
Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System: Book 1: Harry Potter

A soul from our world is reborn into the world of Harry Potter, and unlocks the Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System to help him along the way, with his magic and Pokémon at his beck and call, his strength only just starting to show, just how will this soul change the story that so many grew up with. How will he act upon his future knowledge and preconceptions of the world he finds himself in. With a sharp mind and plenty of time to plan, just how will he shake up the story, and how will the magical world react to his Pokémon. Warning: This will become a harem fic later down the line, as was voted upon by my followers on Twitter. However I am limiting the girls currently to only three for now, and any mature content will not happen for a long time yet as the characters are still far too young for that sort of thing. However the list of girls will grow in the future as I have big plans for things much further down the line, but I will not be revealing them just yet Series: Book 1: Harry Potter Book 2: ???

PsyChotiX556 · Livres et littérature
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-.-.-Chapter 16-.-.-

"We are never getting a loan from them," my dad whispered to us the second we were out the doors of the bank.

"We weren't even considering it in the first place, but why do you say that?" My mum asked with a small frown.

"Five hundred percent interest rates, that's why, we'd never pay it off if we did," my dad said as he took out the second piece of parchment he had been given by the teller.

Mum looked at it and her eyes flew wide open, "what, how can they justify that kind of return and who would even think to take a loan knowing that they'd have to pay back five hundred times what they borrowed."

"That's what happens when you give a species you were at war with power over your banking system and then continually treat them like beasts instead of with respect" I sighed shaking my head, "or both questions can be answered with three words, "magicals are idiots","

My mum sighed as she looked over the list and nodded, "do you think we should consider getting you a vault with them, their higher end vaults cost a fair bit to rent per month but one of the smaller vaults is a lot cheaper and is only a yearly cost of five galleons"

I nod, "it's something to consider for my future but we can do that next summer I don't need one right now"

Both my parents nodded, "so where should we start first then?" My dad asked as he looked over the alley.

"Trunk first I think, that way I can put any purchase into it to take home" I said as I looked around.

"Couldn't you just.." my mum said waving her hand slightly, but I got what she meant, use my inventory.

"Not so openly, I want to keep it on the down low for now" I whispered back and got a look of understanding in return.

"Alright, you two can go and see about getting started on the school supplies then, I'm going to have a look around, I still need to see about getting you a birthday present my boy" My dad said patting me on the shoulder with a grin on his face.

I smirked with a knowing look, "you just want to see all the alley has, magical wise, don't you?"

He chuckled and shrugged, "guilty~" he said before he quickly took off towards a shop giggling like a kid on christmas.

My mum and I shook our heads and smiled at each other in fondness, what a goofball.

"Come on, I think I remember seeing a shop that sold travel trunks back down the alley a bit" my mum said as we began making our way down the alley once more.

Sure enough after a minute or so of walking we came to a small shop, wedged between two other with a sign above it in the picture of a trunk that read "Taylors Travels" I didn't remember ever reading about it in the books or seeing it in the movies, but I guess that students had to get their trunks somewhere.

As we entered my mum stopped in the doorway before stepping back outside and looking at the building again before looking back inside before she smiled, "Okay that's cool," she muttered as I followed her in and immediately knew what she was talking about.

The inside of the building was way bigger than the outside, taller by at least four meters and way wider and longer than what would be possible given the structure of the building.

"Welcome," a voice called as a man walked out from around a large stack of trunks, he had short cut brown hair almost a flat top, and a bit of a bear belly, I couldn't place his age but the crows feet at the corner of his eyes told me he liked to smile a lot, which he was now, "muggle born yes," he said as he looked us up and down before nodding, "well welcome to Taylor's travels, I'm Mathias Taylor, let me guess you're here for a trunk? You look just about the age to be going to Hogwarts come September"

I nodded, "Yeah, I was wanting to ask if I could get any enchantments on my trunk and how much they would cost," my mind going to the many fanfictions I'd read about characters getting the kind of trunks that were complete apartments inside them.

"We offer a range of enchantments, what did you have in mind little sir" Mathias smiled widely.

"Security enhancements would be my first request," I said wanting to build up to asking about the undetectable extension charm.

"Simple, anything else?" Mathias nodded and asked.

"What about what you've done to.." my mum began to ask, gesturing around to the building but Mathias held up a hand to stop her.

"My apologies ma'am, but I'm afraid that what you are referring to is called an undetectable extension charm," he explained, "and I'm afraid that in order to possess such an item with an enchantment like that you would need to obtain a permit from the ministry, they keep tight regulations regarding such items given the possibility to misuse them, and both the permit and the enchantment would be extremely costly and take months to obtain."

'Damn it, there goes my dream of having an on the go bachelor pad' I cursed inwardly to myself.

"Now while I can't offer you that charm we have a full range of fully enchanted trunks in various formats and styles that you can choose from" Mathias said as he waves his wand and summoned over a catalog from the counter at the side of the shop before handing it to me, "have a browse at that and see if anything catches your eye, enchantments and prices are all listed."

I nodded as I took the book and began to flick through it, still a bit disappointed at not being able to get my expanded trunk but I would just make do, I'm sure with time I could build my own home away from home in my Pokémon Home. It'd just take time.

Ten minutes later my mum and I were walking out of the shop as I pulled my new trunk behind me, it was all black, genuine Ironbelly dragon skin, charmed to be feather light, self repairing and had a dual security charm on it that was keyed only open when I said a certain phrase, if anyone tried to open it before that they would get a nasty stinging hex to their palms. I had wanted a stunning spell, but Mathias had told us that it was yet another thing that would require a permit. And yet the thing still cost him thirty galleons.

'Fucking purebloods keeping all the good shit locked behind a pay wall' I mentally grouched as we made our way to get my uniforms next.

Chapter word count: 1163

To keep up to date on this and all my fanfictions, follow me on twitter at Psychopath556

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