
Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio.

Cyclops breaks off and forms his own school for mutants to realize his revolution. He seeks out three brothers with the power to help him realize his vision. Blaize! Tremor! Rain!

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Issue # 2

" Uh... Are these the others?"

Rain asked as he looked at the new mutants.

" Yep."

Scott replied as they all watched on in disbelief

" Should... Should we help them?"

Blaize asked as he was just as shocked as his brothers.

" Don't do anything yet. Let's watch this."

Emma replied

" I could watch this all day."

Illyana stated as she was amused at the student's current state of being.

Suddenly one of Fabio's golden balls hit cyclops in the head.

" Okay, I've seen enough."

Scott said as he rubbed his head.

" Yes."

Magneto replied

" You three, let's see what you can do."

Scott said as he gestured to the holographic threat.

The three brothers immediately suited up and got into battle positions.


Blaize yelled as he jumped into battle


They yelled as they followed their brother.


Blaize yelled as multiple green orbs of fire shot out of his hands, once they reached the holographic skrulls they exploded engulfing the attackers in fire.


Rain yelled as a jet of water shot of his mouth, he began cutting the flying pterodactyls in half, freeing Christopher.


Tremor yelled as he slammed his hands on the ground. The earth below him turned to mud and the head of a dragon emerged and fired hard mud bombs at the trees, freeing Eva in the process.

After defeating the skrulls Blaize turned his attention to the dragon attacking Fabio.


Blaize yelled as his arm turned to a sword of fire. He rushed forward and divided the beast in two before launching multiple sharp blades of fire into its body.

" HMPH!"

Blaize posed as the blades in the dragons two halves exploded. His brothers landed beside him joining him in a pose of their own.

" Whoa! Who are those guys?"

Fabio asked in awe

" Man, that was impressive guys seriously. Thanks for the save by the way."

Christopher said as he thanked the three brothers.

" It seems you've brought back quite the monsters Scott. I'm impressed, they will definitely be necessary for our plans."

Magneto said as he looked on the boys, impressed by their swift handling of the situation.

Scott nodded and walked towards the students.

" Are we back?"

Benjamin asked as he laid flat on his back.

" Um?"

Eva stated as Magneto walked into the room.

" What do you think you're doing!?"

Magneto asked in anger

" I was looking for a phone."

Fabio responded.

" He was pushing buttons and we told him to stop. Then all of a sudden, we -we-we were transported."

Benjamin explained as best he could.

" No, we were attacked!"

Eva corrected Benjamin.

" After we were transported."

Benjamin said again.

" You were in the danger room."

Scott explained

" The training room."

Illyana corrected

" A fully immersive virtual reality of my own design. Specifically calibrated to our specific needs and abilities. What it isn't calibrated for is for you to turn it on with no one working the controls or running you through the program."

Magneto explained angrily as he stormed out of the room.

" That wasn't real?"

Eva asked

" That felt crazy real."

Christopher said as he hopped down from the ceiling.

" Wow."

Eva replied in awe

" It didn't feel like I was hitting anything. What about you brothers/"

Blaize asked

" Same."

They both replied

" This could be a very interesting way to train."

Blaize stated as he looked upon the machine.

" I was looking for a phone."

Fabio said as he got to his feet.

" There is no phone."

Scott declared

" Told you."

Christopher stated

" I know some of you are having trouble understanding your situation here. This training- What we're preparing for is All-encompassing. No one can know we are here. No one."

Scott explained before leaving with Magneto and Emma.

" Wait. That wasn't real? We never left this place?"

Benjamin asked again.

" No."

Eva replied

" She didn't transport us somewhere with here crazy transport magic powers?"

Ben asked again.

" Are you not getting any of this? Nothing that happened in there was real."

Tremor spoke up in aggravation.

" Oh, I'm sorry! So, I'm the only one here who hasn't experienced fully subversive virtual reality that punches you in the face!"

Benjamin yelled sarcastically.

" Yell at me again and I'll punch you in the face."

Said as he glared down at Benjamin.


Illyana yelled as she collapsed to the floor.

" Illyana!"

Scott yelled as he and the others came rushing back into the room.


Illyana yelled as her body suddenly was encased in fire.


Blaize yelled


Rain yelled as he trapped the woman in a sphere of dense water.

" She's burning hot! My water can't put her out."

Rain declared

" Hold her still."

Blaize ordered as he approached the woman. He placed his hand into the bubble and onto the woman's body and slowly started to extinguish the flames surrounding her. Suddenly Both she and Blaize vanished


Tremor and Rain Yelled as their brother vanished

" Uh where did they go?"

Benjamin asked in a panic

" Is this part of the test?"

Christopher asked just as panicked as he was.

" Is she okay?"

Eva asked.

Suddenly the two reappeared in the room surrounded by fire/

" Illyana? Blaize? Are you two, okay?"

