
Typical Teenage Tale

me_duh2808 · Sports, voyage et activités
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I opened the door to enter my house. When I did I spotted my brother staring at me as if I just broke his PlayStation console. In other words he looked furious.

The first thing that popped into my mind was did he find out I started fighting again. Yes, I say again because I stopped fighting some time back due to a tragic incident. My whole family knew I was a fighter, but after the incident they made me promise never to fight again.

No, how could he know I was fighting again? There is no possible way he could know. Then why was he so furious.

"I saw you," my brother said almost if that should explain his anger.

"Saw me doing what exactly," I asked playing it safe, I didn't need him to find out something he didn't know. So I wasn't going to jump to the conclusion that he saw me fighting. It could be something else.

"Who is he, the guy who drove you home. I've never seen you with anybody before...fuck that since when do u even have friends. I'm your brother shouldn't you tell me if you gonna have a boyfrie-" before he could finish I cut him off.

"Before you jump to conclusions, atleast hear me out," I was laughing well saying this. After hearing my brother I wasn't mad like you would expect, I found the whole situation hilarious.

"Why are you laughing, it not funny and I'm hurt to know you wouldn't tell ur dearest brother that you have a boyfriend...I want to meet him, I should make sure he is good enough for you atleast" he said in a fatherly tone.

"Hold up there, I don't have a boyfriend. The guy in the car you saw I wouldn't even consider a friend. He is new to the school and for some reason really wants to be my friend...but I'm not interested... understand?" I stated blankly. The closest thing I had to a friend now was my brother. He was probably my best friend...then again he was my only friend.

"Well that's a relief. Although I think you should make friends even if it isn't with him. It isn't healthy to always be alone you know." He said sounding a bit worried.

"I'm not alone, I have you and Frankly that's all I need," I sighed

The next thing I knew I was engulfed in his big, strong arms. I hugged my brother back. My cheeks felt wet, I hadn't realised I was crying "I miss her too," he whispered into my hair. After those words I was now sobbing hard.

Why did she leave me? Why couldn't it of been me? Why why why! These were the only thoughts going through my head.

Serena was my best friend and now she is gone. She was my other half...she was my twin sister. It hasn't been long since her death and I already miss her so damn much.

*Flashback* (4months ago)

"And the winners are the Silver twins!" The host of the underground fighting announced.

I looked into my sister eyes and we both smiled. We both loved fighting. Our dad had thought us everything we knew. Together we were unstoppable!

We had won the championship that night... little did I know that the happiness my sister and I shared would soon die.

Aron was the first one to congratulate us on our win he grabbed us both into a crushing hug. We were so happy, it felt like nothing could ruin this moment.

Aron left to go to the car saying they would meet us there as soon as we were done.

My parents couldn't make it to see our fight due to work, so Aron had drove us to our fight.

My sister and I were laughing and joking around while walking in the parking lot towards the car.

We never saw it coming the next thing I knew our opponent from the fight was pointing a gun at both of us. He had two guns one in each hand. We didn't know the true identity of our opponents as he always wore a mask but he went by Vendetta.

"Wait what do you want! Please if its the prize money or championship belt you want take it, just leave us alone" Serena shouted. I just stood there frozen and scared.

The next thing I knew I could here my brother asking us why we were standing there. He couldn't see what was really happening due to the cars covering Vendetta. Before he could get any closer there were to gun shots fired.

The last thing I saw and heard before blacking out was Serena falling to the ground, although she also whispered loud enough for me to here "live because I love you."

I woke up to the sound of beeping and the smell of a hospital. Probably because I was in a hospital with wires connected to me. I felt a weight on my hand.

When I looked to see what was so freakin heavy on my hand I saw Aron sleeping on top of my hand. His hair was disheveled and his eyes looked puffy as if he had been crying. Using my other hand I ran my hand through his hair slowly feeling bad for causing him so much stress and worry.

Then I remembered what happened and the next thing I knew I was calling Serena's name. I wanted my twin next to me, I needed to know if she was alright. She was my best friend, my other half. Without her I might as well be dead.

Aron was now awake trying to calm me down and hugging me tightly as if I were about to run away.

After about an hour I was calm... mainly because the doctor injected me with something.

"Where is she?" I asked Aron, my voice was hoarse and strained from my tears. Deep down I knew the answer, but I didn't want to except it. Aron looked at me but was silent.

"Please tell me she is alright and that she is just sleeping and will soon be here next to me..." I sobbed.

"I'm sorry Z," he said with a small sob.

He held me tight, I didn't care that he was pressing against my wound nothing could be more painful then knowing I would never hear my twins sweet voice. That my best friend was dead.

We held on to each other, both of us needed comforting and so we provided the comfort we both needed to each other.

Two week later I was discharged. My parents weren't really much support. They were too busy grieving my sister's death...their daughter's death.

All I had was my brother. He made me promise that I would stop fighting and when my parents, who weeks later, finally came to except my sister's death they also made me promise.

Of course I did, but unlike my parents I never came to terms that my sister was dead.

*End of Flashback*

I hadn't cried since the death of my parents. But here I was crying...showing weakness.