
Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio.

Cyclops breaks off and forms his own school for mutants to realize his revolution. He seeks out three brothers with the power to help him realize his vision. Blaize! Tremor! Rain!

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Issue #3

" What are you thinking brother?"

Tremor asked Blaize who was in deep thought.

" I was thinking about Fabio. I hate to admit it, but you were right Rain. I don't want to see him become another casualty that we could have prevented."

Blaize explained to his brothers as he watched the others spectate the new recruit David perform his ability to hijack technology. However, he lost control and the plane fell towards the group.

Tremor moved quickly and stopped the falling plane. Stopping it just inches from the group.

" Whoa! Nice save."

Eva said to tremor.

" No, problem."

Tremor said as he put the plane back down.

" Ugh! Embarrassing!"

David said as he failed to set the plane down.

" You'll get there."

Scott said in support of the man.

" That was pretty amazing actually. I mean you did hijack a whole plane... With your mind."

Eva said to David.

" Well, when you say it like that."

David replied.

" What did I miss?"

Irma asked as she joined the group.

" The new boy almost dropped a plane on."

Phoebe was explaining to her sister before she turned to see her appearance.

" Irma?"

Phoebe called out.

" What did you do?"

Celeste asked in shock.

" Oh my god!"

Phoebe said in shock.

" Don't freak out!"

Irma (Mindee) said trying to calm her sisters.

" Freak out?!"

Celeste asked in anger.

" What did you do Irma?!"

Celeste yelled in anger as she grabbed her sister.

" I cut my hair! Let go!"

Irma explained.

Emma went to intervene but was stopped by scott when he noticed Blaize walking over to the girls.

Blaize seeing the girl's new appearance walked over to her and stood between her and her sisters and grabbed a Locke of her hair.

" Beautiful. It's nice Irma."

Blaize said to the girl as he looked down at her.

Irma looked up at the boy.

" Thank you."

Irma replied with a smile. Seeing her smiling, Blaize returned the gesture.

" How about that? You better look out Emma."

Scott said as the two watched the situation.

" As long as Irma is okay with it."

Emma replied.

" Ha, that doesn't sound like you at all Emma."

Scott declared

Emma turned her head and chose to ignore the man.

" Hey, we're not done Irma!"

Celeste yelled

" She's allowed to cut her hair Celeste."

Emma said as she joined the girls.

" I am shocked!"

Celeste yelled.

" Really? We can't tell."

Emma said sarcastically as she led Irma away from the girls.

" We're the stepford sisters! We're identical triplets! We're supposed to discuss these things!"

Celeste yelled as Emma led Irma away.

" Oh my god!"

Irma said in shock at her sister's reaction.

" Just keep walking!"

Emma said to her daughter.

" Just trying a new me."

Irma said to her mother.

" Nothing wrong with that, Irma."

Emma replied as she led the girl in.

" Do you like it?"

Irma asked.

" Well blondes do have more fun."

Emma replied.

" Well, I was blonde, and I wasn't having any fun, so."

Irma said back to the woman.

" Hey, Irma."

The three brothers called out as they walked over to Emma and her daughter.

" Yeah, Blaize?"

Irma asked

" Hey, we called you too."

Tremor said in aggravation.

" Did you cut your hair yourself?"

Blaize asked

" Yes, I did. Why?"

Irma asked in confusion.

" Do you think you could cut ours?"

Blaize asked as he pointed to his and his brother's hair.

" Sure, I'd love too. Anything you guys have in mind?"

Irma asked.

" Can you fade my hair?"

Blaize asked

" Yeah, I can do that. What about you two?"

Irma asked the other brothers.

" I just want my edges trimmed."

Tremor stated.

" And I'd like a taper please."

Rain declared.

" Okay, boys follow me."

Irma said as the four walked inside.

After an hour the boys and Irma returned to the group each with a new cut.

" Fabio, you've returned to us. Welcome back."

Blaize said as he walked past the boy.

" All right everyone, get geared up and ready for training in thirty minutes."

Scott ordered the group.

After the aforementioned thirty minutes the group gathered again for hand-to-hand training.

" Boys, why don't you demonstrate your abilities for us?"

Emma asked the three boys.

" Hand to hand only! No powers."

Scott said to the boys.

" Why not It's been a while since we've faced each other. This will be a good chance to see which of us is the strongest!"

Tremor declared with excitement in his voice.

" Is fighting all you think about?"

Rain asked his brother.

" HA!"

Tremor laughed in response.

" Hmph!"

Blaize nodded at his brothers and assumed a fighting stance.

" That's it bro."

Tremor said as he assumed a stance as well.

" Well, at the very least this should be good entertainment for all of you. By the way you should probably take a few steps back. We tend to get pretty heated when we fight each other."

Rain warned as he assumed his stance as well.

The faces on the three boys changed and their fighting spirit filled the air.

The three brothers began slowly pacing towards each other.


The three boys yelled as they charged towards each other. Their fists met each other head on, shaking up the snow around them. Rain was the first to break the collision, kicking both of his brothers back with one leg, before jumping at tremor.

As rain went to jump Blaize caught his leg and slammed him face first on the ground.

" Urrrryaaaa!"

Blaize yelled as he tossed Rain at Tremor.

