
ultimate hunter

Not accepted by the Holy Light, nor favored by the arcane, only this chaotic, evil and powerful evil energy allows me to survive in this crisis-ridden Azeroth! Before Illidan, I was the first demon hunter!

KAKRONA · Urbain
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98 Chs

Alvin the Light Man

Pure holy light poured into Ivan's body, and in an instant, the entire training ground emitted a golden light!

And Aiwen is the source of all the light; his whole body is exuding golden holy light, sitting there cross-legged like a golden statue.

The holy light flows in Aiwen's body. There is no strange feeling at first, and his body even feels very warm. But as more holy light flows in, it feels like the whole body is protesting, as if drinking too much water. , but the holy light still keeps pouring into Aiwen's body!

While Ivan was trying to accept these energies, Captain Murphy was outputting his own holy light energy, and was shocked by the power of the holy light absorbed by Ivan. He had already transferred half of his holy light energy into Ivan's body, but Ivan still seemed to be able to withstand more. His body was like a sponge, absorbing the energy of five people.

The infusion of Holy Light has lasted for half an hour. First, Priest Minara exhausted the energy, followed by the three Academy members, Oliver, Lawson, and Green. On the contrary, Captain Murphy is the most durable.

For a moment, everyone on the training ground was watching Captain Murphy continue to output holy light energy to Ivan. Just when Captain Murphy was almost exhausted, Saloras on the side shouted: "You can stop, Mo." Captain Fei!"

Murphy looked at Saloras on the side, but still did not stop. Saloras had to explain: "The binding ability of the bondage suit has been maximized. If it continues, I am afraid that it will lose its restraining ability."

Only then did Captain Murphy put down his hand. He was already on his own!

Like everyone else, he collapsed to the side and looked at Alvin sitting on the ground. "Evan, can you hear me?"

At this time, every cell in Aiwen's body was glowing, and the singing of the Holy Light kept coming from his ears, but he vaguely heard someone calling him.

He tried hard to open his eyes, but a light still shrouded his eyes. He couldn't help but say, "Captain Murphy, is it you? I can't see you now!" Ivan's voice was very different from his usual one. It's like the electronic sound emitted by a computer instrument.

Upon seeing this, Murphy quickly stood up with his tired body and shouted in Ivan's ear: "The Holy Light infusion has ended, now you need to stand up on your own!"

At this time, Aiwen's whole body was glowing, like an elemental creature.

After hearing Captain Murphy's words, Ivan tried hard to stand up. When he was still, the holy light in his body was also still. But when Ivan stood up, Ivan only felt that his whole body was undergoing countless small explosions. ! That is the energy pour caused by the collision of holy light particles!

Cells all over the body are destroyed, repaired, regenerated, and cycled through countless energy outpourings!

After trying several times, Ivan was finally able to stand up with his own strength. No one dared to help him because they saw the black fingerprints left by Ivan's hand when he pressed it on the ground!

After a long time, under the constant wash of the holy light, Ivan could roughly see the crowd around him, although it was just a very blurry figure!

Enduring the physical discomfort, Alvin said, "What should I do now because of this?"

Captain Murphy turned to look at Saloras and said, Madam, it's up to you now!

The latter muttered a spell silently and saw the shackles Ivan was wearing glowing with arcane magic, and arcane force fields were exerted on Ivan's body. Ivan, who had already stood firm, instantly fell to the ground again!

"Do you still need me to increase my strength?" Saloras stood aside and smiled softly.

The arcane force field exerted caused the holy light in Ivan's body to fluctuate more violently, and the severe pain continued to impact Ivan's will!

Everyone looked at Ivan on the ground in silence. His muscles were trembling and he was saying something incomprehensible. Captain Murphy lay in his ear and listened for a while before understanding what Ivan said.

Looking up, Captain Murphy's expression was tangled, but he still followed Alvin's own thoughts: "Please ask Ms. Saloras to increase the force field of the bondage suit to the maximum!"

Everyone was very surprised. Alvin had been lying on the ground for a while, but he still wanted to increase the arcane force field of the restraint suit to the maximum: Alvin might have lost his mind!

Salolas didn't ask any questions, and just followed Captain Murphy's request to expand the mathematical Olympiad force field to the extreme!

I originally thought that Ivan would have no ability to resist under the maximized mathematical force field, but under everyone's gaze, Ivan first raised his arms, then sat on the ground, and finally stood up with difficulty: both hands. But the legs are still shaking!

"Captain Murphy, I'm standing up now. What do I need to do next?" Ivan asked Murphy word for word.

"Evan, you are amazing, you are the toughest person I have ever seen...Now, try your best to train as usual." Captain Murphy clenched his hands and shouted.

All the wooden swords on the training ground have been replaced by metal long swords. Ivan staggered to the sword stand and picked up a sword. Everyone on the training ground avoided him, fearing that Ivan would regard him as a training dummy, with only Captain Murphy guiding him.

"On your right, Alvin, remember what I said before. The key to attacking the enemy is precision. You need to train with appropriate strength, tricky angles, and determination to win. I believe you can do it!"

The metal sword was held tightly in Ivan's hand. Everything in front of him was golden. He could vaguely see Captain Murphy in front of him who kept encouraging him and the reinforced dummy prepared in advance.

Ivan recalled Captain Murphy's teachings to him. He raised the sword as usual: slashing diagonally, lifting upwards, slashing... Every time he drew the sword, Ivan could feel his body changing under the influence of the holy light. Like a piece of red-hot iron, after countless blows with a hammer, it gradually turns into a piece of steel!

The trial lasted from morning until night. Ivan used up six long swords and three training dummies, and swung the sword countless times. Gradually, his body no longer glowed, and the singing of the Holy Light no longer appeared in his mind. Voice: All the holy light energy poured into him by the five priests was eventually absorbed by him.

"It's time to stop Ivan, you succeeded!" Captain Murphy used his crystal war hammer to block Ivan who was about to use his sword again - the force coming from the weapon was shocking!

Ivan looked at Captain Murphy blankly, and Captain Murphy couldn't help but repeat: "You succeeded, Ivan!" In exchange, Ivan fell to the ground...

Priest Minara hurriedly came over to check: "There's nothing wrong, it's just exhaustion. Just rest for a night and you'll be fine!"

Captain Murphy felt relieved after hearing this: Ivan is the first person to pass the Maraad trial, and I'm afraid he will also be the last person to pass the trial!

In the silent training ground, Ivan was lying on the ground with his eyes closed tightly. A gust of cool wind blew by, and the restraints Ivan was wearing were torn apart! Captain Murphy looked at Ms. Saloras with some embarrassment, and the latter smiled casually: "It's just a bondage uniform. It's already worth it to see such a wonderful trial!"