
Tyrannical Cultivation

Xiao Chen led an unfortunate life, being an orphan at a young age and with no one to rely on he led the life of a thief for most of his life. It allowed him to survive and not die, and as he got older he made an effort to change his ways. Unfortunately not everything went to plan. His life of crime soon caught up to him and Xiao Chen was forced to flee his home and head into the Darkmist Forst, where his fate would change forever.

ChickKing · Oriental
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 Qi Control

"BURPP!!" Xiao Chen's voice resounded throughout the cafeteria. After a good hour of searching they'd found the cafeteria, and Xiao Chen immediately began wolfing down the food in a matter of seconds.

Eating 3 cows, 5 chickens, and an entire deer's worth of food, for once Xiao Chen could safely say he was full. 'This food is quite nutritious, but despite that I still haven't reached Copper Sheen. At least my Blood Seed has reached the 9th Layer of Qi Gathering from what I understood.'

Naturally during their journey Xiao Chen had proceeded to dig for a bit more information, learning a few things. Firstly those layers of light around his Blood Seed represented a stage of the Qi Gathering Realm. This while great, also created another problem, how would he reach Qi Refinement?

But the young man soon put that thought to the back of his mind. He didn't even know how to use his Qi properly yet, so what would be the point of reaching Qi Refinement? For now he rather focus on his current situation.

"So what are you working on?" Xiao Chen asked curiously, hovering behind Wave. The man was currently scribbling something on a piece of paper they'd found.

"Ah, you're finally done? I am drawing up a map. Right now I suspect we're in a grace period of sorts, so we can restore our vitality otherwise I don't see why there'd be so much food just lying around. Not to mention we haven't run into any other teams...." Wave explained before throwing out a bunch of theories.

This was in Xiao Chen's opinion, his best and worst aspect. It was naturally a good aspect for Xiao Chen because it meant he could obtain more information some of which he might've not even thought of asking for, but on the other hand he droned on and on going into even the most useless of details.

"All right, where are the others." Xiao Chen interrupted as Wave began talking about the specific stone structure of the Slaughterhouse as if it was exceedingly important.

"Ah...I am not sure to be honest, if you couldn't tell this team of ours is quite the odd bunch." Wave chuckled in an almost self deprecating tone, before turning towards Xiao Chen. "By the way why haven't you taken a weapon yet? Those butcher knives could be very useful." He suggested pointing towards the numerous bloody knives.

"I don't need one....Where's a quiet room I can use?" The young man shook his head. Wave didn't bother trying to convince him and simply pointed him towards a stone room.

The room was rather small, with a thick stone door which to Xiao Chen's surprise actually worked. Upon entering the room, he soon realised there was not a single source of light, not only that but the door itself didn't open from the inside.

For a brief moment Xiao Chen pondered if Wave had betrayed him, but soon realised that it was more likely he didn't know about the opening mechanism. 'It doesn't matter anyway since I can just punch through it.'

With that thought Xiao Chen sat down, at what he assumed was the center of the room. He then shut his eyes, pouring his consciousness into his own body. This new ability he acquired amazed him to no end, he could see his bones, organs, muscles, and naturally the inside of his dantian.

Peering into the space just below his navel, Xiao Chen briefly gazed upon the Blood Seed before diverting his attention to the layers around it. These layers were his Qi a mystical power, force, or even energy that Xiao Chen simply didn't understand.

'That woman and Jiang Ming's Qi's were different colours. While I didn't get to see what the woman's white Qi could do, that Jiang Ming's brown Qi could clearly manipulate the Earth. So does that mean the Blood Seed's blood red Qi can manipulate blood?'

Coming to this conclusion, Xiao Chen attempted to urge his Qi into his body. Which ended in complete failure. But Xiao Chen resolutely decided to attempt again, and thus he failed yet again. And again, and again, and again.

But this was all within his expectations. If he was some Qi genius would he have resorted to becoming a thief back then?

A few hours later Xiao Chen placed his attention of the Blood Seed. Maybe he had it all wrong, maybe he had to control the Blood Seed to control his Qi rather than him trying to use his body to do. Once he came to this conclusion, Xiao Chen immediately focused his attention on the Blood Seed. Thus the young man spent the next few hours struggling to interact with the Blood Seed.

Finally almost 8 hours after he entered the room, his Qi exited his dantian entering what he assumed were his meridians, before escaping his body through his right index finger. "Hahaha, my revenge is drawing nearer." Xiao Chen chuckled as his Qi stopped emitting from his finger.

He then focused on how he emitted it, rather than just emitting it. Clearly he needed to have it wrap around his body not just simply shoot into the air. Luckily, it seemed as though the little Qi he did waste was swiftly recovered by the Blood Seed.

Having made a small achievement, Xiao Chen trudged on as he refined his Qi control more and more. An hour later, he managed to control the output of Qi exiting his index finger. Following that he tried to emit his Qi from his index and middle finger simultaneously.

This took him yet another hour before he somewhat mastered it. He then took two hours to control the output of Qi. After a grand total of 26 hours since he entered the room, Xiao Chen just about managed to cover both his fists in Qi.

'Why was that so hard?' He sighed inwardly. Those immortal he met made it look so effortless, yet even after all this training he could barely cover his fists. Was it talent? Yes. But also the fact that they had much more theoretical knowledge and training time played a role. A fact which Xiao Chen conveniently neglected.

"Whatever I am starving that Blood Seed drained me." Xiao Chen groaned pulling his fist back. In an instant a blood red layer of Qi wrapped around it and then.