
Umm… Is This A Fanfic?

One day at the dinner table, Leon found himself recalling memories from his previous life. His previous self had died from some terrible luck. What terrible luck? Well… A random heart attack. Like…really? The old him who’d died still had many, many years left of his life. Did he have any regrets? Who knows? But there was one thing Leon did know. The previous him probably regretted never finishing his book series. Yes, he was an author. But little did Leon know he was in the world of “Cries & Echoes.” And when he found out. Things were not quite the same. Why was that? He wondered. Will Leon find out that this was a fanfiction? Or try to change the storyline for a better outcome following the original plot? Let’s find out, shall we? Note: This will be a new story and something I've always wanted to try, so... here we go!

Seseal · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 9: A New Name To The Entry

 Another day and another jogging round around the empty streets. It was a quiet morning, and the city was still asleep. The sun was barely up, and as I approached the alley, I strengthened myself and got up the wall without any struggles.

 This time, I didn't fall over and only used physical enhancements. In other words. Colourless magic.

 Contrary to my belief, the water here isn't actually that polluted, as I found out just recently that there are purifying crystals in the canal. But regardless…

—the view is pretty nice.

 I sat down on the wall and watched the water surface. The sun started rising, scattering the gentle rays on the small waves. And the birds lively chirped and danced in the air.

 It was a peaceful morning. At least more delicate than I ever expected out of a large city. I assumed it was going to be rowdy and rough. But It appears I'm wrong.

 The people I've met thus far have been kind, and while some are a bit, let us say…sneaky. It's been an overall good experience. Even though it's just been two weeks, it was quite enjoyable.

 I've still yet to pick a present for Lottie. It's quite difficult picking a present, is it not? Also, in Cries & Echoes, Charlotte is a character that enjoys luxurious things and has a pretty outdated sense of fashion.

 She also has a soft side to animals but is cruel to people. She's not very open and distrusts everyone. Even those called 'friends' after she bloomed were nothing but tools for her to cover herself.

—she apparently also hates sweets and foods. But I digress.


 I couldn't help but chuckle a little when I think about Lottie. She was staring at the sweets on the table, and I could tell how much she wanted to snack on them.

—yet, she didn't...

 …was it because of what I said…? Or was it because of manners?

—I should've asked if she wanted some…


 Her birthday is about three months away, and her attribute will be revealed. Still, based on Vinz's results, I'm unsure if she'll have the attribute of light. After all, I've realised that this world is slightly different from the one in my memories.

 Who knows? Perhaps Lottie had a good upbringing this time around, and her stepmother isn't abusive, while the servants don't ignore her?

—would she be able to stand up for herself if that was the case?

  I don't know. But it doesn't explain the events that occurred in the royal palace.

 She was all meek and defenceless, taking their every word of insult and taking no action to avoid things thrown at her.

 But despite that first impression. She was straightforward. Which was unexpected, to be frank. It sort of contradicts her character. But then again. This isn't a book, and she's a person.

 I just can't think of anyone as a character, even if I know some of the events that would unfold. It feels a bit unreal.

—would I feel different were I a character in the series?

 I honestly don't have an answer to that. But. I think I'd be the same. If not, what sort of character would I've been?

 I'm curious. Who would I have been were it not for these memories? The same? Or…ignorant and spoiled like the many noble brats? But…they're just children like me? Although still somewhat innocent.

—but that's not the case for me, as I've long lost mine.

— :::: —

 Quite a bit of time passed while I was in deep thought. And as I made my way back to the mansion. I saw an adorable little girl with a basket of flowers and an adult man walking beside her.

 The girl brightly smiled and waved at me, making the adult man break his stern expression and chuckle. I raised my arm and waved, and she handed the basket over to her guard and sprinted toward me.

 "Big brother Leon!" she cheerfully called and jumped into my arms, "Good morning!"

 "…good morning, Rachel." I calmly replied and gently hugged her back.

 "Wooow! So strong as always!"

 "Ah ha ha… You think so?"

 She puffed her cheeks, letting go of me. "Hmpf! Big brother doesn't know how to take a compliment!" she complained.

—why is she even here…? Shouldn't she be at home…?

 …I've still not gotten used to this. She'd warmed up to me pretty fast. Even though she'd warmed up to me, she hasn't to Father and Mother. I still didn't know how to act around her. But I guess I'll keep spoiling her…?

  "Did you ask Mama and Papa for permission to come outside?" I inquired.

 Rachel nodded and seemed to have forgotten she was mad at me a moment ago.

 "I told Mister Father and Miss Mother I would look for big brother Leon!" she said. "I got lonely since you were out!"

 …it feels a little distant when she says it like that. Even though she's not related to them, nor me for that matter. We're still considered family. I think…

 I felt a bit troubled and said, "You don't need to be so formal. After all, it's Mama and Papa, you know? They won't get angry, and we're family."

 Rachel shuddered for a brief moment and hugged me. "…I'm sorry," she said. "I…can't. I'm scared."


 There was a reason why we stayed in the capital instead of immediately heading back to the Shellheart estate. And that was because my parents had adopted Rachel.

 They'd always known I wanted a sibling and, well… Mother had many miscarriages, and my birth was their miracle. And when Rachel's real parents passed away due to some unknown cause. And she was considered a cursed child by many and was isolated.

 Having heard the story, my parents pitied her and took her in. With this, I got a sibling. At first, she was wary of us all. But when no one was around, she cried her heart out. I comforted with the best of my abilities, and…here we are.

 I gently patted her head and changed the subject. "By the way, dearest sister of mine. Where did you get all of those beautiful flowers?"

 Rachel's soft and gentle green eyes sparkled as she replied, "This beautiful girl my age sold them on the street! Her hair was so fluffy and white, and her eyes were so golden and pretty!"

—okay… That's Lia. No wonder the arrangement looked familiar.

 "I see," I replied. "What are you going to do with them?"

 "Hehe~" Rachel innocently giggled. "I'm giving them to big brother!"

 "Thank you…" I said, not really knowing to reply properly.

 Rachel nodded and seemed satisfied. She then let go of me and spread her arms wide open, saying, "Carry!"

 So… I did as she requested and carried her in my arms—all the way back to the manor. Mother and Father greeted us and said we looked close.

 Rachel seemed a little conflicted by their statement and requested me to put her down. She then took two bouquets out of the basket and handed them one each. She looked to the side, crossing her arms and glanced at them.

 "I-It's not like I bought them for you two! I just got a few too many to help the economy go around, don't get the wrong idea!" she said and ran to me with a bright red face.

 My parents were stunned momentarily before they hugged us both, saying, "Thank you, Rachel! You too, Leon, for always being such a good kid!"

—unlike me, Rachel is an actual genius and the one who'll torment Celia. I sometimes forget that.