

Zaya_McHugh · Sports, voyage et activités
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9 Chs

Chapter Nine

I slowly faded between consciousness waking up a couple of times in the back of a van only to fall back asleep. When I was finally able to wake up all the way I was tied down to a table. Panic rose almost immediately when I remembered what happened and where I was. I looked around but no one was there, I tried moving my wrists and ankles trying to pull them out of the restraints. Just then Dr.D came in the room, he looked happy even though he had only caught me, he looked at me like I was the main prize. "Morning Zara, I'm sorry about the restraints they were just for an extra precaution" He told me slowly walking toward me. "Where are my friends?" I ask, trying my best not to look mad. I knew he only got me but I wanted to make sure. "Sadly, your friends got away" He told me, a glum look quickly passing through his face telling me he wasn't lying. "Am I gonna have to stay tied up?" I asked him. "For the first few days, but we'll keep you under some anesthesia" He tells me just when I realize he was holding a needle, I start panicking. "Why!?" I shout, still trying to move but the restraints stop me every time. He doesn't answer, stabbing me with the shot, pushing a clear liquid in my arm. "Why?" I whisper out as he leaves the room. Doctors rush in as I start to slip into unconsciousness. I woke up in a soft bed not wanting to move hoping it all was just a dream and Noah would come yell at me to wake up. But when I lifted my head I was in a big room with no windows, everything was white even the dresser and I knew it wasn't a dream. I sat in the bed wanting to cry or scream but I didn't know if they could see me and I'd never give them that satisfaction. Suddenly a knock came from the door the person wasting no time for a reply to open the door, I quickly realized why. It was Mrs.Joy and Dr.D, they walked in the room Dr.D sitting on the bed near me while Mrs.Joy stands staring at me giving me a cold look. "Glad to see you're up" Dr.D says, making me shift my eyes back to him, a glare almost forming just when Mrs.Joy jumps in. "We need to know where you guys were going Zara." "I'm not sure.." I tell them looking Dr.D in the eyes. I could tell he knew I was lying. "Are you sure? No one told you why you were at the airport?" Dr.D asks "Oh I think they were going to.." I start saying but trail off acting like I forgot the name. "Where Zara?" Mrs.Joy asks, obviously annoyed. "I can't remember the name, do you have a map?" She rolls her eyes but pulls out her phone opening it. She hands it to me. I saw a bunch of places and tried to pick the one farthest away from everyone. "I think it was there.." I say pointing at the screen. They both look confused in their eyes at first, then worry. "Are you sure they went to Washington?." They ask cautiously. "Yeah... I think so that's what everyone was talking about" I tell them. "Alright, thank you I'll be back later to take you on a tour of the place" Dr.D tells me as Mrs.Joy quickly leaves. I look at him confused and he chuckles. "You kids have only ever been in two hallways of this building the rest was off-limits remember?" I nod forcing out a laugh. He leaves the room and again I'm all alone. A couple of hours later I'm still sitting on the bed when the door opens once more it's Dr.D again. He walks over to me. "Zara, dear, just making sure, is that the only place you guys talked about?" He asked. "I'm pretty sure Dr.D," I tell him, moving back into the pillows to try and move away from him as he sits at the end of the bed. "Zara do you know what you are?" He asks, moving his arm a little bit. "A magical freak" I tell him looking up at him laughing bitterly."You are not a freak Zara, but you are different than most kids with your ability. You are a supernatural hybrid, all of you are" He said sternly. "Why are we different from the rest?!" I quickly sat up, panic rising in my voice. "You got both the traits your parents have but you're not the only one like this. It is a very uncommon trait in our world and our group of doctors have been trying to figure out how it works, that's why we have you kids" He explains slowly as I take in all the information. "Why didn't you tell me?" I couldn't think of anything else, I look at him wondering how much he is keeping from us. "Let us talk more about this in my office" He says motioning for us to leave. I get up following him out. "We can have your tour after this" He tells me. We start heading down the hall seeing a couple secretary guards but not much else. We turn down a new hall, seeing doors going up and down both sides. Next to each door was a plaque with a name Dr.Smith, Dr.Kelly, Dr.Joy and at the end of the hall was a double door. As we walked past the other doors some people came out giving me weird looks but quickly left. We got to the end of the hall going into the room, it was huge. The walls were covered in books and a desk sat in the middle of the room with a laptop on it. He motions for me to take a seat as he walks to the other side of the desk the chairs looked comfortable but I didn't wanna sit, I wanted answers. "Please sit Zara, I'll tell you as much as I can" he sighs motioning to the chair again. I take his offer, this time slowly sitting down. "What am I?" I ask him, looking straight into his eyes. "You are a hybrid, as I said, but not just any. You're a mix of a Hombre-lobo and a Bruja as referred to as a werewolf and witch in america. Your mix is the rarest possible, we weren't sure you'd get both honestly. But according to sources you have shown displays of both, which is amazing. So when we were able to get you we were very pleased, we have many tests we have to run.." He starts going on but I zone him out, the idea of me having two abilities and getting tested on all the time terrified me. "Zara please pay attention" Dr.D says, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I look up to see him holding a book and realize he had stood up and was now right next to me. "Here, I would like you to read this. It will teach you about hybrids" He tells me, handing the book over just as someone bursts in the room. But before he could even say a word Dr.D shoots him a look that shuts him up instantly. "What do you want Vincent?" He asks. "We have some reports about the problem that you need to see right now sir" The guy tells him. Dr.D nods looking back at me he looks like he's debating something. When he finally decides he turns to me all the way, but before I could stand up he raises his hand motioning for me to stop. "You can stay here and read the book. I'll come get you after this and we'll go on that tour" He tells me, I nod my head and watch as they walk out hearing the click of a lock right after. I immediately stand up and go to his desk. The one bad quality about Dr.D was he didn't use computers, so everything was written down. Once the final data came through I started skimming through all his work till I got to a section of folders. They all were different colors, looking through them I see one with my name on it. So I open it, all I see is a bunch of stuff I don't fully understand but I knew Noah would. I quickly look around till my eyes land on what I was looking for. I grab all the folders with our names and walk over to the copying machine. I quickly copy all the papers putting the new ones in my bra and the old ones back in the folder. I quickly put the folders back making sure I dont drop it. I saw something else, it was another group of folders all different in color with more names on them. I grab the first one I see and it read "Violet Grays 15 Telepathy Advancement", but the rest were just like the other folders. I put the folder back and that's when I noticed the tan folder that's separating each of the color gaps. I grab the one in front of ours and start reading it.

