
Two Worlds Collide

Jungkook is a Amarok, a lone wolf without a pack and ruthless. Taehyung is the definition of light and joy as one of the most stunning faries anyone has ever seen. Combining classes with creatures of darkness and light should be a breeze, right? Two sides come together to discover the truth about the past and save their families and their kind from being lost forever!

G_O_A · Célébrités
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28 Chs

Meet the Parents

They had spent a wonderful day together cuddling and watching movies until they happily fell asleep. In Taehyung's book, it had been the perfect day. The days after passed quickly until the day for Jungkook to meet Taehyung's parents had arrived. From the moment he had woken up, Taehyung had been having mini heart attacks about the meeting. Jungkook had to calm him down several times, before they were dressed and leaving the dorm. Mrs. Kim had arranged for a car to pick them up, and Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw the luxury car pull up and stop in front of them.

"This is your mom's car?" Jungkook whispered once they were inside.

"One of them." Taehyung admitted a little embarrassed.

"Just how rich are you?" Jungkook asked.

"Well, the position my mom holds is very important and all of our family have held this position, so she inherited a lot as well. Don't worry, I will inherit just as much when I take her place." Taehyung responded winking at Jungkook who responded with his jaw dropping in shock.

"So, when you inherit everything that means…" Jungkook was not sure what to think.

"It means you will too. We are going to be together, so what is mine is yours!" Taehyung said giving Jungkook a proud smile.

"So I found a sugar daddy without even having to try." Jungkook said with a straight face.

Taehyung turned and looked at Jungkook surprised.

"Did you just really call me a sugar daddy, you pervert?!" Taehyung said smacking Jungkook's arm.

"I didn't mean it like that Tae, now who is the pervert?" Jungkook said crossing his arms pretending to be offended.

Taehyung didn't know how to respond other to just laugh, who knew Jungkook was actually kind of funny.

The ride took about 30 minutes before they arrived to a gate with trees along the sides leading far down the street. The large gates opened when the driver utter a few words into a speaker off to the side. More trees were all that could be seen as they drove inside until finally the tree line ended to show a large estate spanning on both sides. Ahead of them was a very large house standing tall and intimidating. Jungkook felt like he had been punched in the stomach as they pulled up to the front of the house.

"This is your house?" Jungkook asked.

"Well, for now it's my parent's house. It's where all head of council live during their time in the position." Taehyung replied giving a shy smile.

"Then you mean that-that we we will live here?" Jungkook stuttered.

Taehyung awkwardly laughed and didn't say anything, he reached for Jungkook's hand a pulled him out of the car. Once they were both standing outside the car, the driver pulled away. Taehyung shuffled and adjusted his clothes to make sure they hadn't wrinkled during the ride over. He turned to a stunned Jungkook who was still gawking at the size of the house and adjusted his jacket and tie.

Taehyung took a deep breath. "Ok we can do this! Everything will be fine." He said trying to convince himself to stay calm.

He took Jungkook by the hand and had to tug a little to get him to follow.

"Jungkookie, we are about to go inside, so I know this is a little overwhelming. Just don't think about it too much, ok?" Taehyung said trying to shake Jungkook out of his shocked state.

Once Jungkook seemed himself again they walked up the steps and the front door opened as they reached the last step. Two men stood holding the door open and Taehyung greeted them by name as they entered. The two men bowed to Taehyung as he and Jungkook passed. Inside was just as large and amazing as the outside. Extremely clean and well kept, and it took everything in Jungkook's power to not express his shock again. They stopped and waited as an older woman approached, and Jungkook bowed to her out of respect. She smiled at him and led them into the sitting room to wait for Taehyungs parents.

"Please wait here, your parents should be her shortly." The older woman said slowly leaving the room.

Jungkook turned to Taehyung and gave him a angry look. "Why did you not tell me about all this?"

Taehyung laughed awkwardly again. "I didn't really know how to explain it all, I mean I was nervous to tell you about all this and make you more nervous."

