
Ultimate Throne

In the grand tapestry of existence, mortality serves as a poignant reminder of the transience of life. Fish succumb to the whims of hunger, their fate a mere trifle in the grand scheme. Humans, on the other hand, surrender to the allure of wealth, a fleeting dream that vanishes like smoke on the wind. Yet, in this world, the currency of trust proves far more perilous. To entrust one’s fate to the wrong individual is to invite despair, to drown in a sea of regret. Trusting a devil will only leave one imprisoned by the chains of pain. When I say “devil,” I don’t mean it in a spiritual sense, but rather a human with the characteristics of a devil. A person capable of lying to himself until his mind believes it to be the truth. Someone who views the world with disdain and wouldn’t care if it disappeared in the next second. On the planet Ablauf, where the extraordinary has become mundane, abilities both grand and trivial are woven into the fabric of existence. like turning into an insect, to the all powerful like reversing time, mind control, and turning illusion into reality. Tito Roux Z, a broken soul from Earth with the ability to turn into flames, lands on this planet with no goals in mind. However, from the second day onward, when he heard about the “Ultimate Throne” granting the rights to be Sovereign of Ablauf from Encender Tohil, a fellow inmate at the time, other thoughts began to form in his dark mind.

Platofox · Romance
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123 Chs

Galactic Prison [3]

[Star P.O.V]

Bright Kazuma. The second person to find the Ultimate Throne is my father. 

Yes, the previous King of the world was my dad. 

I was born twenty-seven years ago and at that time my father was just an adventurer looking for the Ultimate Throne. 

As I grew up, I looked up to him. He was cool and loving to everyone on his team. He was everything I wanted to be. Smart and charming, he was like a hero from a fairy tale. 

When I asked him why he gave me the name 'Star' instead of 'Pedro' that my mother said on her deathbed, his answer was... 

"When your mother died, I had nothing left to live for. I even thought about disbanding the team, but that's when you come, my star."

I was touched by my father's words, I was his 'Star', his hope. Not only that, but I even got myself bitten by the world type blade bee for him. 

In exchange for the ability to sleep, I can make blades appear around me. 

My father didn't like this and shouted at me, but I didn't care. I was his star, I would walk through fire for him to achieve his dream. 

When I turned seventeen, my father got hold of the Ultimate Throne and became the second King of the World. 

After that a question from the team came, "What are you going to do now that you are the king of the world?"

"Nothing, the world is fine as it is. People from other worlds like me shouldn't be here in the first place. Our go was only for a wonderful journey, but now there is no journey. There is no more thrill."

Those were his last words to the world before disappearing. 

Whether he is dead or alive, nobody knows. 

The team disbanded and I was left alone. The Military quickly got their hands on me, and decided to spare me, by putting me into this prison. 

At first, I thought escaping would be easy, as my father said it to be. However, this place is far more complicated than it looks.

A few groups did manage to escape. However, the last group was five years ago, which went through the sky. 

After that a new boss came and closed the roof, together with the holes dug by inmates trying to escape. 

There are no rules in this prison and if we can't kill ourselves in the suicide cube, we just wait here to die.

Even angels turn evil when there are in hell. 

This place changed me and molded me into who I am today. 

Well, I am already a fallen star, who is waiting here to die like everybody else. 

As any prisoner would do, I started gathering a crew to defend myself against the other crews. After that nobody messed up with me. 

Well, that was until a group of newcomers who popped up from that woman's cell block. 

Everyone knows that the F-block inmates don't hang around well with the other cell blocks. Yet, those idiots came rushing in straight here without any care in the world. 

They had the only guy who still had not put on his inmate clothes. He even had fancy jewelry on him like a prince from the Satavahana Dynasty(1).

However, that cowardly rat didn't take my eye. It was the other guy with black and white hair. I knew not to judge as I myself dyed my hair green. 

It is just that his taste sucks. 

And the one who pissed me off the most. 

The girl who looked to be the guy's young sister. 

It was noisy, but I managed to hear her stupid shout, 

"I am going to gather a team that will help me reach the end of the world together with me!"


"Bro, what should we do about that girl?" The long-big nosed Kont asked. 

He touched my shoulder with his left hand, "She is one of those idiots you hate so much."

Tucky, the red haired added, "It looks like she has no idea that no one can escape this place." 

He pretended to ponder a bit, before he smiles, "I will personally educate her."

