with you yet!"

Wolverine yelled as he grabbed the man's arm.

" Get your hands off me, you neanderthal. You are so, so uninformed it's pathetic."

Charles said to the man, taunting him.

" Hey! Easy, both of you! What the hell's going on around here?"

Jubilee yelled in confusion.

" It's all wrong, they're all wrong..."

Rachel said as she read the man's mind. She began to Panick

" Rachel, what? What's the matter?"

Jubilee asked again.

" Logan was right... LOGAN WAS RIGHT!"

Rachel yelled in terror.


" Every damn time!"

Wolverine growled as he prepared for a fight.

" Do it."

Charles said.

" Hey, Logan!"

Kitty yelled as her body started to change.

It turns out it was never Kitty from the future at all. But The son of Mystique and wolverine. Raze Darkholme.

" Oh, yeah!"

Raze yelled as he drove his claws into wolverine's stomach.

" The look on your face makes all of this totally worth the effort... Dad."

Raze said as he drove his hand further into the man's stomach.

Logan collapsed to the floor as blood poured out him from the wound Raze gave him. His body couldn't handle the damage as he didn't heal like he used too.


Rachel yelled as she held the injured man.

" I'm still here! I didn't kill him, then? That's how time travel works right?"

Raze asked as looked at his own hands.

' Storm, we're under attack. Logans down!'

Rachel called out telepathically to the woman. Not knowing that future Jean Grey had already Incapacitated the remaining X-men.

" Too slow, miss Grey. Not to mention Ororo is quite unable to hear you at the moment."

Charles explained as he used his powers to knock the woman out.

" Maybe she can't. But I can!"

A voice said to the man.

" Who's there?!"

Charles yelled in anger.

" Just a little Rain."

Rain said to the man as he emerged behind the Giant Iceman.

" ERG!"

The Giant iceman growled as he turned to attack rain. The giants fist was stopped in the air just inches from Rain's face.

" You! Why are you here?!"

Charles asked in anger.

" Did you think we were stupid? My brother Tremor found out you were lying the moment you opened your mouth. Did you think we would not act on this information?"

Rain asked with a smile on his face.

" But how? How did you know?"

Charles asked

" Tremor can feel when a person is lying, through his connection with the earth. All it took was one glance and I could already tell what my brother was thinking."

Rain explained.

" Okay, but that doesn't explain how you got here."

Charles stated.

" Well, I'm not gonna tell ya."

Rain said to the man making him madder.

" Enough of this. This fish is my to fillet."

Raze said as he lunged at Rain.

" I was beginning to feel a little winded as well. But there's no way you can beat me."

Rain said as he clapped his hands together.


Rain said as a massive torrent of water rushed out his mouth stopping Raze in his tracks.


Rain said as the wall of water turned into a dragon and blasted Raze from the building.

" Beautiful woman with the baby. I suggest you leave. This place isn't exactly kid friendly right now!"

Rain yelled to Jubilee.

" Why couldn't you just let things go for once?

Deadpool asked as he attacked Rain.

" Sorry, now's not the time for this fight. WATER STYLE!"

Rain said to the man.

Back with the others.

" This was as close as Magik could get us?!"

Future Jubilee asked.

" The school will have perimeter sensors. This is exactly where we should be. We can assess the situation before making a move."

Scott was saying before a pillar of water erupted from the school.

" HAHAHA! Looks like rain's started the party after all."

Tremor laughed as he watched his brothers attack from afar.

" Hmph, Let's go."

Blaize said as he turned into a whisper of flame.

" Ha! Don't need to tell me twice. I've been waiting for this fight."

Tremor said as his body slowly fell into the ground.

" I think I'll take a page from their book. Waiting around won't get the job done. You need recon? I'm heading in."

Sentinel-X said as he flew towards the school.

Scott turned to Future Jubilee with a look of really on his face.

" What? Sentinel-X is right, and you know it.

" Something big went down here, guys. No signs of anyone- Students, combatants, casualties. Nothing."

Sentinel-X stated.

" They're coming."

Blaize said to the man.

" What? Wait, someone is coming."

Sentinel-X radioed back as he scanned for people.

" Don't come any closer, whoever you are!"

Jubilee yelled as she, bling, and Shogo arrived in front of the man.

" I can't believe it."

Sentinel-X said as he looked at the woman.

" Hey! If you don't identify yourself, I'm going to knock you and your cheesy as hell battle suit back into next week! We've had a real bad day, so please, give me a reason."

Jubilee explained to the man she was threatening.

" Man, do I recognize that tone of voice."

Sentinel-X said as he began to power down.

" Mom."

Sentinel-X said to the woman.

" Shogo? Oh, thank God, they never took you away from me!"

Jubilee yelled as she hugged her future son.

" Are you crying? Hey, look at me, it's going to be okay, mom..."

Shogo said as he hugged her back.

" You don't know how wrong you are kid."

Rain said as he walked up to the group with Psylocke hanging onto his shoulder. His appearance stunning the boy as he was no longer wearing his suit.

" Yeah, Okay is just about the last word I would use to describe all of this."

Psylocke said to the still stunned boy.

" I don't believe it..."

Shogo said as tears started to well up in his eyes.

" Ugh! Hey brothers glad to see you guys made. Jubilee you alright?"

Rain asked as he let go of Psylocke.

" Yeah, thanks rai... Whoa!"

Jubilee was saying before Shogo ran past her. He ran up to Rain and hugged him.

" Whoa!"

Rain said as the man hugged him.

" Shogo what are you?"

Jubilee was asking before being cut off.

" Dad!"

Shogo cried as he hugged rain.

" DAD?!"

Everyone else yelled in shock.

' What the hell? Me and Jubilee?'

Rain thought as he looked at Jubilee in shock.