The Washington group will be testing nine children, six will be female and the other three male. The test subjects are here to see if they will display both parents abilities or just the one. All will start off at infancy. The children will not be told of abilities until sixteen or when they start to show. Most important subject will be 930 (Female, age 2, Hombre-lobo and Bruja). Subject 930 has been missing for two years. Relocation team has just found where she and her parents are hiding.

I couldn't read anymore. After that I knew what that folder was and I quickly took it to the machine copying every page to read later. As soon as I finished, I heard Dr.D coming down the hall. He was talking to someone. I quickly put the folder back and sit in my seat opening the book a couple pages to make it seem like I was reading. When the door opens I look up and see Dr.D in the doorway. "Did you like the book Zara?" He asks, but something seems off. "Yeah, of course. I'm almost done with the first chapter" I tell him trying to keep a smile on my face, but something just doesn't sit right. "Well you can keep it for now. We need to get you back to your room, no tour I'm afraid" He tells me, I just nod. Standing up, I walk behind him silently till we get to my door. I couldn't tell what was going on but everyone was busy it seemed, running around. Dr.D opens the door and pushes me in. "Just stay in here until I come and get you" He says, closing the door quickly. But I had caught my shirt in the door stopping the lock from clicking. I quickly grab a bag throwing the papers in and open the door. I started sneaking around the halls, but only knowing three halls in the building did not help any. I snuck around till I got to a part where I remember seeing security. I stayed quiet listening to see if they were still there. At first I heard nothing till the radio static turned on. "Alpha this is Fin, the boy isn't out back not sure where he went." I heard a guy say. He sounded young, not any older than twenty. "We'll find him Fin. The boss won't be happy if he gets to the girl or if he gets away" Another voice sounded. I stood there confused for a second till I realized it was just Noah coming to save me. Which meant I had to get out before he got in. I backed up and decided to go around to find a way out since I was still learning how my powers worked. I start following a new hallway till I recognize the area as the cafe, but I hear static of radios inside, maybe two. I knew where to go from here to get out and this was my only chance. I focused all my rage that I had to try and shift and it worked surprisingly well. The process was still a little painful, feeling every bone in your body move around. But I brush it off, getting up, I run into the room snarling at anyone who tries to touch me. "It's him, get him!" They yelled, I almost laughed that they thought I was Noah. His wolf was huge compared to mine. They tried chasing me but everytime one got close I would bare my teeth and try to bite them. As scared as they were, they would back up. It was obvious they had no abilities, so they resorted to violence. "Just shoot him" One yelled, scaring me a bit. I focused my anger again and a fire wall appeared scaring them. I quickly run through all the doors, my wolf body being enough weight to push them open. When I get to the main door, my bag in my mouth, I stand on my hind legs to push the door but it doesn't work. I start to shift back to normal, the pain not as bad as the first time. I stand up hoping no one is out there and put all my force into opening the door and it opens just enough for me to get through before it slams shut behind me. I look around and see that I'm surrounded by woods. I quickly run in and try to shift back again to look for Noah or Sophia. It takes a second but it works and I'm once again, my beautiful white wolf form.