" Ugh!"

Rain grunted as Tremor caught him mid-air and German Suplexed him on the ground hard. Tremor then flipped him over and began punching down at him hard. Rain did his best to block the attacks but was still getting damaged pretty bad.

Blaize seeing the man distracted ran at tremor and jumped into the air, bringing his foot down in an axe kick.

Rain seeing the sneak attack coming managed to get his leg up into Tremors chest and kicked him towards Blaize and rolled out of the way.

Blaize brought his foot down directly into Tremor's back and planted him firmly into the ground.

Rain resumed his attack by hitting Blaize in his chest with a flying kick, launching him off of Tremor. Blaize rolled on the ground until he could regain his footing and landed on his feet.

Tremor quickly got to his feet as well, throwing a headbutt that daze Rain.

The three brothers rushed each other again and began fighting each other in close quarters. They would take turns attacking each other and ganging on up on the one taking control of the flow of the fight, only for it to go back into a stalemate.

" Okay, that's enough."

Scott said to the three, but it seemed like none of them heard the declaration as they continued.

Blaize grabbed a kick that Rain threw, flipped him, and slammed him on the ground. As he turned around, he was tackled by Tremor. Blaize headbutted his brother and quickly got to his feet again.

Rain ran up to his two brothers and kicked them both in the face before spinning in the air and landing on one knee. The three then immediately resumed their fighting stances.

" That's enough!"

Scott yelled getting the three brother's attention.

" Ha! It seems the fun's come to end."

Tremor stated.

" It's been a long time since my blood has boiled."

Rain declared with a grin on his face.

" Indeed, you've gotten stronger both of you."

Blaize said as he smiled at his two brothers.

" Woohoo! That was awesome guys!"

Eva cheered as she and the others ran up to the group.

" I know I'm awesome. Praise me more Eva. Ha!"

Tremor sneered.

" Tremor likes Eva. Tremor like Eva!"

Rain chanted antagonizing his brother.

" Hey!"

tremor yelled back at his brother.

" All right, that's enough next."

Scott yelled as the training session continued. Everything seemed to be going well until Eva and Illyana had their turn. During the sparring session Eva accidentally teleported Illyana somewhere else in time. Thankfully she returned moments later. Though this did not help calm Eva's fears as she soon ran away from the group. Leaving them as she ran into the forest.

" Eva!"

The group all yelled

Tremor went to chase after the young girl but was stopped by Rain.

" Let her be brother. She's scared of herself. You chasing after her will only make that fear worse. "

Rain said as he tried to calm his brother down. Tremor growled lightly

" You may be right brother. But something tells me I should go."

Tremor said before following the woman.

Rain went to stop his brother but was swayed by Blaize placing his hand on his shoulder.

" Let him go, Rain. He acts brash and arrogant. But he does have a big heart."

Blaize said to his brother. Rain nodded his head and watched as his brother's figure disappeared into the forest.

" Where the hell did, she go in such a short amount of time?"

Tremor asked as he searched for the woman.

" EVA!"

Tremor called out looking for the young woman. A bright flash of light flashed nearby drawing Tremor's attention.

" EVA!"

Tremor called out again this time ready for a fight, in case that light wasn't friendly.

" I'm fine tremor. I'm right here. I just needed to be alone for a bit."

Eva said as she stepped into the boy's sight.

Tremor flinched slightly as he noticed, that even though she looked the same as she did moments ago, she was like a completely different person.

" Eva? Is that you?"

Tremor asked as held his ground.

" Of course, it is. Why wouldn't it be me?"

Eva asked.

' Something happened. What? I don't know. But something is different about her.'

Tremor thought as he looked upon the woman.

" Sorry, you just felt different than before."

Tremor replied honestly.

" Must have been imagining it."

Tremor said trying to play it off as a mistake.

" Why did you follow me?"

Eva asked

" I saw you were scared. So, I figured I'd follow you to make sure you were okay. Couldn't have my number one fan getting hurt!"

Tremor stated proudly his weird antics making Eva laugh a little.

" Eva are you okay?"

Tremor asked.

Eva stopped laughing and simply looked at the man with a sad expression.

Back at the base.

" Where are they?"

Rain asked

" Our brother is strong you know that. He'll be back."

Blaize responded and as if on que the two returned to the base.

The moment Eva walked in both Rain and Blaize immediately looked at her in shock.

Seeing the expressions on their faces, Eva concluded they felt the same thing Tremor felt, but simply chose to say nothing to the two.

" What happened?"

Blaize asked tremor as he walked by.

" I don't know. But you feel it too don't you brothers."

Tremor asked.

The two nodded in return and simply chose not to press the matter anymore.

" Hey, you all come on. Mr. summers wants us to head into the field."

Irma said as she came to fetch the three boys and Eva.

They all nodded and followed Irma towards the rest of the group. As they were walking Eva grabbed tremor wrist and smiled at the boy. Tremor in response smiled at the young girl and continued walking.

" All right let's go. Hey, maybe we'll get another fight."

Tremor said before the group flashed away to their next battlefield.

What Happened to Eva? What does Tremor know? What is hiding from his brothers? Is he hiding something from his brothers? Find out in the coming days of Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio!