
Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio.

Cyclops breaks off and forms his own school for mutants to realize his revolution. He seeks out three brothers with the power to help him realize his vision. Blaize! Tremor! Rain!

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Issue # 6

" Slim and Slimmer. This is the part where I give both of you the chance to stand down and be reasonable about all this. And you of course, ignore me and act like a couple of jack assess. That about the way of it?"

Wolverine said to the two Scotts.

" No, actually. This is the part where. You all stand down willingly, or we beat you in to submission."

Tremor said as he and his brothers approached the group.

" Tremor, why do you always jump to violence first? Surely, we can talk this out, no?"

Rain playfully asked his brother.

" We do not wish to fight you kids. We only wish to return the original X-men to where they belong."

Storm explained.

" They do not want to go back. And as long as they wish to remain with us. With us they will stay. We do not wish to fight any of you, we actually view most of you as allies. But!"

Blaize explained to the group before Tremor stomped his foot on the ground creating a line between the two groups of X-men.

" What the? A line?"

The older Iceman asked

" One I recommend you not to cross!"

Blaize said to the X-men. He and his brothers smiling dangerously at them in warning.

" Enough of this we need to get them back home. No more wasting time!"

The future beast said as he ran across the line.

" I warned you."

Blaize said to the man as he stuck his hand out.

" Out of my way!"

The future beast yelled.

" Burn."

Blaize commanded as a torrent of fire erupted from his palm, burning the future X-man.

" Beast!"

The older Iceman yelled. He went to take a step forward and found himself unable to move.

" I can't move! Why can't I move?"

Iceman asked in confusion.

" Sorry, about this. Really, wish it didn't have to come to this, but you guys wouldn't listen. Oh, really quick. Can you swim?"

Rain asked the man made of Ice.

" Let me go!"

Iceman yelled.

" Okay."

Rain said before tossing the man into the ocean.

" Damn it! We just wanted to save lives."

Wolverine yelled.

" From what? The only threat I see right now are a group of men and women attacking teenagers."

Tremor said to the man.

" You know by now that if they stay here. A future of death is all that awaits you and your friends."

The injured Beast yelled.

" Maybe, maybe not. Time doesn't flow in one motion. I'm not going to force them to go somewhere they don't want to go. They, like every other being on this planet past present and future, have the right to choose their own fates. If you wish to take that right from them."

Blaize said as a blade of fire sprouted from his arm.

" Then you'll have to go through us first."

Rain said after his brother.

" And trust me. There's nothing I'd want more than for the rest of you to try so foolishly, what the other two did."

Tremor said with a smile on his face as he berated Iceman and the future beast.

" You'll all die. The future that's coming to you if they stay here. It's horrible. You haven't lived it. It may be a future for you, but it's our past and present. Why would you want to stop us from potentially saving the lives that were lost?"

The grandson of Charles Xavier asked.

Tremor stopped and looked at the man for a moment in confusion before looking to his brothers.

" Enough! No, one is going to die. We're all going back where we belong."

Jean said as she and her future self joined the group.

" All of us? Jean what are you..."

Young scott was asking.

" They're right, scott. I'm sorry. We don't belong here."

Young Jean said as she held Scott's hand.

" This is them controlling you. You don't mean this."

Scott argued.

" I do."

Jean replied.

" Then tell me why? What did you see?"

Scott asked the young woman.

" Scott, do you trust me?"

Jean asked

" Of course, I do."

Scott answered back.

" Then trust me when I tell you. It's time to go back."

Jean said as she hugged the boy.

" Thank you for seeing it our way."

Beast said to the girl.

" No way in hell is that happening."

Tremor said as he and his brothers blocked the path off the island.

" We want to go back."

Jean said to the boy.

" You should wait and here what my brother has to say Jean, it Coud..."

Rain was explaining before being cut off.

" You said that as long as we wished to remain here you would protect us. You said it was our choice. Well, then this is our choice. We want to go home."

Jean said to the three.

" You need to liste..."

Tremor was saying to the girl before Blaize stopped him.

" Is that your choice?"

Blazie asked as he eyed the girl.

" Yes, it is."

Jean and Scott replied.

" You heard them. They want to go home, now move bub."

Logan said to the three.

" Brother, you can't be serious."

Rain said to his brother.

" Sometimes, the only thing we can do is step aside."

Blaize said to his brothers

Rain and Tremor clenched their teeth as they stood aside and let the group move.

" Thank you."

The grandson of Xavier said as the X-men started to leave.

However, as the future Iceman walked by Rain, grabbed him by the arm.

" If anything happens to them, we're coming for you."

Rain threatened before letting the hulking Icemans arm go.

The Uncanny X-men all watched as the X-men along with the past and future X-men left for their mansion.

" I'm sorry, Blaize we lost."

Irma said as she and her sister along with Emma limped over to the group.

" Hey, now there is no shame in losing to a foe as strong as Jean. Even being able to move around as we did took some getting used to. You did good, be proud of your self all of you."

Blaize said to the girls.

" Yeah."

Rain said as well

" Of course."

Tremor also stated.

" You three seem cheery, considering what just happened. What's up?"

Eva asked in confusion.

" Oh nothing. You'll see soon."

Rain said to the girl, laughing as he did so.

" Hmph!"

Tremor huffed triumphantly.

" What did you three do?"

Magneto asked.

" I wonder? What did we do?"

Blaize asked with a smile on his face as he and his brothers made to leave.