
Two Worlds Collide

Jungkook is a Amarok, a lone wolf without a pack and ruthless. Taehyung is the definition of light and joy as one of the most stunning faries anyone has ever seen. Combining classes with creatures of darkness and light should be a breeze, right? Two sides come together to discover the truth about the past and save their families and their kind from being lost forever!

G_O_A · Célébrités
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28 Chs


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Jungkook crammed for the rest of the week trying to finish all of his assignments early and prepare for exams that will follow the week of the bonding ceremony. Taehyung would return to the dorm to see Jungkook hidden under papers and books, more than he used to be. He could see how hard Jungkook was working and felt guilty that he felt so much pressure.

Today was worse than before and Jungkook looked like he hadn't slept at all the night before. Taehyung knew the younger needed a break, but also knew he wouldn't take one. There was one way he knew would work but he didn't want to use it because these classes where important to Jungkook. He had his own plans of what he wanted to become, and now that things were final and he would be bound to the next Council Head he wanted to be ready.

Jungkook was sure his degree in creature psychology could give him a way to help Taehyung when he steps up as Council Head. This made him push harder to learn more and to pass his exams and graduate. He wanted to help as much as he could even if it was just to support Taehyung, that was more than enough for him. He had been pushing himself more now that they were getting closer to the bonding ceremony. He didn't want to fall behind.

Unfortunately, because he had been so focused on school he had not been able to spend much time with Taehyung at all. Taehyung had not said a word or complained about it, but that did not stop Jungkook from wondering if he was ok. He hadn't heard Taehyung come in, but soon Taehyung had plopped himself down in Jungkook's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck.

Jungkook was a little stunned since he had not heard Taehyung walk in or even walk towards him. He dropped the paper head in one hand and the pencil in his other and gently wrapped them around Taehyung's waist.

"Jungkookie, you need to take a break." Taehyung said pouting.

"But I have to finish this page." Jungkook explained.

"You look like you didn't sleep at all last night! I should have not stayed with Jimin, I should have been here to make you sleep." Taehyung said dropping his head in guilt.

"No, you should have fun with Jimin! I didn't sleep much...I just really don't want to fall behind. I want us to be able to graduate together, so I have to take an extra course. I should have the final exam th week after the bonding, so I need to study so I can pass." Jungkook said trying to convince Taehyung to let him keep going.

"You are doing too much though, we have barley even talked since the dinner with my parents. Please Jungkookie just a small break? Please?" Taehyung asked pulling out all the stops to get Jungkook's attention.

Jungkook let out a sigh, how could he say no to such a sweet request?

"Ok I guess I can take a short break." Jungkook replied pulling Taehyung closer and kissing him on his nose.

Taehyung melted and turned into a shy giggly mess, as Jungkook wrapped his arms around him tighter. As Jimin stated the last time he walked in on one of their cuddle sessions, they had turned into one of those gross sappy couples that everyone hates. It was true, even Jungkook was more affectionate toward Taehyung. Maybe it was knowing that they were going to be bonded that he felt like Taehyung was truly his and he wanted to show him how much he cared for the boy.

Jungkook held Taehyung tightly nuzzling against his neck listening to Taehyung him happily. They stayed like this for some time, holding each other and talking softly.

"Are you nervous about next week Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked softly. "About bonding with me? We still don't know how it will effect you."

Jungkook smiled softly. "I am not nervous at all."

Taehyung smiled happily and later his head on Jungkook's shoulder. He closed his eyes and rested there totally content. A few more moments passed and he jerked in Jungkook's arms suprising him.

"Tae what's wrong?" Jungkook asked concerned.

Taehyung rubbed his head as he felt a sharp pain behind his eyes.

"Uh, I just got a head ache all of a sudden ." He said groaning.

Jungkook examined Taehyung's face trying to see how much pain he was in. He remembered that Mrs. Kim said Taehyung would feel the effects of his gift presenting itself a few days before his birthday.

"Taehyung, how bad does it hurt?" Jungkook asked worried.

"Uh it hurts really bad, what's happening?" Taehyung asked.

"I am not sure, it may be your gift Tae. I'll call your mom ok, she will know what to do." Jungkook said reaching for his phone.

With his other arm he pulled Taehyung closer and tried to keep him calm.

"Hello, Jungkook?" Mrs Kim said on the other line.

"Mrs. Kim, Taehyung is in pain. He says his head is hurting really bad. Could it be his gift?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh dear, yes it's starting. Ok Jungkook listen carefully ok, the process is going to be very tough for Taehyung. This headache is only the first step, he will spoke a fever and be in and out of consciousness for several days." Mrs. Kim said slowly.