Scott asked

" I'm fine."

Blaize replied as he got to his feet.

" I just need a minute."

Illyana spoke as she rested.

" What just happened?"

Emma asked

" Magik, clearly you are-"

Scott was saying before being cut off.

" I'm okay. I'm fine."

Illyana protested.

" We can help you, just-"

Emma was saying before being cut off.

" I'm fine."

Illyana stated as she walked out of the room.

" That is not okay."

Emma stated

" No."

Magneto agreed

" Let her settle down and then I'll talk to her."

Scott said to the others.

" What happened brother?"

Rain asked.

" We faced demons and I saw her transform."

Blaize explained

" Into what?"

Tremor asked

" I don't know. But I believe she will tell us when she is ready."

Blaize explained. His two brothers immediately stopped asking questions.

Hours later.


Illyana yelled in pain again.

" Did you all hear that?"

Chris asked

" Scott will take care of it. Don't worry."

Emma stated

" Ms. Frost... Having seen the exorcist and all exorcist related knockoff films... I am very worried."

Eva replied.

" Don't worry about it. If hell breaks loose, we can take care of it no problem."

Tremor boasted proudly.

" Those creatures were powerful brother, do not be arrogant."

Blaize said to his brother.

' Can you tell me what's going on up there, girls?'

Emma asked telepathically.

' Her powers are broken. Just like yours miss frost.'

The girls replied

' Is she going to be, okay? Should we run?'

Emma asked

' She's hurting. Poor thing.'

Celeste replied

" Magik has it under control for."

Celeste stated

" For now."

Phoebe interjected.

" Well, yes for now."

Celeste agreed.

" Should we be afraid?"

Emma asked

Mindee turned to her and looked up at her mother a little frightened. Rain placed his hand on the woman's shoulder and smiled.

" Don't be afraid. Fighting supernatural demons is something we've done before."

Rain said to the woman.

" Hmph, don't be afraid we'll keep you all safe if need be."

Tremor stated as well.


Blaize nodded in agreement with his brothers.

" If I may... As long as we have a moment... Oh my god triplets."

Chris said as he glanced over the step ford sister.

" Boys be careful."

Emma warned

" Uh hi."

Chris said to the girls.

" You've been warned."

Emma joked

All of the girls but celeste turned towards Chris and smiled

" Look at you...."

Phoebe said to the boy.

" What's your name handsome?"

Mindee asked

" Um... I, uh... Don't remember."

Chris replied.

" That's right."

Celeste stated

" We just made it, so you don't remember your name."

Phoebe said to the boy.

" Think thoughts like you were thinking about us again."

celeste warned.

" And we'll make it, so you forget what sex you are."

Mindee warned.

" Uh. Oh."

Chris replied in shock.

" Girls... Learn to take a compliment."

Emma said to the girls.

" Hahahahaha!"

The three brothers all laughed at the women's antics.

" You dudes think it's funny? Let's see how you'd feel about it."

Chris said to the boys.

" Oh, we've already forgotten our names once. What's losing those names again and again?"

Tremor asked.

" Unlike you Mr. their thoughts are different from your perverted thoughts."

Mindee stated

" Oh yeah? What are they thinking about?"

Chris asked

" He's thinking about the events from earlier."

Celeste said as she pointed at Blaize.

" He's thinking about fighting."

Mindee said as she pointed at Tremor.

" And he's at least thinking about us in a nice way."

Phoebe said as she pointed at Rain.

" How'd you know that?"

Tremor asked

" Telepaths, we can read your thoughts."

Celeste replied

" Neat."

Rain responded.

" You can read our thoughts. Try not to make a habit out that."

Blaize said to the three girls.

" Why?"

Celeste asked

" Trust me girls there are some things you shouldn't see."

Rain responded

" You should heed his words. I'm not as tolerant as my brothers are when it comes to someone invading my privacy."

Tremor warned.

" I see everyone is getting to know each other."

Scott said as he and Illyana both walked back into the room.

" Is everything all right?"

Magneto asked

" We're working on it."

Scott replied.

" You know girls, if there's anything you want to know about us you can just ask."

Rain said to the girls.

" I'd prefer that to being mind-fucked."

Tremor said in agreement.

" Agreed. Ask anytime. As long as it's not too personal I wouldn't mind answering questions."

Blaize agreed as well.

" I'll keep that in mind."

Celeste said to the boy.

The two stared at each other intensely before scott spoke up again

" Okay, here's what's going to happen. So, obviously Ms. Rasputin is having some trouble. So, we're going to go visit Dr. Strange and see if he can help us shed some light on the-"

Scott was explaining before Illyana called him.

" Scott-"

Illyana said in pain.

" Problem?"

Scott said as he finished his sentence.

" I'm not doing this!"

