
Ultimate Marvel System

Base Cover Art by ShuraKRGT Benjamin Freed died after saving someone in his previous life and reincarnated into his alternate self in the Marvel universe. With the Ultimate Marve System, he was asked to choose which side to join. [Main Quest: Hero or Villain!] [In this Marvel World, you will be given a choice sooner or later. Will you be one of the good guys, or will you fall to the dark side? It is time to choose!] [Rewards: 100 MP, Hero/Villain Pack, Free Gacha Draw.] [This quest has no penalty as there is no chance of failure. Host, please make your choice as it would affect future quests and development of the System!] Benjamin: I choose... Discord Server: https://discord.gg/GaYxz6V

Imbreak · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Fall of Odin

A few moments ago.

Before Thanos and his army arrived on Earth, Benjamin went to Asgard for…Odin's final ceremony.

Actually, Odin still has some time left but if he were to pass on like this, he wouldn't go into Valhalla since only Asgardians who died in battle can enter Valhalla.

So in cases like this, there will be a battle ceremony between the current ruler and the succeeding ruler.

In this case, Odin would do battle with Thor…is what was supposed to happen.

"So…how did it turn into this?"

Benjamin asked as he faced Odin, the ruler of Asgard, who was currently standing opposite him while holding onto his prized spear, Gungnir.

Odin scoffed.

"I have no interest in battling that kid, Thor, when there is someone obviously stronger around."

"Even so…I'm not even Asgardian."

"But you are a God. That's all that matters. Besides, you aren't the one dying and going to Valhalla."


Benjamin was speechless and didn't know how to refute that.

Still, he never thought that he would one day be facing off against the likes of Odin…and be the one to send him on his way.

What would Thor feel about me killing his father?

Just as Benjamin was thinking about that, he heard a cheer from one of the stands around them.



It was Thor.

Is this really alright!? Are you really supposed to be saying that!?

As if knowing his thoughts, Odin laughed.

"Hahaha! Don't worry. For us Asgardians, death is just another chapter in our life. Dying from a strong warrior such as you is an honor."

Odin grinned and slammed the spear on the ground then got into stance.

"Now. Shall we?"

Benjamin fell silent for a moment then took a deep breath.

Then, he removed the Infinity Crown on his head, revealing its existence to Odin.

"That's! The Soul Stone!?"

"Don't worry, I won't be using this in our fight."

Benjamin smiled and chucked it into his Inventory.

Then, he willed the Untainted Symbiote to cover his body like armor.

Wielding the Soul Dagger, the energy of Limbo flowed through him, creating another layer of armor made from Promethium.

Finally, his head caught on fire, turning his head into a flaming skull.

The Promethium armor and Untainted Symbiote morphed into what looked like a devilish armor. Even the Soul Dagger grew chains at the base, turning it into some sort of rope dagger but well, instead of rope, its chains that are on fire.

Without the Infinity Crown, this was Benjamin's strongest state.

Holding onto the chains with his left hand and the dagger on his right hand, Benjamin also got into stance.

"It's not everytime I get to use all my powers. Don't lose too soon, old man."

Odin was stunned for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Hahaha! You're a thousand years too early if you think you can beat me that fast!"

Both Benjamin and Odin grinned, aware that this fight will be their first and last against each other.

No words were said as they fought, only the sounds of their laughter and the clash of their attacks could be heard from the battlefield.

Benjamin hoped the fight will continue for a longer period but…time was running out.

He knew that Thanos was about to arrive…so it was time to end this fight.

Although he didn't say anything to Odin, Odin understood his intention and also unleashed his strongest attack for a final decisive match.

Finally…their fight ended.

This was a fight that would later on be made into tales and songs by the bards.

A legend that will forever leave its mark in the annals of Asgard.

It was a battle that signified the end of an era…and a start of a new one.

As Odin laid on the ground staring at the starry sky and surrounded by his family and friends, he smiled.

"Benjamin Freed…can you do me a favor?"

"...What is it?"

Benjamin asked.

"In all my life, I have had two regrets. I hope you can find my eldest…and bring her home."

At the side, Thor was confused.

"Father, have you gone senile? I'm right here."

