
Ultimate Reincarnation : Naruto ( hiatus)

reincarnating in naruto world where another person is already reincarnated in this world . our mc will move to other universes time to time . To become OP , so that he can sleep without any worry . original Plot wont be changed much . Have fun . I'm writing it just for fun . first world : naruto

Damn_Salty · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs


It was evening max reached park and sat under a tree . Just a one glance he can see most children were here with their parent or mentor . One thing more which max did was to recreate all the injuries his clone got on his body , just to not get in any trouble .


Max 'So how should we start . I wanna make this memorable .... yeah lets just try that . '

Max" nat can you play all the memories of this body in this world till he was saved by kurenai "

Nat [ okay ]

I start playing normal tunes , Just to get attention of everybody and seems like it worked as crowd is starting to form near me . Now i should start my performance .

3rd POV

After that whole tune of his flute changed . Max started pouring all his emotions he felt from during his birth , joy of spending time with his family , despair he felt after death of his parent , nervousness he felt in orphanage , rage after his first bullying , relief after a boy of his age coming out to heal his wound , emotions for having first friend , then despair with his bullying got his new friend caught up in it too , then his departure from orphanage and living on streets , hunger for not enough food and water , then sacred feeling he got after he saw kurenai who later saved his life . with his last note being of gratitude towards her .

His whole performance took around 45 to 60 min . Interesting part was all people / crowd never moved from their places . listening to his all emotions in music very attentively . All of them felt like able to tell what has happened to him in his life . then they felt relief after last note , and as music ended they all just stood at their places remembering moments of their life . As all them glanced at max's face they saw tear were flowing from his eyes . After that one person started clapping , and with this all person also started applauding his performance . Max opened his eyes and after few minutes he also left towards his home .


max 'well plan was a success all that I can say now I just have to continue this and practicing how to level up '

Max "nat how can I level up "

nat [ you can level up by following methods -

1) killing

2) dematerializing/selling energies in legendary items

3) making new skills Or perfecting skills you have

4) By doing daily exercises like saitama for upto 50 lvl and like netero for upto 100 lvl more will be informed when time comes . ]

Max "nat If i get a sharingan how can I level it upto Eternal mangekyo sharingan "

nat [ if you get sharingan it will start by one tomoe originally . however you have memories of shisui and his experience of mangekyo sharingan , so if you get a sharingan you it will automatically level up to mangekyo sharingan . And you do not have to worry about blindness problem due to gamer mind and body ]

Max "Okay lets wait for uchiha massacre and I will get a sharingan "

His rooms gate opened and he saw kurenai coming with food in her hands .

kurenai "I heard you have been played flute in park . And also very good one at that "

max "If big sis wants I can play it for you now . "

kurenai " okay then you will play but eat some food first . and I will be gone outside village for upto 2 months so don't panic if you don't find me ., and for your food I have bought coupon for akimichi restaurant for 2 months . you can eat there for 3 times a day . " said with a bright smile .

max 'akimichi restaurants are like 5 star hotels from my world and I don't know how much she had to pay for that . I am really grateful for meeting her . '

Max hugged kurenai and said "Big sis thank you for this , till now only I have heard how tasty is food there but I can now try it myself thank you "

kurenai " Anything for my little brother "

after eating and playing flute for her . she left his home , and Max was going to sleep on his bed said "Nat from tomorrow we will do saitama training till I reach level 50 . Goodnight nat "

nat [ by the way your water mastery is at 100% . you didn't ask about your elementary control ]

Max "I will look at it tommorow . sleep is more important than that "

nat [ Okay lazy bum good night ] .

( Author note - I m gonna do time skip till uchiha massacre )