
Typical Teenage Tale

me_duh2808 · Sports, voyage et activités
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I had to be quick on my toes. I wasn't the strongest but I used speed to my advantage and I knew all the vital spots to the body. This is why I always won. You know the saying knowledge is power, well I definitely agree.

Whenever my opponent made an opening to one of those vital spots I took it. I never struck hard enough to kill though...I could if I wanted to though. I nearly stuck them hard enough to cause pain and maybe knock the breath out of them. My dad had thought me well in fighting. I also had my black belt in karate. So I was an expert fighter and had the full advantage in the ring.

My opponent often thought they had the advantage considering my size and that I was a girl...how naive of them.

A few more punches, kicks and hits to a few more vital areas and my opponent was on the floor out cold. I never gave them a chance to surrender...if I saw any sign of them about to surrender I hit them right in the vocal chords. This made sure they would not be saying anything for some time. But like I said earlier I never hit hard enough to kill...I also never hit hard enough to leave any aweful damage. They would be sure to heal, just maybe not anytime soon.

In the ring I was a completely different person. I never held back anything. I was usually engulfed with all the rage I would hold back in my daily life. I know none of this sounds healthy, but this is how I deal with my problems...I fight.

I had fought over twenty opponents and they all were unconscious. They would probably regain consciousness definitely by tomorrow or later today if they were lucky.

I headed back home around 1am the next day.

When arrived home A was still knocked out. I decided I should probably get some sleep too. But before that I freshened up and washed my fighting clothes. Once washed I hung them to dry. I knew A wouldn't notice them since he never did laundry, meaning he wouldn't go check what was drying either. I did all the chores in the house except dishes. I hated wash dishes and so that was A's job.

I didn't make him do much since he was also working really hard to provide money for the both of us. He had a degree in electronic engineering, so he made enough money to provide for the both of us at his job. Who he worked for... That I didn't know.

I mean I did ask but I had forgotten the company name. It was some long German name.

I also made money from all my fighting which I used to help the family too. I told A that I had a small part time job as a waitress. He believed me whole heartedly, it kind of made me feel guilty since it was all a lie. Obviously I made way more money in fighting then a waitress would so some of the money I put away in a private bank account that A didn't know about. I hated lying to him, but I told him the truth he would be furious.

I should actually check how much money I have in that account because I never use it. I only add to it and well I also get interest on it, so by now it should be a huge amount. The only time A will know about it is if he finds out the truth or if something ever happens to me since his name is the person I put down to inherit the money in an event of my death.

Deep down I want to tell A about me fighting again...with that thought I drifted of to sleep.

I woke up around 4pm later that day. Yes I know how what you thinking, how can someone sleep so damn long. Well I don't know, I guess I just love sleep. Yesterday was a rare day of me getting up early. I quickly freshened up and headed downstairs. A had just finished getting ready too. He must of gotten up a little bit before me. Like I said sleeping late runs in the family.

A made breakfast today, usually whoever got up first made breakfast. If we were both lazy we would just eat cereal or even nothing. I was a person who could skip breakfast and just have lunch or supper. It was only on weekends that I ever actually ate breakfast.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I checked it and it was a message from Lucas.

Are you busy today too or just avoiding me ;)

Why can't he just leave me alone. Can't he take a hint. For a gang member this guy was way too friendly. Nolan on the other hand was the most grumpy person I met. Before I could reply my phone vibrated again.

If you not doing either of those things want to hang out?

I was about to tell him I'm busy again, when my brother grabbed my phone and looked at me, with a look that said you better make friends. I realised the idiot had been reading my messages from behind me. Now he had my phone!

I tried to get it back before he could do something stupid, but before I could react he sprinted off towards the bathroom locking the door. Damn that idiot...if I didn't love him I'd kill him.

Two minutes later he came out, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

" Hey sis we going for lunch with Lucas."

Wait did he just say "we"! "What do you mean we don't you mean me even though I would rather I don't go."  The idiot just kept smiling then handed me my phone. I read his message.

Sure let's go for lunch...also can my bro join. He is the best brother  and my best friend in the whole world so I really would want him with me too... He also happens to be my only friend:)

Seriously.. this idiot not only is making me hang out with Lucas, but he also invited himself.

Lucas had replied sure,

I wouldn't mind meeting your bro...does this mean we friends?

And of course my brother replied


That doesn't even seem like something I'd say. While still looking at my phone I heard a car hoot. I looked up to see my brother sitting in the car grinning innocently at me. Did I mention he is an idiot... probably.