He is always like that, trying to fight anyone who crosses me. Not only that, but he doesn't even get along with Kont. 

Honestly, both of them are stupid. 

The bad breath coming from Tucky's mouth was even more sicken, than that of rotten fish behind me. 

I walked up front from the library walls, I was leaning on. My feet directed themselves towards the new trio at the edge of this dark hall. 


I could hear the two idiots following from behind. All I could do is ignore them, since they will never get in my way. 

'I will teach that brat a lesson myself.'

Queen of the world my foot! Such a position belongs to no one! Once they reach their go, they forgot about everyone they meet along the way. 

'This is why I stayed here, to teach fools like her a lesson. She needs to be educated that this world is cruel.'

Nothing exists at the end, I myself have seen it. 

A few gazes from the inmates landed on us carrying various emotions. However, they just cleared the path for one of the strongest people here, but one gaze kept on looking at me. 

No, it was directed at Tucky. The white and black haired brat kept looking at him with his phoenix like eyes. 

'Did he fall for his looks...?'

Tucky spoke in a condescending tone, "Tsk, that kid has sharp eyes. I guess, I will have to teach him how to respect his elders."

"Do as you see fit." I answered. 

In my eyes, the other two are fools. They are the ones who follow around an idiot with no direction. I will be only doing them a favor by stopping them now. 

"That's one savage smile boss." Moshy complimented, as he gave me a thumbs up. 

It is natural, a person like me is always savage. 

"How foolish." I said with a derisive voice, the moment the golden eyed girl finished her words. 

I need to show her where she belongs. Airheads like her make me feel sick! 

She turned her head to face me, and I continued, "The first person to find the Supreme Throne maybe a woman, but there is no way you can do it. Why don't you stay in your cell and play house with your brother?"

The smile on the girl faded and was replaced by a serious look.

That's right, get angry, and I will show you what true defeat feels like. 

I spit in her face and added, "Why aren't you doing anything? You scared? You should be. I advise you to go to the Suicidal cube and kill yourself, before you try anything stupid."

"Tell her boss!" Moshy and Tucky supported, as they started laughing at her, "Hehehehe!"

"How dare you?!" The prince looking guy showed his displeasure. 

Veins covered his face like he wanted to kill me. However, he kept on hiding behind the girl's brother, who just stared at with icy eyes. 

The stupid girl opens her mouth a little and closes it. 

"Hahahaha! Do you finally realize how pathetic you are! Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

I brought my face closer to hers, "What? Cat got your tongue? Idiots like you should just stay silent and wait for their deaths in eternal peace."

My last words made an impact, and she took a step forward. Much to my expectations, she walks past us. 

"Phew..." The brother took a sigh of relief. He seems like the type who doesn't want trouble. 

The cowardly prince, just grounded his teeth, as the group went past us. 

"I see, so that's how it is." I frowned my face, as veins started pumping on my forehead. 

The last person to ignore me like that was my father. A few have tried, but they ended with an incomplete heart. 

"Hey freak!" I called, as I turned to look at them. 

'If I do something to her brother, I am positive she will react.'

Seeing my words being ignored, I gritted my teeth and called again, "You with the black and white hair like a first generation t.v!"

The light brown haired girl flinched, but the brother was quick to act. He pressed down her head with his left hand that had veins printed out, showing that he was using all his strength to suppress her. 

He turns his head around with a confused look. Not only that, but he points his right index finger at himself. 

Furthermore, he asks, "Me?"

My brows knot up into a frown, 'This family is testing my patients!' 

"Who else here, looks as hideous, as you? Your face might be on the good side, but your hair color messes that up for you. Maybe it's because of you that your sister is an idiot."

He picks his ears, and smiles, "Sorry, I don't understand the language of an iguana."

This punk! He has crossed the line, "Who are you calling an iguana!? Die!! 

Blade Rush!!"

A sharp blade appeared on top of my head and surged towards his nasty head. 

However, the blade melted down when it was an inch away from. 

He looked at me with his cold eyes, "I can say we are even now."

Seeing how I was still looking at him in a daze, he added, "If you have nothing else to say, we will be taking our leave. Have a pleasant day."



Satavahana dynasty

The Satavahanas also referred to as the Andhras in the Puranas, were an ancient Indian Brahmin dynasty based in the Deccan region .

The eleventh chapter!! Don’t forget to add, vote and comment!!

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