
Uchiha With Glasses

Reborn in Naruto and become Uchiha Shisui brother, the descendant of Uchiha Kagami. You can read 20+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 天榜女装 (for the fanfic), Tite Kubo (for Bleach), and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime et bandes dessinées
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233 Chs

5.Genin sorting

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conspirator like Shimura Danzō, who is also disgusted by Third Hokage's interlocking calculations!

Tricked their parents.

We must also carefully plan false fetters to deceive others and give you their lives.

No wonder Second Hokage appointed Sarutobi Hiruzen to succeed Third Hokage.

Shimura Danzō's blackness is far from deep enough!

On the means of manipulating people's hearts.

Shimura Danzō expressed his shame.

"Okay, I know how to do it."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke is accustomed to this, which is not surprising.

As Hokage's son, this is not the first time he has done similar things.

"Go ahead, Shinnosuke. After this is done, the next Anbu leader will be handed over to you."

Third Hokage ordered.


Sarutobi Shinnosuke is happy.

Chief Anbu!

This is an organization directly under Hokage.

Under one person, above ten thousand people!

This old shameless thing...

Shimura Danzō on the side saw his eyelids jump!

He as the root leader.

Isn't Sarutobi Shinnosuke going to be on an equal footing with him in the future?

In this way, Konoha's power can be firmly controlled by the Sarutobi clan!

This bastard. Is it because he wants to hold the next generation of Hokage?

Shimura Danzō felt extremely resentful in her heart.


The next day.

The placement of freshmen Genin.

"Team 1, Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin, Hatake Kakashi."

"Team 2, Sarutobi Asuma, Hyuga Fujin, Inuzuka Saika."

"Team 3, Nara Han, Akamichi Chiba, Yamanaka Kohan."

"Team 4, Uchiha Yuki, Kurenai Yuhi, Shizune Kato."

The above graduates form the "Twelve Little Strong" of Konoha's generation.

They will experience the baptism of the Third Ninja World War.

As for how many of them can survive...

In Hokage's original book, how many people have shown their faces, and how many have not.

In fact, the answer is obvious.

"Damn it! Rin is such a cute girl, why is my teammate you, Kakashi!"

Uchiha Obito looked sad and unrelenting.

"Huh! This is what I'm going to say, the tail of the crane! Also on the level, I am Chūnin now, you should call me senior!"

Hatake Kakashi said coldly.

Four years ago, he graduated earlier and has already experienced four years of ninja career.

Witnessing the cruel ninja world for himself, his heart became more cold.

"It's a pity, I couldn't follow Yuki-kun into a group."

Nohara Rin looked at Uchiha Yuki not far away with regret.

The latter seemed to perceive her gaze, turned his head and gave a gentle smile.


Nohara Rin seemed to have received a knowing blow.

The little face suddenly turned red.

"This guy...."

Hatake Kakashi's eyes were sharp, his eyes fixed on Uchiha Yuki.

He was a genius since he was a child, and his arrogant personality doesn't put his peers in the eyes.

Four years ago, when he was in Ninja School.

Once in a practical class, he fight against Uchiha Yuki.

The result was a tie.

But Hatake Kakashi always felt that the other party did not try their best.

Under the slightly reflective glasses, there is an unpredictable heart.

"Is it an illusion?"

Hatake Kakashi didn't think much in the end.

After all, that happened four years ago.

He is now Chūnin, and the opponent has just become Genin today.

The gap is far.

He Hatake Kakashi is the first to besome a ninja!

"Great, Yuki-kun! We are in the same group!"

Shizune ran to him excitedly.

"Yeah, I am also very happy to be with you, Shizune."

Uchiha Yuki returned a small smile.

"Yuki, please advise me a lot in the future."

Kurenai Yuhi stepped forward to say hello.

"Yeah~ Kurenai too, please advise."

During the four years of campus life, he and Kurenai Yuhi had a fairly good relationship.

Because the two have many common languages ​​in the field of illusion.

Gradually, good friendships have been accumulated.

"Damn... Why are my teammates two boys?"

Sarutobi Asuma looked unhappy and authentic.

"I want to say the same."

Hyuga Fujin looked helpless.

"Son of Hokage."


Inuzuka Saika, and the little dog beside him shouted.

"It looks troublesome."

Nara scratched her head.

"Crack, crack, crack~"

Akamichi kept eating snacks.

"It always feels...We have become a trap of influx."

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