

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantaisie
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75 Chs

Chapter 20: New Arrivals

(Somewhere at the sea)

" Why is the fish net getting heavier?" One of the fishermen asked when the fishing net that was casted on the sea got heavier than expected.

" Do you think it's another shark?" One asked the other

" Maybe we should check it out" another said.

Two of the fisher men cloaked their gun for safety ready for whatsoever that was coming up.

The fishermen draw the fishing net out of the sea and scatters it into the big boat, the men who had cloaked their gun came closer to see what was in between those fishes...

" It's a woman" one who was closer said

" A woman?" They said looking dumfounded.

Their leader was alerted by their noise while asleep, he got up to know what was going on

" Mr. Charles, we found a woman inside the fishing net" one of the fishermen told him

"A woman? Is she alive or dead?" Mr. Charles asked

" Probably dead; she have not moved an inch" another responded

" She must have been murdered nor drowned" another said

" What do you suggest we do sir?" Another asked

" Toss her into the sea, we don't want her DNA anywhere near the boat" he ordered.

His men hurried to toss the body back inside the sea but were startled by the woman's sudden movement. They stopped to look at the woman who was trying to get herself up

"I made it, it worked" Vashi said silently looking at her feet.

* * *

(An underground science lab owned by Mr. Hansel)

Mr. Hansel arrived after one of his scientist and biologist had given him a call few days ago.

" Welcome sir" one of the scientists greeted when he had come out of his car.

" What's the state of the creature?" Mr. Hansel asked him

" Same as before, the creature is aggressive and seems wiser than we thought, none of us could get closer to even filter the water on her tank, she is going to die at this point " the scientist responded

" She won't die, I have seen her up close to know how trickery she could be" Mr. Hansel said to him

"How did you come across the creature sir? Everyone knows they are just myth; what if there are more of them?" Another scientist asked

Mr. Hansel paused for a while to look at him " I might have to fire you if you question me one more time" 

" I am sorry sir" he apologized.

Mr. Hansel was escorted inside by two of his bodyguards who had came with him. The underground lab was huge and had different entries into it, few staffs were allowed into few of the rooms why the rest were kept out of bound. when Mr. Hansel had entered into one of the bigger rooms, the guards at the door shut the door after him and made sure no one else apart from Mr. Hansel enters the room.

Mr. Hansel was welcomed by the continuous noise of something hitting the body of the tank, the noise had come from Erica who repeatedly hits her tail on the tank she was locked up on.

"How long has she been like this?" Mr. Hansel asked

"Seven hours nonstop" One of the scientists responded 

"What about food? have she had any?" Mr. Hansel asked

"Not at all sir, we can't even get close to her without her being aggressive" another responded

"She is a creature who has the human knowledge and know much about humans; she knows how to play her game well" Mr. Hansel told them

"If she continues like this, we won't be able to take some of her cell for test, your plans won't work out at this rate" The chief scientist told him

"We will have to do it the hard way" Mr. Hansel said to him.

They were interrupted by a screeching sound from the tank, they turned to look at Erica who had come closer to the glass, she blurred the glass by breathing on the glass; with her finger she wrote on the glass

" I will be the end of you when i get out..."

"She can write?" one of the scientists asked in shock.

Mr. Hansel stood there looking at Erica who was smirking at him

"Interesting" he said



(Oma's home)

Oma quickly opened her eye after her mother had left the room, she had pretended to be sick for days and refused to tell anyone about what she had seen; she had been laying lazy on her bed with so much thought flowing on her mind. She kept replaying everything she had seen and heard on her mind

"This isn't real, it's just my imagination" she thought to herself the hundredth time "Mermaids don't exist, maybe she works for a circus and they had come to pick her up; i will be a lunatic thinking they exist" she told herself.

She tumbled on the bed when she had another thought about it

"If she is real, she is in danger; how do i tell Lava that his father kidnapped his crush? how do i convince everyone?" she asked herself wishing someone could explain everything to her and give her a way to escape.

Somewhere at the beach of the city...

"Mama look, a big fish" came a little girl's voice

"Kinsey, there is no fish at the beach" her mother said trying to fix her messy hair

"The fish just turned into a person, she is coming over here" the girl said almost looking afraid

"Stand still Kinsey" her mother said

" I need your clothes" a coarse feminine voice quickly interrupted the woman who was sitting beside the beach with her little girl Kinsey

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to a full grown woman like that?" the woman asked looking up

The ugly looking lady stoop low looking closer to her 

"A sea-witch; your worst nightmare" Olga responded