Illyana yelled as the fire from earlier returned.

" Oh, Crikey hell!"

Eva cursed as a magic circle appeared under her.

" Magik?"

Scott called out as the same happened to him.

" Scott knock her out!"

Emma yelled in a panic.

" I'm not doing this!"

Illyana yelled again.

" Brothers brace yourselves we're going back."

Blaize said as he suited up.


Rain and Tremor yelled as they did the same.

" Aw, where're we going n- ow?"

Chris asked as the entire Team was teleported

" Oh no."

Eva said as he looked around the dark and gloom cave, they were in.

" Everyone stay close!"

Blaize ordered.

" Illyana? Illyana who did this? How did this happen?"

Scott asked

" It's not me!"

Illyana yelled as she turned into her darkchilde form.

" It's that form again."

Blaize said as he looked upon the woman.

" Oh. My. God."

The stepford sisters said

" Illyana? Illyana, are we where I think we are?"

Scott asked

" This-This is that Limbo dimension you told us was not really like hell except now that I'm here I think it looks exactly how I imagined hell would look like?"

Chris both stated and asked at the same time.

" And feel."

Eva interjected

" Trust me, this place ain't hell."

Tremor stated

" How would you know?"

Chris asked

" We've had our fair share of hell's demons attacking us. Even had a glimpse into hell a few times and trust me this ain't nothing kid."

Tremor replied.

" He's brought us here to punish me. And for that I am sorry."

Illyana said to the group.

" Illyana?"

Scott called out.

" You know I would never allow this to happen."

Illyana replied.

" The one from before? If he has brought me and my brothers here together then he has made a fatal mistake and for that he will die."

Blaize declared.

" Yes, he will. DORMAMMU!"

Illyana yelled out in anger.

" No Need to yell, Earth child. I am very ready for you. You are here at my discretion."

Dormammu declared.

" This is still that training room, right? That's what this is... That danger room?"

Chris asked in a panic.

" Oh, Yeah Duh! Of course, that's what this-"

Ben was saying before being cut off.

" This isn't a game focus."

Blaize said to the group as he and his brothers surrounded them.

" What do you want from us, demon?"

Scott asked

" We have no quarrel with you!"

Magneto yelled back.

" That may be... But you have chosen your friends poorly."

Dormammu stated

" This is one move too far, Dormammu! DIE, DEMON!"

Illyana yelled as she attacked the man.


Blaize yelled as he and his brothers jumped in to help.


Blaize yelled as he launched a massive pillar of fire at the demon hitting him hard in the face and knocking him back.


Rain yelled as a massive amount of water exploded from his mouth, flooding the inside of the cave with water.


Rain yelled as a massive dragon of water blasted Dormammu


Tremor yelled as he slammed his hands on the ground. The walls of the cave started rushing and Slammed into Dormammu.

" ARGH! Pestilent Earth Fools

" X-men fall back! Back each other up. Back-to-back!"

Scott yelled as the others battled Dormammu.


Blaize yelled as a giant fist made of fire hit dormammu in the face.

" Um, I think this is real."

Eva said in a panic.

" I don't understand!"

Fabio complained.

" Does everyone see that giant fire head thing!?"

Benjamin asked

" I'm ending you and your troublesome friends today, Child. I cannot have them alerting your sorcerer supreme of our issues once you're gone. And I must confess you have made me very vindictive."

Dormammu declared.

" You Bore me! All of you drop!"

Scott yelled to Illyana and the brothers, making them all stop their assault. Scott then took off his visor and hit dormammu with his full power.


Dormammu yelled in pain.

" Whoa!"

Scott yelled as he fell back.

" Nice!"

Emma said as she caught the man.

" He's not going to be able to do that again. It is time to leave this place."

Magneto stated

" Go! We'll cover you!"

Blaize said as he and his brothers resumed attacking.


Emma yelled.

" Listen carefully, this demon has power over me. I will send you back to our realm. Contact Dr. Strange and tell him clearly that Dormammu is making a play for limbo and is trying to use me as a-- AGH! DAMN YOU DEMON!"

Illyana yelled at the demon.


Illyana yelled in pain.

Suddenly three objects landed harshly near the group. The smoke cleared to reveal Blaize and his brothers.

" Damn, he's strong."

Blaize said as he got to his feet.

" So, are we."

Tremor replied.

" Illyana? What is he doing to you?"

Rain asked as he saw the woman in pain.


Illyana yelled as she was suspended in the air

" I can get her!"

Angel yelled

" Do not move Angel!"

Emma replied

" Dormammu is controlling her."

Mindee stated

" Her mind is a bloody mess."

Celeste spoke.

" I really want to go home!"

Fabio yelled in terror.

" I want you to see, little girl. I want you to watch your friends die horribly."

Dormammu declared

" Only one of us dies today demon, and it will be you."

