

Telling the story of an half dog, half human in a fantasy world. Also on Wattpad with the same novel name. I apologize for the book-cover, I do not have one yet.

ryuhidetaka · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Enter: Naraka

"Is anyone inside? Yagami said that you are here, Yose." from the voice it seems that Mr. Hideo is looking for Yose. He knocks on the door of the talisman room. Yose responds, "I'm here Mr. Hideo. Come inside." Hideo then opens the door, "You are needed. There is a cursed spirit near here inside Naraka that you need to exorcise. It is trying to get to the real world." "I need to? I don't even know what Naraka is...Isn't there someone else to take care of it?" "Unfortunately no, I would try to do it myself but I am not a fighter type methodologist so I need your help. I'll explain what Naraka is to you, listen to me." Hideo explains Naraka for five minutes or so then tells Yose how to enter, handing him two talismans." "So I need to use this to enter?" he asks, holding up the talismans that Hideo had just given to him, "Is this one-way or can I come back?"

"Us humans cannot stay inside Naraka for too long because it drains out life-force energy very fast. The talisman allows you to enter and return when your time is up. When you feel like you are near your limit, use the second talisman to exit." "I see. So I need to keep track of my time spent inside Naraka," Yose replies, holding the talisman that he'll use to exit once his time is up, "And when it gets close to the time that I can come back, I need to use this one instead." "Precisely, when you are in the type of danger you cannot take care of, immediately exit no matter what you are facing." "Understood." Yose says, nodding his head in acknowledgement, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind and exit immediately if the situation gets too dangerous for me to handle." "Well, get going before the cursed spirit manages to reach real world. They get stronger in our world after all." "Yeah, I'll be on my way." Yose says, taking a firm hold of the talismans that'll help him enter Naraka, "I'll be back before you know it. "Yose then turns and heads out of the talisman room, ready to tackle the cursed spirit that's just on the brink of escaping the realm. Let's see what my life-force energy is able to do!

So all I have to do to open the gate to Naraka is hold the talisman and say, "Gate: Open"? 

"Gate: Open," he says to himself, clutching the talisman tightly in his hand. As he speaks the words, the talisman glows with a bright light, which slowly spreads out into a glowing, circular entrance that's large enough for him to walk through. Yose steps forward and enters the circle of glowing light, beginning to walk through the entrance into Naraka. The light fades behind him as he does so, sealing the entrance from the real world. As his vision adjusts to the dim light, he's able to make out the presence of the cursed spirit that he needs to exorcise. He entered from a forest to Naraka so it's extremely dark around here. The cursed spirit's presence causes the atmosphere to become darker and more foreboding, like a thick black fog. The air becomes thicker and harder to breathe in, and the ground seems to grow steeper and rougher on all sides. Yose can see faint outlines of trees and greenery just beyond the reach of the darkness. Yose takes a moment to gather himself, his heart pounding hard in his chest as he takes in the dark atmosphere that surrounds him, the faint outlines of the trees and greenery beyond just barely within his vision. He takes a few deep breaths, steadying himself as he prepares to approach the cursed spirit that lies just within the darkness. Then the sudden realization hits him. There are more than one!? He can sense several cursed spirits in the shadows, their presence growing stronger and more pronounced as he draws closer. A sudden wave of fear and unease washes over him as he realizes that he isn't just facing a lone spirit. He has to exorcise all of them."Damn it..." he murmurs quietly under his breath, trying to keep his resolve now. Yose, after walking a bit more sees the amount he has to face. One in particular looks just like a human without any differences except for the eyes. They are completely blacked out. As Yose thinks to himself about this, the human looking entity begins to eat one of the cursed spirits!? Yose watches silently as the human looking entity starts to devour a cursed spirit, taking it in with a shocked sense of disbelief. He's never seen a spirit devour another one before, and as he takes in the scene, his mind begins to fill with questions...

Why is it doing that? he whispers to himself, his mind trying to make sense of the unusual behavior. Is it trying to strengthen itself? he wonders, feeling a sense of uneasiness as he watches the spirit devour its kin. "State your name." the entity suddenly looks at the direction where Yose is standing and asks for his name. A cursed spirit that can speak? Yose is taken aback by the sudden voice, surprised by the entity's ability to communicate. He's never encountered a cursed spirit that could speak before, and it catches him off guard. He takes a couple of seconds to gather himself before answering the creature's query. "Yose. And you?" he says, keeping his voice as calm and even-tonued as possible. "Avinash" is my name. I am an impurity. Impurities: Are when a human falls victim to a cursed spirit. The cursed spirit takes over their body and mind. They eat other cursed spirits to become stronger and stronger.

Yose nods his head once in acknowledgement, noting the entity's name."What is a dog doing here?" Avinash asks, his voice still calm but now tinged with a slight note of curiosity. Yose takes a moment to digest Avinash's response, trying to make sense of it. "You want to know what I'm doing here?" he whispers to himself, feeling a prick of unease as he wonders where this exchange is headed. "I could ask you the same question." he answers, speaking calmly still but with a hint of caution in his tone. "I am eating, can't you see?" "I'm asking why" Yose replies calmly, trying his best not to let his frustration show. "Why are you eating the cursed spirits? Are you trying to grow stronger or something?" he continues, wanting to understand the cursed spirit's motivations. "You could say that. I do become stronger." He continues, "Never seen someone quite like you in here, are you perhaps here to kill me?" "Not exactly. I'm here to exorcise the cursed spirits that roam this place. You happen to be one of the ones that I'm tasked with exorcising," Yose replies bluntly and straight to the point, not bothering to beat around the bush. "And if that means having to fight you, then I'll do so. "Fine, let's fight."

The tense atmosphere between the two of them grows even colder.

Yose vs Impurity Avinash! Who will be victorious?

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