
Two Wrongs Don’t make a Right, But Can it Make Love?

Betrayal turns into something beautiful in this touching story of love and unexpected friendship. Ethan feels betrayed when he finds out his girlfriend is cheating on him with Tyler, a guy he never liked. But then, something unexpected happens. Ethan and Tyler team up and pretend to be a couple to get back at her. What starts as a fake romance to make her jealous slowly becomes something more real. As they pretend, they start to really care for each other. Their journey from being hurt to finding happiness shows that love can come from the most surprising places. It's a simple yet powerful story about how love can heal and bring people together, even when it's least expected.

Jay_the_Otaku · LGBT+
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10 Chs

7: Facing the Morning After

The morning sun filtered through the blinds, casting a warm glow across the room. I woke up with a start, the events of the previous night rushing back to me in vivid detail. The party, the drinks, the uninhibited atmosphere, and most of all, the kiss – a public display of our feelings that had started as an act but had become something undeniably real.

Tyler was still asleep beside me, his presence a comforting constant in the whirlwind of emotions that had engulfed me. I watched him for a moment, his features relaxed in sleep, a stark contrast to the complexity of the situation we now found ourselves in.

As I lay there, the weight of our actions began to settle in. We had crossed a line, moving from a carefully constructed façade to an open declaration of our feelings. But with that declaration came a host of questions and uncertainties. What did this mean for us? How would we navigate this new reality, both personally and in the eyes of our peers?

The sound of Tyler stirring brought me back to the present. He opened his eyes, and for a moment, there was a hint of confusion before the memories of the night seemed to flood back to him.

"Good morning," he said, his voice rough with sleep.

"Morning," I replied, my voice tentative.

There was a pause, a silence filled with unspoken questions and lingering doubts. We both knew that we needed to talk, to address the elephant in the room.

Tyler sat up, running a hand through his hair. "About last night..." he started, but his voice trailed off.

I nodded, knowing exactly what he was referring to. "The kiss," I said, the words feeling heavy in the air.

Tyler looked at me, his eyes searching mine. "It wasn't just part of the act, was it?" he asked, his voice low.

I shook my head. "No, it wasn't. It was real, at least for me."

"For me too," he admitted, a hint of vulnerability in his expression.

We sat in silence, each lost in our thoughts. The kiss had changed everything, blurring the lines between our ruse and our true feelings. But as much as it had been a moment of honest emotion, it had also opened a Pandora's box of complications.

"How do we deal with this?" I asked, the reality of our situation beginning to sink in. "We started this as a plan, but now..."

"Now it's something more," Tyler finished my sentence. "I know. And I don't have all the answers, Ethan. But I do know one thing – I don't want to hide what I feel for you."

His words resonated with me, echoing my own sentiments. But they also brought to light the challenges we would face. We were in uncharted territory, our relationship a far cry from the simple revenge plot we had initially concocted.

"We need to be careful," I said, the practical part of me surfacing. "The kiss at the party, it was public. People will have questions, and some might not be so accepting."

Tyler nodded, a determined look on his face. "Let them talk. I'm tired of pretending, of hiding behind lies and schemes. What we have is real, and I'm not ashamed of it."

His words were brave, but they also underscored the risks we were taking. We were two college students, still trying to find our place in the world, and now we were navigating a relationship that had become the subject of campus gossip.

The rest of the day was a blur of activity. We attended our classes, each lost in our thoughts, the events of the previous night casting a long shadow over us. The whispers and sideways glances from other students were impossible to ignore, a constant reminder of the spectacle we had inadvertently created.

But amidst the chaos, there were also moments of clarity. Moments when Tyler and I would catch each other's gaze across a crowded room, a silent communication that spoke volumes. It was in these moments that I found the strength to face the uncertainties that lay ahead.

As the day turned into evening, Tyler and I met up, needing the comfort of each other's presence. We found a quiet spot on campus, away from prying eyes, where we could talk openly.

"We can't let fear dictate our actions," Tyler said, his voice firm. "Whatever this is between us, it deserves a chance."

I knew he was right, but the practicalities of our situation were hard to ignore. "It's not just about us, though," I replied. "There are consequences to consider, reactions from friends, from the college..."

Tyler took my hand, his grip firm and reassuring. "We'll face them together," he said. "I'm not saying it'll be easy, but I'm willing to try if you are."

His conviction was infectious, and in that moment, I made a decision. We would face the challenges together, come what may. Our journey had started as a means to an end, a way to deal with the pain of betrayal. But it had evolved into something much deeper, a connection that was worth fighting for.

As we walked back to the dorms, hand in hand, I felt a sense of resolve settle over me. The road ahead would be difficult, filled with obstacles and judgment. But we had each other, and that was a source of strength that could not be easily shaken.

The night was quiet, the campus bathed in the soft glow of streetlights. Tyler and I parted ways at the entrance to my dorm, a promise of tomorrow in our parting words.

Back in my room, I lay in bed, reflecting on the day's events. The kiss at the party had been a turning point, a moment of unguarded emotion that had exposed the true nature of our feelings. But it had also set us on a path that was fraught with challenges.

How would we navigate this new chapter in our lives? How would we deal with the scrutiny and judgment of those around us? And how would our relationship evolve under the weight of these challenges?

These were questions that had no easy answers, but as I drifted off to sleep, I knew one thing for sure – Tyler and I were in this together, and that was a source of strength that could not be easily shaken.