
Umm… Is This A Fanfic?

One day at the dinner table, Leon found himself recalling memories from his previous life. His previous self had died from some terrible luck. What terrible luck? Well… A random heart attack. Like…really? The old him who’d died still had many, many years left of his life. Did he have any regrets? Who knows? But there was one thing Leon did know. The previous him probably regretted never finishing his book series. Yes, he was an author. But little did Leon know he was in the world of “Cries & Echoes.” And when he found out. Things were not quite the same. Why was that? He wondered. Will Leon find out that this was a fanfiction? Or try to change the storyline for a better outcome following the original plot? Let’s find out, shall we? Note: This will be a new story and something I've always wanted to try, so... here we go!

Seseal · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
26 Chs

Chapter 6: Un(expected) Vissit

 Early in the morning, when most of the capital's residents sleep, I jogged around the small district right outside the mansion. The air felt nice, and I felt light. Swiftly on my feet, I turned, taking a detour and exploring the area around me.

 We'll be staying in the capital for three weeks, and I might as well get familiar with the streets. Since our garden didn't have any obstacles in the way like there are in the alleys.

 Of course, back home, we have an obstacle course in the forest, and I quite like it. But it really does feel different in the city, doesn't it?

 And since it was early in the morning, I won't attract so much attention—so I hope at least.

 But as I kept running through the alleys, jumping over barrels and boxes, sliding under obstacles and crossing fences, there was a massive wall.

 However, walls like these aren't a problem since I'm very agile. But I could also use body enhancements, strengthening my whole body. And with this, I'm able to use lightning magic without injuring myself.


 For a split second, everything became much slower, something my old self called bullet time. And as I further increased my speed, I ran on the wall to my right, then switched over to the wall to the left, jumped off that wall, grabbed the edge, and pulled myself over to the other side.

 "Heh… Perfection—"


—so there was a body of water here, huh?

 Spark only lasted for 0.3 seconds and wore off as soon as I got up, so… I didn't really have time to react and fell into the river.

—this water can't be any clean, can it…?

— :::: —

 When I returned to the mansion, Father and Mother were waiting for me and wondered how I got myself drenched. I don't think they wanted to comment on it. But…

—I probably smell…

 And so, I troubled Rose as she had to prepare me a bath abruptly. And while I was waiting, I could only hear comments about me taking after my parents.

—I…I'm not a clutz like them! I was just unaware that there was a river there!

 After finishing bathing, I headed back to my room. And since we're in the capital, I don't have my usual lectures, so I'm basically free for three whole weeks. Not that I know what to do with that time, though.

 But… After that jog, my mind became clearer—except it hasn't.

 I'm still utterly confused as to why Vinz got cured so fast. I should've known beforehand since we were invited and all. But I just assumed it was a formal thing and that he wouldn't even show up.

—and that's why I was gathering my thoughts on the balcony.

 Though, I didn't expect him to come up to me and start a conversation, let alone try to befriend me.

 But what I don't understand is why he has an attribute for all four common elements. Sure, in the book, he was special for having two. But four? That's basically unheard of!

 Well, it's fine, I suppose. If he has that much potential, he wouldn't be in danger when he learns how to master it.

—or is there something I'm forgetting?

 As I thought along those lines, I grabbed my rune pen to then scribble down things on paper.

—I really should've taken the book with me…

 But I suppose that's fine since things are just way different now. I met the prince and Charlotte. And I guess I'll make new plans from there.

 Let's see… regarding Vinz, he's a bit spoiled, prone to get scammed and believes in the good of people. For better or worse…

—that is, if he's the same Vinz.

 That's highly likely since he's still innocent. But on the other hand. He's more… powerful, at least potential-wise.

—then…what about Celia?

 Celia is supposed to be the protagonist. Her attribute is light—like Charlotte. And she was well-treated until she enrolled at the magic academy.

 I don't think I have to worry about her then… But Charlotte is another story. She's probably on the way back to the Sunshield estate… She's looked down upon by some of the servants and her stepmother.

 Her father is unaware of all of that since he's busy with work. Charlotte…With her meek personality, I doubt she'll be able to stand up for herself.

 While her father spoils her, she doesn't want to bother him. And to make matters worse, he's a diplomat who travels for months on end.

 He only remarried because he thought she needed a mother figure in her life. But that proved to backfire really badly.

 I put down my pen and leaned back, locked up at the ceiling.

—but I can change that.

 Charlotte's birthday was three months away, and I could set them all up—getting her father to divorce the stepmother and fire the servants who mistreated her.

 Some time has passed, and someone knocked on the door. "You may enter," I replied.

 The person standing by the door was Mark. He's tall, a little tanned and has golden eyes. He's what you'd call a handsome man…

 "Is there something the matter?" I inquired.

 Mark nodded. "Yes, Prince Vincent has come to visit you, Master Leon."

—don't tell me he still wanted to spar?

 "Certainly… I'll be there soon."

—please, anything but sparring!

— :::: —

 After tucking away my notes, I headed to the guest room where Vinz was and found several servants by his side.

—oh! That must be Sylvester!

  Sylvester's the butler who tends to Vinz. He was one of the best assassins in the kingdom! And now he works for the royal family and is Vinz's mentor in basically everything.

—I still don't understand how Vincent became someone prone to getting scammed with someone like Sylvester as a mentor…

 "Greetings, Prince Vincent. I apologise for my delay. Did I perhaps make you wait long?" I asked.

 But for some reason, Vinz crossed his arms and sulked. "Leon, I told you to call me Vinz," he said.

 I glanced at Sylvester to make sure it was okay to do so. And with a small nod, I got his approval.

 "In that case, why are you here, Vinz?" I casually asked.

 Vinz brightly smiled. "Mm-mm!" he excitedly nodded.

 Upon seeing our exchange, Mother and Father, who'd accompanied Vinz until now, left the room with the other servants. Only Sylvester, Mark and Rose were left with us.

 "Mind if I ask why you're here?" I asked.

 Vinz mischievously smiled and handed me a hooded robe. "Since you'll be here for a few weeks, let me show you around the capital!" he declared.


  Sylvester sighed. "My Lord, I highly doubt you know how to navigate the city," he remarked.

—I thought as much.

 "Not only that, traversing with robes that expensive will only attract more attention, my Lord."

 Vinz puffed his cheeks, asking, "What do we do then…?" while he huffed and sulked.

  Sylvester glanced at me and asked, "How about letting Lord Leon come up with a plan? I've heard he's quite splendid."

—am I being tested?

 "…very well," I said. I pondered a little and came up with a fantastic idea. "We could pretend to be a family, Miss Rose and Mister Mark will be our parents, and Mister Butler will be our grandfather."

 I glanced over at Mark and Rose—only to see both of them blushing.

 As for Vinz, he seemed ecstatic, and his eyes were innocently sparkling. "I like this a whole lot!" he exclaimed. "Th-Then, can I call you Brother Leon!?"

—having the prince call me 'brother' would be…

 "Hmm, I quite like the notion, Lord Leon," Sylvester said with an evil grin as he glanced over at Rose and Mark, who looked away from one another.

—what's this…? Is he also a shipper…?