
Ultimate Cypher (Marvel)

I always dreamed of battle and adventure for my life to be full of magic, science, and the mysteries of the universe. Finally, I get the chance to achieve this in the body of one of the most underrated and thought to be useless Superhero. Follow me as I take Marvel by storm and become a Supreme being using magic, science, and a whole lot of Marvel bullshit. . . I Will become Ultimate Cypher. Marvel SI as one of the least powerful Superheroes. #wish fulfillment #Marvel #Spider #Magic #Bullshit Science Check out my Pat-reon on Pat-reon.com/AnubisCreationz If you want to read ahead +10 chapters. P. S:- Updates rate is twice a week or more on Saturdays and Sundays. Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe all rights reserved to creators and writers, except for my original ideas.

Anubis_Creationz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Unholy Trinity

Hey guys! Long time no see! I'm finally back! Sorry for disappearing for the past 3 months. I was severely ill and ended up having several surgeries done on my back.

The past 6 months have been a real pain in the ass, one I hope to never experience again.

Now, in regards to Ultimate Cypher I brainstormed for a while and managed to come up with some interesting things. Primarily the direction I intend my story to go towards and how things will go down in the future.

My other story Altered Mind (MHA) will also continue, as I already had a rough outline on what to do with it. And, will be updated along with Ultimate Cypher.

Anyways enough talking.

I hope you enjoy today's chapter.





When I first started learning about magic, I remembered reading about the ways one could gain control and have access to magic.

One way was to get it from a higher entity, like a demon or a god of some sort.

You give them something they want, like sacrifices, favors, or just worship and they give you access to powers.

Which was basically, what most demon worshipers or evil sorcerers used to power their spells.

The second way, was to use personal magic. But, it was usually weaker than the power given from a higher being and also much harder to do. It's advantage though was that it wasn't limited by the whims and moods of some kind of supernatural being.

Not to mention quite rare, to the degree only a few beings such as Loki and Odin were able to use it to power their spells. Granted, their own personal magic was heavily augmented and strengthened by their own God Force.

Finally, the last way. Dimensional magic. Which most masters of the Mystic Arts utilized, to varying degrees of success.

It mainly relied on their talent, the strength of their connection to said dimension, and their own comprehension.

All dimensional magic was linked to the energy and concept of the dimension in question and depending on the dimension it can be channeled to power spells of similar concepts and symbolism.

Usually a sorcerer needs to be familiar with the dimension in question to be able to access the power, unless they're innately connected to said dimension, like how some Meta-humans were.

What I was staring at though? It was an unholy combination of all three types...

Wanda was both a Meta-human as well as a human of a magical birthright, which meant she possessed the ability to innately manipulate magic.

She had the ability to tap and channel energies from other dimensions as well as mystical and non-mystical entities, and partially got her power from the powerful demon Chthon. It was a complicated dynamic. And, it was all possible because of her particular brand of magic.

Chaos Magic.

A magic so powerful that it was thought to be extinct. A magic that could manipulate, warp, and reconstruct the fabric of existence and reality to the user's very whims, and bring about total destruction to the cosmos.

Thankfully, it didn't seem she was aware of her birthright.

A sorcerer wasn't only judged by the amount of power he could channel, but by the amount of knowledge and spells he managed to accumulate over his or her lifetime.

The swirling mass of energy revolving around Wanda seemed to ebb and flow as she rose into the air. Raw magical power eager to be used.

With her eyes trained on me, she sent a red bolt of Chaos magic at me.

In response, my own magic responded and with a gesture a 5 foot circular Mandala Shield sprang up to block it.

"You're going to have to do better than that, if you plan on taking me down." I said.

Her eyes momentarily widened in surprise, before she snarled and sent another bolt of Chaos magic at me.

This time she didn't wait for me to block, as she used her magic to grab a hold of the earth around her.

Several chunks of earth were ripped out of the ground, and I calmly responded with another shield, and transmutated the earth around me into a massive wall.

With another gesture of my hand, the earth wall turned to earth spikes which I promptly sent at her with a considerable amount of force.

The projectiles whistled as they flew towards her, and after a few close calls.

She quickly teleported out of the way.

My eyes flickered around trying to see where she went, when I felt a tingle at the back of my neck.

She appeared right behind me with her hands stretched out trying to grab a hold of my head.

Instead of dodging, I let an overcharged Venom Blast run through my body. And, as soon as she tried to touch me, she screamed in pain due to the immense amount of electricity running through my body.

Her muscles convulsed and her magic responded by blasting me away.

I was flung a few meters away, after being hit by a blast of Chaos Magic.

My Symbiote was vulnerable to dark magic, and it seems her hexes were enough to harm it. My Endo-Sym Armor was glicthing and convulsing, clearly affected by her counter attack.

While I was still recovering, Wanda was on the ground, holding her head in pain when a sudden telekinetic force swept towards her.

An invisible force surrounded her and held her up in the air, constricting her movement.

At the same time, she felt pressure on her mind trying to force itself in.

< Doug, are you okay? > Jean said.

<I'm... OW! > I said, as my armor writhed and contracted over my body.

< I caught her while she was distracted and I'm trying to knock her out, but I think she's resisting somehow. > Jean said.

< It's because of her Chaos Magic. She's still a novice, otherwise we would have had a much harder fight on our hands. I think it's responding to her emotions. > I said, as I finally flushed out the Chaos Magic trying to run rampant.

The lightforce dimension's power helped me cleanse any remnants left of it, and before I knew it I was moving towards them.

Wanda's magic was clashing against Jean's telekinetic grip and I could see Jean struggling to hold her down.