" Should I bring him home to you?" Jungkook asked.

"No he must be with you Jungkook, this is very important. You must stay with him, you two will be bonded soon but he has already emotionally bonded with you. You can help keep the symptoms suppressed by being there with him, but he will need you to watch after him. I know this is a lot for you to take on, but it's very important. I hope it does not inconvenience you too much." Mrs. Kim apologized.

"No, Taehyung is the most important thing to me. I'll help him I promise! Is there anything I can give him for pain?" Jungkook asked.

"Medicine will not help much, but physical touch helps. So holding him will help relieve the pain and make it more barrable. He will be very weak, but try to get him to eat and drink as much as he can. As the days pass the pain will get better, call me if you need to." Mrs. Kim said before Jungkook thanked her and hung up the phone.

Taehyung was already shivering in his hold and Jungkook wrapped his other arm around Taehyung and held him as close as possible. He looked around and saw that he did not have much in way of food for the next couple of days, time to call in back up.

He quickly dialed Jimin's number.

"Hey look what's up?" Jimin answered.

"Jimin, Taehyung is not well. It's happening now, and I didn't do any shopping yet. Can you bring some stuff for him from the store?" Jungkook asked sounding more deperate then he wanted to.

"Oh yeah yes I'll bring the stuff soon. Yoongi hurry up Tae needs us!!!" Jimin yelled before hanging up the phone.

Jungkook felt relieved, at least that was taken care of. He looked down at Taehyung shivering in his arms and he didn't know what to do.

"Tae? Can you hear me? What do you need Taehyungie?" Jungkook asked softly.

Taehyung mumbled softly before clearing his throat and trying to speak up again louder.

"Just don't let me go." He said.

" I won't tae, I won't let you go ok? I'm right here just listent to my voice." Jungkook said.

He had never really liked singing because it seemed like a waste of time, but he had been told by his mother that he had a very pretty voice. So he opened his mouth and started singing softly trying to help Taehyung stay calm. He ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair softly as he sang to him. Slowly Taehyung started breathing slower and drifted to sleep

The next few days were difficult for Taehyung as the power that had been dormant came to life and spread through his whole body. It felt like electricity charging every cell in his body making him feel hot and cold all at once. The pain was nothing like he had ever felt before, and he drifted in and out of sleep as his body grew weaker. He could hardly open his eyes preferring to sleep if the pain happened to subside long enough. The only thing that made him feel better was the feeling of Jungkook holding him.

When Jungkook held him, the pain was less intense. He felt like he could breathe easier, and the sound of Jungkook's voice made him feel more relaxed. He felt safe. Every half hour Jungkook would gently sit Taehyung up and try to get him to drink some water before letting him rest again. Every three hours Jungkook prepares soup for Taehyung and slowly feeds him to help him keep up his strength. Jungkook plays Taehyung's favorite classical artists and lays next to him letting Taehyung cuddle against him.

Jungkook only leaves Taehyung's side for bathroom breaks and to prepare food for Taehyung. For three days Taehyung went through his change, and Jungkook had not left him once. Not even when Jimin offered to stay so that Jungkook could have a break, Jungkook declined. Taehyung needed him the most and he would not be able to relax being away from him. In return Jimin made a fake gagging sound teasing Jungkook for turning into a big sap. Jimin came to see Taehyung several times over those three days but Taehyung did not acknowledge him at all.

Resulting in an angry alpha storming into the dorm and giving Jungkook an earful about a sad Fairy being not needed any more. At this point Taehyung had mostly recovered but was still very exhausted, and would push Jimin away if he tried to cuddle him. Jungkook felt almost proud to see Taehyung prefer to be cuddled by him than Jimin now. By Sunday Taehyung seems more like himself, but still pouted around the dorm to get Jungkook's cuddles. That morning he had woken up pretty sure of what his gift was and did not hesitate to test it out on Jungkook several times throughout the day.

Each time resulted in him giggling to himself at how much he enjoyed it.

Tomorrow was the big day, and Taehyung was excited to finally be bonded with Jungkook the boy he loved.

Yes he was sure he loved Jungkook, even though he had not told him yet. He planned to tell him soon, but not yet. They had to travel to his parents house in preparation for the events the following day. So after they enjoyed a special breakfast made by Jungkook, they grabbed their bags and traveled to his childhood home. Jungkook reached over intertwining their fingers and smiling at Taehyung happily. Yep, this new gift was going to be fun to use.