
Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System: Book 1: Harry Potter

A soul from our world is reborn into the world of Harry Potter, and unlocks the Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System to help him along the way, with his magic and Pokémon at his beck and call, his strength only just starting to show, just how will this soul change the story that so many grew up with. How will he act upon his future knowledge and preconceptions of the world he finds himself in. With a sharp mind and plenty of time to plan, just how will he shake up the story, and how will the magical world react to his Pokémon. Warning: This will become a harem fic later down the line, as was voted upon by my followers on Twitter. However I am limiting the girls currently to only three for now, and any mature content will not happen for a long time yet as the characters are still far too young for that sort of thing. However the list of girls will grow in the future as I have big plans for things much further down the line, but I will not be revealing them just yet Series: Book 1: Harry Potter Book 2: ???

PsyChotiX556 · Livres et littérature
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18 Chs

-.-.-Chapter 3-.-.-

I couldn't really remember much of the talk that followed in the half an hour after that before mister Weasley had to go, once he had confirmed that I would be attending Hogwarts, leaving us with instructions on how to get to Diagon Alley, as well as my ticket for platform nine and three quarters. Guess only the boy-who-lived warranted an escort to the alley to get his things.

For most of the talk I just sat there staring, either at the letter in my hand or the actual Weasley in my family kitchen, this was the last thing that I expected to happen today.

I do recall mister Weasley's confusion when my parents told him that I had never exhibited any form of accidental magic, something he had explained, but that was explained away by both my parents commenting how I had always been rather mature for my age and had a good grasp of my emotions.

Once mister Weasley was gone my parents and I were sitting in the front living room still digesting the information that had been given to us by mister Weasley which if I was being honest wasn't a lot.

"I can't believe I didn't see this coming," I said aloud as I let my head fall back as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

Both my parents gave me looks of both fondness and amusement. They had taken the talk mister Weasley gave them well as this wasn't exactly the first strange talk they had, given that I had sat them both down two years ago and revealed the fact that this hadn't been my first life. A risk I know, but the fact that I knew things that no nine year old should and had been getting perfect scores in school for years without really studying all that much had brought them around rather quickly.

"So you know what world you're in then?" my dad asked with a teasing tone, he had been the first to accept my reincarnation story, never having really been a religious man all his life and found my situation fascinating and funny, since he grasped the fact that my reincarnation meant that he had a son he didn't really have any trouble bringing up. Always the practical sort of man.

"I do, and it's both a relief and also extremely worrying," I sighed in response, running my hand down my face.

"Why is that sweetie? Shouldn't you be happy, you've finally got your "Cheat" as you always complained about," my mum asked, she had been slow to accept the explanation but after she had come to terms with the fact I wasn't making it up, she had been both happy and sad about it, given that she didn't really get the whole parent experience, but happy that she could have bragging rights over my accomplishments with her friends, though both of them still put the fact behind me and treated me as their son and my physical age most of the time something I was both immensely happy and amused by at times.

"In a way, but it means in just under four or five years time I'm going to be dropped into the deep end and it will be swim or die," I stated plainly making both my parents sit forward in their chairs.

"What! Why would you die?" Both my parents asked at the exact same time, both looked at each other and then back at me, and my dad then stated firmly, "explain."

And so I did, giving them an overview of the story and where I knew of it from, and the general outline of things, not really going heavy into detail because after so many years of not reading or watching the story I didn't really remember much of the finer stuff.

After my explanation my parents sat back both with sour looks on their faces.

"So to sum it up, you'll be treated as a second class citizen by these so called "Purebloods" because neither of us are magical, and in four years time some idiots in their ministry are going to think it's a brilliant idea to try and start up a tournament with school children which was only stopped before because the contestants died frequently in it," he started only for my mum to pick up after the fact.

"And then the followers of this Dark lord will use the opportunity to kidnap this Potter boy, who supposedly killed this dark lord, only not really, when he was still in nappies. Before using some ritual in order to bring back their leader and a year later restart their war again" she stated, not looking one bit happy.

I nod, "yep, the good guys win in the end, but it's not without heavy losses, and since I'm a "muggle-born"," I said never having really liked that term, especially now that I was one, "when the war kicks up in full I'll be one of their main targets to go after first. I should only be fifteen or sixteen by then."

My father stood up and ran his hands through his hair, something I knew he did when he was trying to think.

"I don't like this. Why didn't that Weasley fellow tell us about the treatment of muggle-borns or about the war they are only a decade out of, where people like you were prime targets," he ranted.

"I don't think it was malicious on his part," I spoke up, cutting his rant off before it could really get going, "Arthur Weasley doesn't have a manipulative bone in his body. He's one of the good guys, a good husband and father, as well as a hard worker, if a little confused about all things mundane at times."

"You know him from the story?" my mother asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, he's the father of one of the three people that were the main focus, he's also pro-muggle. So I don't think he kept it from us on purpose, it was probably just something that they don't like to talk about." I explained.

My dad frowned, "I still don't like it. Can't we send you to another of those magic schools in order to keep you out of it, you said there were two others right,"

I nodded, "I did, but I don't think either option is a good choice, the first one, Durmstrang, I don't even know where it is exactly and they don't exactly have a high opinion of muggle borns. The second one, Beauxbatons, is located in France somewhere, and while I speak a little french I don't exactly want to hamper my studies with having to learn another language just to get by, plus either option would mean we would have to move, and on top of that I'm pretty sure the Ministry of magic won't allow it."

"And why wouldn't they allow it? If they're controlled like you suspect by the purebloods then I don't see why they wouldn't let you go to another country to learn," my dad asked.

"Two reasons," I said as I held up my hand with two fingers extended, "the first being that Hogwarts is the "Premier" school in britain. If I tried to go elsewhere I think they'd see it as a snub to their heritage and block us on principle. Never mind the fact that we have no explanation that we could tell them as to how we even knew about the other magical schools that would hold up under scrutiny," I held up a second finger, "second the statute of secrecy, until I'm of age they would consider me a risk to the exposure of their world. If we try to just leave they'll catch us and will more than likely either force me to attend Hogwarts any way, or write us off as a lost cause wiping our memories and binding my magic, which would leave us as dumb sitting ducks when the death eaters come knocking in five years to kill us."

My dad frowned, "So fucked if we do, fucked if we don't then," he stated plainly.

"George, Language," my mother instantly scolded him.

I chuckled, "pretty much, I can't even risk using what future knowledge of things that are going to happen to tip off the good guys to try and stop things before they get out of hand."

"Why can't you? Seems like a clever thing to do if you ask me," my dad commented.

"Why not tell the headmaster, let him sort things out, if he's the leader of the good side," my mum asked.

I sighed, "because his actions with Harry are questionable at best and passively malicious at worse, depending on how you look at him, and what little I know of his past really throws shade onto his whole leader of light moniker. Hell, the guy was in love with the wizarding world's version of Hitler back before world war two in the first wizarding war, who he defeated in order to claim the political power he has now."

Both my parents actively gaped at me when I dropped that bomb shell on them, a sight that would have made me chuckle had the situation not been so serious.

I was about to explain further on the matter, when I heard a sound that made my eyes widen and I saw something that had me making the same expression as both of them, a translucent screen two feet in front of my face with six words that made my heart race.

{System installing, please wait… 1% installed}

Chapter word count: 1609

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