

"I searched throughout the city, focussing particularly on previous murder sights... Believe it or not, I am a skilled tracker, so I eventually followed the traces to the Orphanage... I entered, and as soon as I did and laid eyes on the Matron, I knew she was the one responsible."

"Excuse me, but how could you possibly know such a thing with a glance?" Proventus asks sceptically, his emotions mirrored by others.

Michael just nods however, "Because, I saw what was behind her... In the pantry, was an infamous blade, one that pushes its users to butcher their friends and families. Ask this, who were the murder victims to the Matron? Were they close?"

Balgruuf's eyes widen in realisation, "T-they... No, they weren't all that close, but... They had adopted children from the Orphanage..."

Farengar speaks up, not minding his position and instead focussing on the blade that was spoken of. "What of this blade? If it's what I suspect, where is it now?" he glances to the guard, "What happened to it?"

"The accused... Hid it away with a... Book?" he says, sounding more confused the further he explained it.

Michael nods, "I sealed it away to prevent anyone getting harmed by it... If it could enhance the Matron to such a degree, I feared what would happen if a warrior got a hold of it... Worse yet, one of the Companions..." he trails off, a few nodding at the sheer chaos that could've been caused.

Balgruuf squints in annoyance, "Just what is this blade!? Farengar, enlighten us!"

It isn't the Court Mage that answers however, but the Jarl's Housecarl. "The Ebony Blade of Mephala, the Spider God." she utters with both shock and fear.

"A Daedric Prince!?" Balgruuf all but shouts, clearly surprised by the revelation. Upon receiving a nod from his Housecarl, he slumps in his chair and clutches his face, hiding his roiling emotions from all in attendance.

"My Jarl?" Proventus tentatively asks.

Balgruuf just shakes his head with a dull chuckle, "A Daedric Prince in my home, how could this happen? Do the Gods have no sense of justice? W-what of Huldth's fate? I've heard tales of such artifacts, none of them good."

Irileth looks down solemnly, "Her soul was likely devoured by Maphela upon her death."


Michael stands there awkwardly for a bit, allowing the Jarl and his retainers to grieve. Soon enough though, the Jarl recovers his composure and looks back at him. "So, you recognised the Blade? Then what?"

"She grabbed it and charged me, seeing me as an enemy... I fled to get the woman away from the children, and get help to restrain her... I believe that I'm strong, but not strong enough to restrain a woman enhanced by a Daedric Prince. After the guard died, I decided to not risk any more lives and ended her quickly with a spell... I regret that it came to that, but I didn't really have any other choice." he glances at the guard, "You saw her, I doubt anyone but the Companions could've fought her and lived.", the man in question giving a shuddering nod.


Balgruuf lets out a sigh, "So you claim to have done it to defend the people of Whiterun, is that right?"

"No, not the people of Whiterun... People in general." Michael corrects, not really caring to be particular about it.

Balgruuf slowly nods, a hint of respect in his eyes, "Then, I relieve you of all charges... But this matter is not yet over, we have to discuss the fate of the blade responsible for all of this. Farengar, Irileth, what should be done with it?"


The duo stands there in thought for a moment before the Court Mage speaks up, "My Jarl, forgive me but, I doubt my ability to be around such an artifact, let alone seal it for any significant amount of time... Mephela is the Daedric Prince of lies, murder, and manipulation. The Blade's very presence could alter the way people around it think, at least, that's what everything I know of it suggests."

Irileth chews the inside of her cheek, "We still don't know for what purpose it found its way into our city. This could be yet another scheme, or, it could be a complete accident... What I want to know is how Huldth acquired it in the first place."

"And we'll begin investigating as soon as possible. But I'd rather not do so with a clearly dangerous artifact in our midst." Proventus presses with crossed arms.

Balgruuf focuses on Michael, "What of you, the Blade seems subdued with you, whatever you did to it... What do you suggest?"


That is indeed something Michael had been thinking about himself... He'd been wandering around Skyrim picking up Daedric Artifacts as if they were club fliers... The Vessel of the Hunt by Hircine in Falkreath, Nocturnal's Skeleton key in Riften, and now the Mephala's Ebony Blade here in Whiterun.

He truly hoped he was just getting lucky... Or unlucky depending on how you looked at it. For if it wasn't, then a grander scheme was probably in play. After all, he doubted that the Daedric Princes would be fine with him possessing so many of their artifacts.

As for what to do with the Ebony Blade? He refused to try and use it, even with his Mental Defences and Magic Resistance, there was only so much you could do against the influence of a god. How long would it be until he was cutting down Tiffania and Charlotte to empower the blade?

The Book of Heroes seemed to be able to seal it just fine, but he was wary of relying on it too much... What if the Blade corrupted his book? The thing was almost integral to his being at this point, so he shuddered to think what the effects of such a possession would be.

Still, it wasn't just himself he had to worry about. If he gave the blade to Whiterun to have it sealed, what would happen if the Dragonborn discovered it in the future?

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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