
Chapter 2

Three months passed like the flip of a coin. The two boys picked up every odd and end job around town they could think of. The energy they displayed was a bright red fire that burned bright with motivation. They shoveled lawns, delivered newspapers, and even offered to watch the other kids at the orphanage when Mrs. Barbon needed a break. She was more easily removed from her spare change and loose bills when it got her off of work.

If it were anyone else, Mrs. Barbon would have immediately shot down the suggestion and pushed even harder out of spite. Ren figured she was a woman who existed largely from the energy that came from spite. However, there was a sick sense of pleasure she got from watching the two boys offer—it almost reflected two much older souls. The incredulity of the situation seemed to hang the entire world up for just one second as she considered the foolishness of the question—the utterance of such a request was so outlandish…

She smiled a devilish look and—for reasons way beyond their understanding—took them up on their offer. Azzy was close to breaking his cool—and Ren was sure if he did, Mrs. Barbon would break out of whatever spell had been placed over her and reject the proposal altogether. He elbowed Azzy quickly and quietly, his face still staring up at Mrs. Barbon's.

"We promise we'll save any and all mischief for when you're there to catch us in the act. It's not fun anyway if we're not able to get caught."

Whether this twist of logic made sense to her, or if she could be made agreeable to anything in the current moment, it mattered not. She handed the boys a few bucks and one night turned into one night a week. One night a week turned into two, and soon enough, both boys were taking two hours off of Mrs. Barbon's shift each night and making quite a pretty penny for themselves under the table.

The boys made their way to the game shop with a mounting excitement. After a truly heartfelt apology to Mrs. Barbon about no longer being able to take over her duties—an apology thats purpose was made clearly to both parties—the boys finished up their chores and both headed out to the game shop. When they held the box in their hands...that's when they knew everything would change.