
Un- Touched

Aurora opened her mouth to say something but only a shaky breath left her lips. Sure she knew she had a sad life, the worse actually. But did fate really have to pair her… With HADES?! Standing before her was the god of death and the underworld. Every picture she had seen of the gods had not depicted Hades’ beauty. The god seated before her was not an old man with a white beard that reached his foot, he was the true definition of glamour. “Well, you beat my expectations. I expected a slim figured sad child.” Hades spoke, his voice sending tingles down Aurora's spine. “And I expected an old man with wonky tooth holding a stick to support his remaining lifeline.” Hades opened his mouth to say something about her outburst, while Aurora mentally faced Palmed herself wishing she hadn't said that to the god of death. She stared at him expecting him to cast her into the darkest hell cell as punishment, but his lips only pulled up a grin. “Well, well… I guess I had expected little from my human mate.”

Ty_sonm · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
6 Chs


"Madi, you said a small party at a downside club…" My voice itched as I stared at the party people.

"It is small, this is small compared to the ones I am usually invited to. You would know that if you actually go out" she mumbled the last part to herself but I heard it. And I gritted my teeth, I was starting to hate allowing myself, come out to the open.

Not that I look weird or anything, if anything I look the best. I know so. Madison did a great job in selecting the right outfit, a sleeveless red jumpsuit that clunged to my shape nicely. She knew of my sudden addiction for gloves, that was why she got something to match it… And so I won't embarrass her of course.

Madison walks over to a man that was already making his way towards us, and they hugged. I couldn't not help but walk behind her putting my best 'don't talk to me face'. It wasn't that much of a hassle, my face naturally has a resting bitch face, one that I've grown to love.

I clench and unclenched my fist, as I stared down at my small hands, that were enclosed in my only protection from the world. I have forced myself to disappear from my foster parents life just to create a new one from myself. From the past months, i had tried to master the art of using gloves. I have moved to four different houses for making a slight mistake… From touching things.

It all started on my birthday. I was celebrating with Madison at home. We drank wine, Madi was drunk as hell but it take more than a bottle to get me tipsy. Madison had just went to throw up, while I was still drinking my ass off. Her phone started to ring, I move over to picked it up and once I held it, the phone melted in my hand and turned to dust. I didn't panic at first. I thought the alcohol was starting to kick in making me see things, but the light that eminated from my touch made me jerk up stumbling on the couch. I had unknowingly touched it too, it wasn't long before I landed on the ground with a loud thud. Everything I touched burned and turned to dust that night. Thankfully Madison passed out in the toilet. So she didn't witness it happen, and I was so afraid… I still am. On telling her, because it bothers me that she would consider me a freak and I can't loose my only friend.

Madison stopped talking to the stranger and turned to me smiling from ear to ear, I was glad she did not bother introducing him to me.

"Having fun, eh?" She questions before playfully tugging me on my waist with her elbow.

"Nah, man." I told her truthfully.

"Relax, we just got here." she cooled and I smiled suppressing the urge to say 'and I want to leave all ready.'

"Hello ladies," A voice calls from behind. I didn't bother turning and Madison was so engrossed in blabbing about a wine she has always wanted to tasted, she didn't hear him call out to us. The man came to stand in between us, and I gave him the look.

"I said hello ladies"

Madison muttered a hi not sure of what to say. He made to say something but I cut him off.

"We are having a conversation."

"Well then, I don't mind joining."

"As what?"

"Soon to be friend." he grinned

"Pinch yourself to be sure you aren't dreaming."


"Cause only dream gives such possibilities."

I turned to Madison who has been darting her eyes from the man to myself.

"You want to get that wine now?" I raised a question.

"Yes," I took her hand and we started cat walking to a different arena. The music was buzzing and people were dancing in this arena. I nodd my head to the song that was playing and madison tugged on my waist yet again.

"See? Told you that you would love it."

And I chuckled.

"I haven't started drinking and I'm already feeling the urge to urinate, can you point me to the rest room?" I asked her and she pointed at a door across the room.

"Go inside and walk straight down. You'd see another door, that's it."

"Wait for me here." I informed her before I started making my way towards the direction she pointed to me.

I made my way past the sweaty bodies, dancing and grinding amongst themselves. 8

I continued to walk down to the door while silently huming the song playing to myself . I couldn't remember where I heard this one.. But I loved it.

I opened the door to go in and suddenly an arm wrapped around my arm dragging me inside, I widened my eyes as the Mascular hand pulled me inside and locked the door behind me. I opened my mouth to let a cry for help but the mascular hands clamped over my mouth. I struggled against the person, my cries coming out muffled because of his obtrusive hands.

The man groaned when I jabbed my elbow into his stomach, but he didn't loosen his hold on me. He simply wrapped his arm around my waist and carried me to the counter in the room, a place where I assume people wash their hands after using the rest room I assumed. He gently dropped me on the counter and I turned to him aggressively to see who my abusier was, and funny enough for me, it was the man from earlier.

I let out a curt laugh in mockery, " I mean I know I am quite the catch, but you being adamant on chasing me after bluntly ignoring you is a shame and a bruise to your ego wouldn't you agree?"

"You think you are something right? Talking to me in front of everyone in that manner, do you know who I am?" he thunders as he grabbed my wrist, I felt my gloves pull out from my palm a little and it made me shudder.

'He can't touch me' I panicked.

I quickly think of a possible way to handle this.

"I am sorry. If you let me go now I will pretend this never happened, please let go of my hand." I pleaded

He chuckled deeply.

I was afraid of what he would do to me, no, I was afraid of what I could do to him.

"You are in no position to negotiate with me," he spoke " the only negotiation that will take place is with my dick and your ass hole."

I opened my mouth in shock. Not even my vagina?