" Whatever you're going to do, do it quickly. She's strong." Jean said.

I started reciting an incantation, as runes started appearing around us.

They floated in the air, and with each rune Wanda's magic started to weaken until she was being suppressed by about a dozen runes.

With another gesture of my hand, the runes flew towards Wanda and surrounded her hands. Binding and restricting her magic.

Wanda fell on her knees, panting as a sensation of weakness overcame her.

A look of fear struck her face as she realized she couldn't break free.

" This isn't supposed to happen. He promised me this won't happen again... " Wanda said, in a disbelieving tone.

"Power is not your problem. Wanda. I trained for years, learning about all different kinds of magic. Knowledge. That's the true measure of a sorcerer." I said.

"Magic?" She said, giving me an incredulous look.

" Yes, and if your brother hadn't jumped the gun and decided to attack me. I would have told you all about it. Believe it or not, we came here to talk. Not fight." I said.

Off to the side, Quicksilver was holding onto his arm, his face twisted in pain. I took pity on him and decided to knock him out with a sleeping spell.

" Come on let's get out of here. I promise to get your brother's arm fixed up. But, you have to promise not to attack us. " I said.

Wanda studied my face for a while, and I could see her eyes flickering from me to her brother and back to Jean.

Finally, having figured out she was outnumbered. She slowly nodded her head.

" Wise choice." I said, heading towards her brother.

Jean lifted him off the ground with her telekinesis, since it would be too much of a hassle to carry him.

Xavier, and the rest of the X-men who were watching our fight, started to slowly approach us.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to interfere." I said.

" I may not be believe in violence. But, over the years I learned sometimes its best to let somethings run their course. I knew you and Jean could handle it without anybody getting hurt." Xavier said.

The fact he also didn't want to risk his students getting injured went unsaid.

Jean and I may have been able to handle it, but that was only because of how much we've grown over the years.

A few moments later, we saw Logan and Scott walking up to us. And, it seems that they had also ran into some trouble.

"Uhm... Logan who is that?" Beast asked, with slight apprehension.

Logan huffed in annoyance as he put down the passed out woman he was carrying over his shoulder.

" We ran into a bit of trouble, after we were done with Fatso." Scott said.

" The bitch ran me through with an energy sword. Ruined my favorite jacket." Logan growled out, clearly upset.

" Yeah, instead of dying. Logan started cursing her out for ruining his jacket. She was so shocked, I managed to clip her with a concussive blast. " Scott, said tapping the side of his visors.

" So, is there anyone we haven't accounted for?" Jean asked.

They all shook their heads.

" I'm afraid we have much to discuss, things might prove troublesome. Especially with Erik getting his powers back." Xavier said.

I sighed.

I knew I should have killed that guy, but I would've ended up alienating half the X-men if I did that.

Most of them didn't believe in killing, and even if Logan and quite possibly Ourroro could have gotten over it. Xavier would have thrown a hissy fit over me killing his friend/enemy.

At the time, the best I was able to do was deactivate Magneto and Azazel's X-gene using my Symbiote.

Yes, I knew there was a possibility it could activate once again. But, that was easier said than done.

It would have required his body to undergo immense amounts of stress.

But, supposedly that amount of stress would have outright killed him, before he got his powers back. I mean the guy was getting pretty old.

I figured I was going to have to ask Wanda some pointed questions, mainly about her long lost father.

I was also considering having Jean do a mind walk on Piotr and the woman who attacked Logan. Who by the way suspiciously looked a lot like Psyclocke from that X-men movies.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Jean when she said.

"I heard something about an emergency back at the mansion?"

"Yeah, Kurt's been hurt, we gotta get back to the mansion and check up on him." Bobby said.

" Is he okay? What happened?" I asked.

" He kinda got run over by that asshole over here." Bobby said, pointing at Pietro.

"Don't talk about my brother that way." Wanda said, trying to defend her brother.

Bobby got up in her face, " Well maybe he shouldn't go around attacking people without a reason. He almost killed him."

As his body temperature fell, the surrounding moisture in the air was similarly lowered. A chill ran through the air causing whoever was close enough to shiver. It seems some of his potential was unlocked by today's encounter.

Wanda scoffed, but didn't say anything back.

"That's enough Iceman, I'll take a look at him as soon as we get back." I said.

That seemed to placate him a bit, but he was still giving her a dirty look.

We ended up taking Wanda and Pietro along with Psyclocke (Wanda confirmed her identity) back to the X-mansion.

I opened a portal for us to get back, since Orroro had already used the Blackbird to return with Kurt.

A few moments later we arrived in the mansion. But, as soon as we stepped through the portal, Jean suddenly grabbed my arm.

She had an alarmed look on her face, and before I could ask her what was wrong. We all felt it.

A deep voice sounded out from behind us. "Ah, I see our hosts have arrived."

We all turned towards the voice, and standing beside the entrance was a man with a grey-blue complexion that seemed almost inhuman.

Standing beside him was Magneto and judging by the amused expression on his face, and the power emanating off him. I had a few guesses on who this was.

" Apocalypse." I said.

(Chapter End)


For 10+ advanced chapters of ( Ultimate Cypher)"

Check out my pat-reon/AnubisCreationz

My newest story Zodiac (DC) is something I started as a sort of a trial run.

I have been meaning on writing a DC young justice fanfic for the longest time, and this is my first crack at it so to speak. Obviously it will be eventually posted here on Webnovel as soon as I have enough chapters stockpiled. I currently only have 8 chapters written. I'm also still conflicted on whether I should follow Canon to some degree, or just say fuck it and throw Canon out of the window.

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