
Music in the Bamboo Forest I

~Mokou's house~

After Atsuki finished his regular training, then he made breakfast for Keine and Mokou and waited for them to wake up.

"Good morning Keine-sensei and Mokou nee-san, breakfast is ready, Come sit" Atsuki said to them while preparing breakfast on the table.

"" Good morning, Tsuki-chan / Tsuki "said Keine and Mokou while heading for the dining table.

"Since everyone's here, then let's eat," said Atsuki.

"" "Itadaki masu" "" They said together.

When Keine eats her food. "As always the food you make is always delicious, Tsuki-chan," said Keine.

"Yup, I'm grateful to let you live together here," Mokou said while eating Atsuki's food.

"Thank you Keine-sensei and Mokou Nee-san,"

"So, what will you do today?" Keine asked.

"Today I will practice my musical abilities, what are Keine-sensei and Mokou Nee-san doing today?" Atsuki asked Keine and Mokou.

"Because today is Sunday and school is off, maybe I will be at home and listen to you playing music."

"Me, too,".

Answer Keine and Mokou.

"Then do Keine-sensei and Mokou Nee-san have a song request?"

"Hmmm, I don't have a special request, because the song you play is always pleasant to hear"

"Then I want to listen to music you called Plain Asia," said Keine.

After eating then they head to a room in which there are various types of musical instruments.

The room and its contents were made by Atsuki using his power, not only making the room but also modified Mokou's house into Early 20th-Century Suburban House Styles. The house has 2 floors with a design on the 1st floor with a Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, WC, Loundry and Music Room.

As for the design on the second floor there are 2 bedrooms, 1 main bedroom and 2 bathrooms. Although the house looks old from the outside but inside it is equipped with other modern equipment such as refrigerators, lamps, TVs, video games which are supported by solar panels as a source of energy.

(The reason I modified the house to Early 20th-Century Suburban House Styles is because I really liked the design of the model.)

When Mokou saw her house changed, she was a little surprised but did not pay much attention to it. Of course Keine was also surprised but thought it was normal considering Atsuki's ability. They instead asked about Atsuki's reason for making the music room.

"This is one of my dreams, I want to do everything I could not do in the past,"

Said Atsuki explaining the reason he made the room. Mokou and Keine could only nod after hearing the answer from him because at least he still has one dream.

After they entering the music room, Atsuki immediately headed to the piano and began playing songs as requested by Keine.

Atsuki started playing his piano and the melody began to echo through the bamboo forest.

The melody gives a feeling of both serious and mysterious.

"As usual the song you play is very pleasant to hear Tsuki" Satori said to Atsuki after listening to the song that had just finished playing.

"Arigato, Satori Nee-san....".

"" Good morning, Tsuki-kun "" said Rin Kaenbyou and Utsuho Reiuji.

Hearing their greetings, Atsuki replied, "Good morning Orin and Okuu".

Suddenly Atsuki saw Koishi running towards him and hugged him.

"Do you miss me?" said Koishi with a happy face because only Atsuki who never forgot about her. That makes Koishi always hugging Atsuki every time they meet maybe because Koishi remembers the first time they met Atsuki immediately hugged him.

"Aaah .... I miss you too and today you are cute as usual". Said Atsuki.

Hearing his words made Koishi happy "he..he..he."

Mokou who saw Atsuki's behavior, could not help but say: "Are you lolicon?"

"W.. What. Of course not !!".


"HUH, what's wrong!! I only like something cute, and it's not called lolicon if she older than me," said Atsuki while refuting Mukou's words. Hearing that, Mokou could only shake her head.

Keine and Satori who saw that could only smile, because for them this was common scene.

"Well, then I will continue playing music, because all of you are here, you can all listen to the song I have just finished". said Atsuki with annoyance while returning to the instrument and preparing the accompaniment that had been previously recorded. Hearing Atsuki's words they all then sat down while waiting for him to continue playing music.

When Atsuki had played a few songs, Keine suddenly asked, "Ne ... Mokou, is it just my feelings or all the songs that Atsuki has played all have something to do with us, because when I hear the lyrics of the song it was like telling about my life".

"Th ... this, I think so" Mokou said with uncertain feelings.

But then Satori answered, "Of course", making them look at her. Then she continued "Because when Atsuki first met me, even though I couldn't read his mind but I didn't feel any hatred and fear from him towards us. As I feel from humans and other Yōkai and also you have taken care of him so it's normal that Atsuki already considers you as his family " Hearing Satori's speech, they nodded in agreement.

(You know the satori species are feared and hate because they can read minds so that various Yōkai and spirits are afraid of them because they don't want the secrets to be known.)

~At the same time at Eientei, Eirin Yagokoro and Kaguya Houraisan~

"Neee ... Eirin, did you hear that?"

"Yeah Hime-sama, it's been five years since the sound of music in this bamboo forest"

"Hmm ... Do you know who plays that music?"

"I don't know Hime-sama. But the sound and music played are very pleasant to listen to, even though some melody and lyrics of the song have sad meanings"

"Yes, I know, but I would love to meet the person who sings and plays that music". said Kaguya, muttering curiously 'And also I want to know what kind of person she/he is'.

"Hime-sama?" Although Kaguya murmured in a small voice but for Eirin it was very audible. Hearing Kaguya words made her also curious what kind of person she/he was.

"Then I will continue to play my game," Kaguya said while


"Ugh ... all right, Eirin, I will not play the game for today," Kaguya said, scared.

'Huh!!.. Is there something wrong in educating her, she used to be an elegant and polite woman but look at her now that she only plays games every day' thought Eirin

To be continued --------

PS: This is one of the songs about tohou that I recommend to hear:

senya - 壊れた運命を紡いで (Weaving Broken Fate)

senya - 想いが歴史に変わる時 (The Time When Memories Changes Into History)

Who Killed U.N.Owen

Ayo - メイドノココロハ アヤツリドール(The Maid's Heart is a Puppet)

I have no inspiration when writing this chapter so I'm sorry if the quality is not good and maybe in the next few chapters the story isn't good. If I get inspired later I will improve those chapter and thank you for reading.

Eroecreators' thoughts