
Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System: Book 1: Harry Potter

A soul from our world is reborn into the world of Harry Potter, and unlocks the Ultimate Pokémon Trainer System to help him along the way, with his magic and Pokémon at his beck and call, his strength only just starting to show, just how will this soul change the story that so many grew up with. How will he act upon his future knowledge and preconceptions of the world he finds himself in. With a sharp mind and plenty of time to plan, just how will he shake up the story, and how will the magical world react to his Pokémon. Warning: This will become a harem fic later down the line, as was voted upon by my followers on Twitter. However I am limiting the girls currently to only three for now, and any mature content will not happen for a long time yet as the characters are still far too young for that sort of thing. However the list of girls will grow in the future as I have big plans for things much further down the line, but I will not be revealing them just yet Series: Book 1: Harry Potter Book 2: ???

PsyChotiX556 · Livres et littérature
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-.-.-Chapter 10-.-.-

When we re-appeared I had to blink a few times at the sudden change in lighting, it wasn't pitch black but it was close to it. I knelt down and put Cyndaquil down, "a little light buddy?" I requested.

"Cyn-da" was the response I got before fire burst out of his back bringing light with it.

Standing up I peered around with a frown, we were in a cave of some kind, dirt flooring and stone walls with some water trickling down the rough walls.

"Well this isn't ominous or anything," I said sarcastically as I took a tonfa from my belt as I made out a tunnel that led deeper inside.

"Well looks like there's only one way to go, come on let's go see what we're up against," I said as I moved forward, Cyndaquil moving along next to me keeping the light moving with us.

As we moved down the tunnel I subconsciously brought up Cyndaquil's details.

'I probably should have done this before' I thought as I looked at what was listed.

Name: Cyndaquil

Gender: Male

Level: 1

Ability: Flash Fire

Moves: Tackle, Leer

'Not even a single fire type move yet, and only level one, guess this will be trickier than I thought' I mused as I opened up the options menu again and enabled health and name bars when in dungeons.

'We'll see what we're facing and if it's too tough we'll leave and come back when I have my wand,' I thought as we began to come to a wider area of the tunnel but stopped when we heard something ahead.

"What is that?" I said in a low whisper trying to peer through the darkness in the direction of the noise, it sounded like something scratching at stone.

I must have spoken too loudly or the light caught its attention as suddenly I saw a glint of two black beady eyes ahead of us.

I tensed and raised my tonfa as I saw the eyes in the darkness, bracing myself for an attack.

It moved forward and instantly I felt a shiver run down my spine, 'why, why, why! Why did it have to be these abominations of all things' I thought to myself as I saw it and the name above it.

{Skeever Lv3}

'I fucking HATE rats!' I cursed in my mind as the large rodent began to charge at us.

"Cyn-da!" My partner gave out a cry as he jumped to meet the abomination, with a Tackle knocking it back.

The little shit bounced back to its feet the next second and lunged for Cyndaquil, fangs bared and claws ready to attack. I wasn't going to let it.

Moving forward with a snarl, tonfa gripped in my right hand as I drove the short end forward in a hard jab catching the Skeever across its face and sending it into the wall with a pained cry.

I watched its health trickle down but not completely, I needed to end this thing now, and did just that as I moved forward, foot raised as I brought my heel down on top of its skull with a crushing blow, feeling its skull shatter under my blow.

I let out a sigh, "fuck, I though I was playing Pokémon not fucking Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, what the actual fuck System" I complained as I watched the body of the Skeever disappeared, just fading away into nothing.

"Cyn-da!" My partner cheered, making me look at him with a chuckle.

"Yeah, you did good buddy" I mused shaking my head checking things on my system again and nodding, now that things had been cleared up the dungeon list showed the name of the dungeon, "Rodents Cave, well that's not good" 

I had thought we were in a Skeever nest, but if it was listing it as Rodents, then the odds were high that there were bigger and nastier things in here than just Skeevers. And if it could pull from other games other than Pokémon then there was no telling what Rodent monstrosities lay ahead of us.

I checked other things and smiled seeing Cyndaquil was now level two, so that was good, and apparently the Skeever had dropped fifteen Pokédollars as loot, not a lot but I could see how this could be very profitable.

"Alright, now that we know what we're up against let's head back, we'll come back tomorrow when I have my wand, if there's a chance we're facing rodents bigger than just Skeevers I want to be able to sling spells at them from a distance to keep them as far from me as possible." I said as I opened the dungeon exit screen to leave only for another screen to pop up at the side making me pause as I read it.

Mission: Skeever culling

Objective: defeat 6 Skeevers on your first visit to Rodents Cave (⅙)

Reward: 600 Pokédollars, 1x Rare candy, ???

Accept: Y/N

I groaned as I read the mission. This was exactly why I made sure only optional missions were given. While the mission wasn't much I just knew that if the system could it would have locked me in the dungeon to complete this quest with no choice on the matter.

As it stood I was really tempted to decline the mission and do as I originally planned, I hated rats with a passion, but those rewards were very tempting.

"Ah screw it," I muttered, hitting accept on the mission and closing my system, "change of plans buddy, we're beating five more of those things for some nice mission loot."

"Cyn?" My partner tilted his head at me before nodding as we continued further into this rodent infested cave.

Chapter word Count: 955

To keep up to date on this and all my fanfictions, follow me on twitter at @Psychopath556

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