"I'm not talking to you, you idiot. You're my third-born."

Odin coughed as he spoke.

Thor was shaken. He didn't think he had elder siblings!

Odin ignored him and turned back to Benjamin.

"Her name is Aldrif. We lost her many years ago when Heven waged war on us…I have never been able to find her since then. If you can, please find her."

"...I understand."

Odin smiled and nodded while coughing as he had trouble breathing.

"My last regret is…Hela. My second child."

Odin revealed a sad smile.

"When we lost Aldrif, I didn't want to make the same mistake with Hela…and was too hard on her. The result was that she had turned to love wars too much…to the point where I had to seal her…I should not have punished her for the sins I burdened her…"

Odin sighed.

"I know she is with you right now…I do not have the right to ask for forgiveness. All I ask…is that I hope you will take good care of her."

"...I will."

Inside the Soul Stone, Hela naturally heard Odin and simply clicked her tongue, not bothering to comment on anything.

Yet for the rest of the day, she was strangely quieter than normal and looked sad.

Odin nodded and turned to Thor.

"Thor. With me gone, the people of Asgard will look to you now. Lead them well."

"I will, Father."

"...Don't push all the work to your mother."


Thor faltered.

He was indeed planning to ask his mother about most of the work…

Odin sighed and shook his head.

He then turned to look at Loki who was allowed to leave his cell but still restrained.

At the moment, he looked quite conflicted seeing Odin about to pass on.

Earlier, he said that he had two regrets. Both of them were about Aldrif and Hela…Loki wasn't mentioned.

As if knowing what he was thinking, Odin spoke.

"I do not regret taking you in, my child. Not before, not now, not in the future. You have greatness in you, Loki. More than you realize. Once you stop thinking about conquering worlds…you might see it too one day."


Finally, Odin turned to his wife.

"My Freyja…I will be going on ahead."

Freyja smiled kindly and nodded.

"Rest, my dear."

No other words need to be said between them.

As Odin closed his eyes, his body started to shine slightly as specs of light could be seen separating from him and drifting off into the starry sky.

Odin…was no more.

The whole of Asgard mourned for a while then celebrated. They celebrated their former ruler being welcomed into Valhalla and the succession of Thor.

As Benjamin was enjoying the banquet while surrounded by Lady Sif and a few Asgardian beauties, he received a call from Peter and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

They had found an uninhabited planet that was similar to Earth.

Death also mentioned that Thanos was on his way.

It was time to start their plan.

With the uninhabited planet that the Guardians found, Benjamin secretly swapped Thanos and his huge ship to that planet with the help of the Space Stone as they had warped to Earth's atmosphere.

At the same time using the Reality Stone, he made it so that the other planet looked like 'Earth' and also made sure that they didn't sense the warp.

Which means to say…all the destruction since Thanos and his army arrived was all nothing but illusions. None of them were 'real'...No, to be precise, it was 'real' at that time thanks to the Reality Stone but at the same time, it isn't 'real'...you get the point.

Otherwise, why would Benjamin be so casual and chilling when all those destructions had happened?

While Benjamin did this for the theatrics, he still has his reasons.

For one, he didn't want Thanos to see something was amiss and retreat immediately.

He needed to make him think he was winning so he would go down to Earth and let his guard down.

Sure enough, he did go down. But did he let his guard down?

No, Thanos would be feared in the galaxy to such an extent if he had such a small ego.

He didn't let his guard down…alas, he had overestimated himself and severely underestimated Benjamin and his means.

He didn't know that Death, who was still residing in the Soul Stone in his gauntlet, was basically a bug planted on him, letting Benjamin learn his every move.

Not only that, because Red Skull had sacrificed a child to the Soul Stone, causing the child's soul to replace Death in the prison that is the Soul Stone, Death was freer to act and control the stone.

The child's soul is simply not powerful enough to hinder Death so while she is no longer bound to the stone, as long as she control's the child's soul, it was still the same as being able to control the Soul Stone to some extent.

That was why the stone had removed itself from the Infinity Gauntlet and flew toward Benjamin.

To put it in simpler terms, Benjamin basically has the help of an admin who removed Thanos' cheats.

This was never going to be a 'fair' fight.

