
Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System: Book 1: Harry Potter

A soul from our world is reborn into the world of Harry Potter, and unlocks the Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System to help him along the way, with his magic and Pokémon at his beck and call, his strength only just starting to show, just how will this soul change the story that so many grew up with. How will he act upon his future knowledge and preconceptions of the world he finds himself in. With a sharp mind and plenty of time to plan, just how will he shake up the story, and how will the magical world react to his Pokémon. Warning: This will become a harem fic later down the line, as was voted upon by my followers on Twitter. However I am limiting the girls currently to only three for now, and any mature content will not happen for a long time yet as the characters are still far too young for that sort of thing. However the list of girls will grow in the future as I have big plans for things much further down the line, but I will not be revealing them just yet Series: Book 1: Harry Potter Book 2: ???

PsyChotiX556 · Livres et littérature
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18 Chs

-.-.-Chapter 17-.-.-

We were done in Madam Malkin's even faster than the first shop, it only took her five minutes to take my measurements for my robes. Adding them to her records upon my mothers request so that if I wanted to order in some robes in the future she would have my measurements on file for reference.

I took the opportunity to order a couple of sets of casual robes alongside my school robes for a bit of variety, all in all fifteen galleons well spent, we'd pick up my order before we left the alley.

"Where to next," my mum asked looking over my school list.

"Books next I think, I want to meet up with dad again before I go for my wand," I said, gesturing to Flourish and Blotts bookshop.

My mum nodded once and we made our way over and into the store, and what a sight it was. Books piles everywhere, towers and towers of them stacks near shelves that were equally stacked full, it was a book lover's dream.

'I bet Hermione had a nerdgazm when she stepped in here the first time' I thought to myself as I headed to the first row of books to begin browsing the store.

Only for something brown and fuzzy to come rushing around one of the shelves and run right into me knocking me on my back.

"Ow" I groaned as I tried to get up, blinking the stars out of my eyes as I wondered what hit me, only to feel a weight on my chest that was pinning me down.

I blinked again and looked only for my eyes to go wide at the sight of a very bushy haired gryffindor-to-be bookworm I had been thinking about before, now on top of me, books in her arms.

"Miss Granger," "Hermione" came two female cries from behind her as she sat up, now straddling my thighs.

I blinked before I heard giggling and looked up and back from where I was laying to see my mum stifling a giggle.

"Sorry," Hermione apologized as she climbed off me just as two figures came hurrying over and began to help her up.

"No bother," I said as my mum helped me to my feet as well.

"Hermione, I know you're excited but please try to control yourself" one woman who could only be her mother scolded her fondly, clearly used to her daughter being over excited around new books.

"Indeed you could have hurt yourself or this young man," the other woman who I also recognised as professor McGonagall scolded before she turned to my mother and me, "are you alright young man."

I nodded, "I'm fine, just a little winded, wasn't expecting to be bowled over while looking at books is all" I said as I directed a smile towards Hermione, "are you going into your first year too?" I asked knowing but wanting to be polite and make a good impression on the first of the golden trio that I have met.

Hermione nodded shyly, "sorry about running into you, I was just.." she said as her shoulders hunched.

"Excited about all the magic, understandable, I guess that means you're a mundane-born, same as me" I grinned.

"I was told the term was muggle-born" Hermione said before looking at McGonagall who nodded.

"I know, it's just that me and my parents just don't really like the term muggle, it sounds rather derogatory or made up, so I say mundane instead. Who knows maybe it'll catch on and become a thing" I mused.

"I never thought about it that way," Hermione said, looking at me in a curious way.

"Guessed as much," I teased before offering my hand to her, "names Leonidus Burton, just call me Leo please"

Hermione adjusted the book she was holding to her chest into one arm before taking my hand shake, "Hermione Granger,"

"It's good to see you've made a friend Hermione dear" her mother said chuckling, "even if it was a rather bumpy start," she teased.

I blinked when I saw my mother standing beside Hermione's mother and professor McGonagall, and realized that I had apparently been so caught up with Hermione I'd completely missed them introducing themselves to one another and they had apparently been watching us.

"Mummy~" Hermione whined slightly at the teasing.

Both her and my mother chuckled at her expense while McGonagall just smiled fondly.

"Well what's going on here?" I heard a male voice come from the front of the store and turned to see my dad standing next to another man, both having just come into the store.

"So this is where you two have gotten off to," my dad smiled as the two men joined us.

After a brief round of introductions and an explanation later both men were shaking their heads in amusement at Hermione and I.

"Not even left for school yet and already being bowled over by girls ay lad" my dad teased, setting off another round of smirks among the adults.

"Well I think that's enough jokes for now," Professor McGonagall smiled, "now Mister and Misses Burton, would you like assistance in getting young Leo's school things? I'm currently assisting the Grangers with young Hermione but I believe the muggle, sorry "mundane" saying is "two birds with one stone?""

"If it's not too much trouble for you Professor. That would be wonderful, thank you," my mum smiled, glad for the offer of assistance.

"Not at all, shall we." Professor McGonagall said with a smile back as she gestured to the many books and began to lead us through them to pick out the ones both Hermione and I would need in our first year of schooling.

Chapter word count: 956

To keep up to date on this and all my fanfictions, follow me on twitter at Psychopath556

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