Blaize declared to the demon.

" We will see soon."

Dormammu declared as an army of demons started spawning.

The brothers immediately began attacking the mindless ones.

" Brothers get back!"

Blaize yelled to his two brothers. They both immediately jumped back towards the group


Blazie roared as he fired a massive blast of fire from his mouth.


Rain yelled as he did the same as his brother.


Tremor yelled as he slammed his hands on the ground. The cave began to shift, and walls formed trapping the mindless in place for his brothers.

" AHHH!"

Mindee yelled as one of the mindless pulled her from the group.

" Sisters! Help me!"

Mindee cried out for help.

Blaize turned and rushed to help the young lady, dividing the monster attacking her in half with his hand.


Illyana yelled as she broke free from Dormammus grasp and attacked him.


Scott ordered.

" Thank you Blaize."

Mindee said.

" Don't worry about it. Compose yourself the battle is still on going."

Blaize said as he turned his attention back to the swarm of foes.


Illyana yelled.

Suddenly the X-men fell through another portal in the ground this time landing back on earth

" Are we back?"

Eva asked

" Man down! Oh my god! He's not breathing! Can't read his mind! Benjamin! Is- Is that his name?"

Phoebe asked as she looked down at the dying boy.

" You- Christopher, you can heal him?"

Eva both said and asked

" Can I?"

Christopher asked

" I've never done something like this before. I've done cuts and bruises."

Chris said to the group.

" Empty your mind, Christopher. You need to focus now. This is what you do now. This is who you are. Just like breathing. Just like eating. Decide you can, and you will."

Emma said as she guided the boy on using his powers.

Christopher focused and seconds later Benjamin opened his eyes.

" Are we there yet?"

Ben asked

" Crikey that- This is nuts!"

Eva yelled.

" Seriously, what- What happened?"

Ben asked

" How do you feel?"

Emma asked the boy.

" Confused."

Ben simply replied

" Anybody want to tell me what just happened from, let's say, the beginning of the day? Where were we?"

Warren asked

" I'm sorry Warren. All of you. I'm sorry that happened. You were not ready for this."

Scott stated

" Maybe not all of you but we Ugh!"

Tremor grunted as Blaize, and Rain cut him off with a smack to the back of his head.

" You, none of you looked like you were ready for this."

Eva said to the man.

" What Eva's trying to say is it didn't look like you know how to use your powers any better than we do."

Benjamin interjected.

" I know what it looks like."

Scott replied

" I don't understand. I've seen you on TV Taking down giant robots and."

Chris was saying.

" No offense scott, you seem worse at this than when we were kids..."

Warren explained

" Everyone here needs help. We start training tomorrow morning. All of us."

Scott declared.

" Not me. I want you to take me home. Now."

Fabio demanded

" Fabio, I know you're upset but we can-"

Emma was saying.

" You don't know me. Take me home."

Fabio demanded again.

" You need to calm down and."

Emma was cut off again.

" And WHAT?! You just took me to hell?! I don't want to be a part of you! I don't want to be a part of any of this. You take me home. NOW!"

Fabio yelled in anger.

" Take the coward home, let's see if his people will accept him."

Tremor declared.

" Tremor that's enough."

Emma stated

" No, Frost. My brother is right. You are a gutless spineless coward Fabio. I pray for your sake your parents will take you back. I pray for your sake the people don't come for you like they did us. If you want to cry and waste our time, then fine. We'll have you home soon."

Blaize said to the boy getting a look of unease from everyone but his brothers.

" My brothers maybe harsh with their words, but they speak truth. Had we not had to protect most of you while we were there, we probably could have defeated Dormammu with Illyana's help. To prevent things like that happening again, we all need to train. If he doesn't want to do that, then he is wasting our time. They might not have said it that way, but they don't wish to see you become another casualty Fabio."

Rain explained to the group.

" And how is it you are all so powerful?"

Eva asked

" We are elementals. We've accepted that. We are only limited by our imagination. I control fire, that means all forms of fire are mine to command."

Blaize explained

" I control the earth, that means the earth and all things that are made from any form of earth, land, rock, or mineral are mine to command. Even Metal is just a refined from of mineral."

Tremor explained

" And I water and all of its natural forms. Including Ice and a few other things."

rain said alluding to his control over more forms of fluids.

" Let's get back to base. I'm sure we've all had enough for one day."

Scott said as he got up to go back to base, the rest of the team following close behind him.

" Uhm, Blaize?"

Mindee called out.

" Yeah?"

Blaize asked

" Thank you for saving me."

Mindee thanked the man again.

Blaize smiled and put his hand atop the girl's head.

" Hmph, I told you not to worry about it."

Blaize said as he ruffled her blonde hair making her smile as well. His two brothers looked back at him in confusion as it was not often did, they see him smile.