After that, he just signaled everyone on Earth and opened up dozens of portals for them.

Was there a need to bring everyone?


Benjamin grinned.

But there was no way he was going to solo such a lively party!

Besides, Benjamin would be keeping a close eye on everyone so no one dies on his side.

Even if someone did die, Death can just bring them back.

What was there to worry?

Thanos without any of the Infinity Stones is just a brute.

Benjamin wanted to train everyone so they would be ready for a more…higher-difficulty battle in the future.

After all, Benjamin knew that in this Marvel Universe, there are plenty of fearsome entities. Some can even destroy an entire universe on a whim.

Of course, Benjamin wouldn't let them shoulder those battles on their own. He would also be there to fight.

But in an event where he isn't present and there's a crisis, they needed to be strong enough to fight through it.

Benjamin glanced at Thanos who's face had grown dark from frowning.

"What's it going to be, Mad Titan? Surrender, or die!"

Thanos narrowed his eyes.

"You think I'm afraid to die? No, I will embrace Death with open arms!"

"Geez, stalker much? Well in that case…you have been warned! Autobots! Roll out!"

With his word, everyone sprang into action and both sides started to clash.

Spider-man swung close to Benjamin and looked at him and asked.

"Are we the Autobots? Which one am I?"

"You're definitely a Bumblebee. Now stop quiping and start thwiping!"

"Yes sir Optimus Prime sir!"

Just as Spider-man was about to swing and kick a chitauri, a huge figure suddenly slammed his hammer onto him.

It was Black Dwarf.

"Puny bug. Too noisy."

"Technically, spiders are arachni-"

"Move it kid! Go annoy the others, this is a big man's fight!"

Before Spider-man could continue his quip, he was cut short by the Thing who charged at Black Dwarf and tackled him.

Immediately after that, he rolled to the side and from above, Hulk smashed down hard at Black Dwarf who was still on the ground.



Black Dwarf growled and hurriedly blocked the attack with his hammer and managed to get away with only a small injury.

Before he could relax, he heard someone growling behind him and the next moment, two pairs of silver claws appeared and stabbed at his back.


Black Dwarf roared as Wolverine and X-23 stabbed his back.

"Uhh, I'm just going to…go…"

Seeing this fierce and bloody fight, Spider-man slowly inched away and went to look for another enemy.

Swinging to another location, he saw Ebony Maw and Supergiant engaged in a magical battle with the likes of Scarlet Witch, Jean Grey, Professor X, Magik, Invisible Girl, and the Ancient One.

"...Yep. Not it."

Spider-man shook his head.

No way he's going to join a fight that defies science.

He swung to another location.

This time, it was Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight fighting with Captain America, Hawkeye, Cyclops, Peter Quill, Gamora, and Lady Sif.

Spider-man felt that there's no need for him to join in this fight since they looked like they already had it handled.

As for the rest?

They were dealing with the massive army of Thanos.

Among them, the most destructive ones were Captain Marvel, Storm, and Quake.

"...Am I even needed here?"

Spider-man sighed.

He felt so small amongst these big heroes.

While muttering, he suddenly felt someone slap the back of his head.

"Hey, webhead! Are you scared already!? Quit daydreaming and help out!"

It was Spider-Gwen.

She rolled her eyes beneath the mask and scolded.

"Are you having your midlife crisis or what?"

"What mid-life crisis? I'm 18!"

"No you're not."

"I will be soon!"

Spider-man glared at her for a while before he started to swing again.

This time, he no longer hesitated and started to deal with the Chitauris.

Benjamin saw this scene and smiled.

Actually, it wasn't just Spider-man who was questioning themselves if they truly mattered in this huge war.

After all, it was easy to doubt oneself when they have other people to compare to.

But these people are heroes.

They would only doubt themselves at the start, but would eventually rise up to the challenge in order to protect those that they cared about.

These are what Benjamin know as…plot armors!

Benjamin chuckled at that thought and looked around one more time.

Seeing as everyone was more or less handling their fights, Benjamin turned to Thanos.

At the moment, several heroes like Thor, Iron Man, Magneto, and such are currently facing off against him but they were still having a hard time.

It was time for Benjamin to join the fray!