Jungkook let out a huff before turning his attention to the door waiting for Taehyung's parents to walk through. He did not have to wait long, because a moment later the doors opened, and they walked through. Jungkook stood immediately and bowed as Taehyung's parents entered. Mrs. Kim bowed her head in reply and asked everyone to sit.

Taehyung and Jungkook sat together on one couch and across from them on an identical couch were his parents. It was silent for a few moments as Taehyung's mother glanced at Jungkook and gave him a once over.

She could admit that he was very handsome and had a strong presence. She could tell he seemed nervous. So it was then that she decided to break the silence in her well-rehearsed politicians voice.

"Jungkook, thank you for taking out this time to meet with us. There are just a few items we need to discuss before Taehyung's ceremony. It seems he is incredibly determined to go through the bonding ceremony with you instead of considering other candidates. We do not wish to object in his choice; however, I think it is best to explain the whole process to you Jungkook before you decide absolutely to go through with it. Taehyung knows well what his role will be and soon will undergo training for the role he will take on. You on the other hand also need to be prepared as the partner of the Head of Council, as well. You will be expected to go through some training as well." Mrs. Kim explained.

She continued. "The bonding process can be a little overwhelming, but you soon adjust to the effects. They usually wear off in a couple of days."

She paused when she noticed Jungkook's confused reaction to her last statement.

"I'm sorry I forget you are not of fairy kind. You would not know how the bonding works and saying that Taehyung also knows very little. So, let me explain the process. During the ceremony Taehyung will formally be presented as my successor. Also, his special gift will be revealed as well, however, he will begin to feel the effects of his gift on the days leading up to his 21st birthday. On that day his gift will be full developed, and he will demonstrate the gift before the council. When it comes time for the bonding, both of you will stand before a fairy elder. At that time, he will join your soul's together to be forever bonded to each other. This bond can never be broken, or the bonded pair can become extremely ill and even die." She paused to let the seriousness of the matter to sink in.

Taehyung felt sick to his stomach, but Jungkook seemed unfazed by her words. She found this to be very odd and had expected him to object at this point.

"Once you have been bonded, you will move to the Successor's estate where you will live until Taehyung takes over my position in two years. Now, do you have any questions about anything I have said so far?" She asks.

Jungkook and Taehyung silently shook their heads giving her the cue to continue.

"Jungkook your role will be to support Taehyung as he takes on the important role as Council Head. His work with be tiring and take up much of his time, and you must be understanding of this. You also must present yourself in a favorable way to the people at al times, so their faith in Taehyung's ability is strong. He is their voice, and he must make unbiased and fair decisions for their well-being. If they feel his judgment is clouded in any way, then their trust will faulter. This could cause many problems, and we do not want the peace we have come to enjoy being lost. Do you understand?" She asks Jungkook directly.

"I understand." Jungkook says.

"Good, now the ceremony will be in one week. The day of the ceremony will be exceedingly difficult for you son. Your energy will be affected, so you will need to be with our family physician the night before and as soon as the ceremony ends. He will have to regulate your energy as your power grows and as the bonding takes full effect. Jungkook, you too will need to be monitored after the bonding process. We have no record of an Amarok undergoing the bonding, we can not know the effect it may have on you. Once you both pass all medical checks, you will be allowed to rest for 3 days before you will b expected to move and begin training." Mrs. Kim said and pausing for a moment.

She waited to see how the two young men handled this information. Jungkook's stout posture had not wavered, but Taehyung did not look too well. She felt sympathy for her son, he was sensitive, and this change was going to hardest on him. Although she had not shown him enough in the past, she cared about him very much.

"Taehyung would you and your father excuse us for a moment? I would like to speak with Jungkook alone for a little while." She asked.

Taehyung turned to Jungkook to see if he would be ok alone, and Jungkook nodded to him.

"Ok, come on dad let's give them some time to talk." Taehyung said leaving the room.

It was silent for a few moments as Mrs. Kim watched Jungkook.

"You do not seem concerned by any of what have told you Jungkook." She said coldly.

"I am not concerned at all." Jungkook answered.

"Is that so? You feel capable of taking on this role. I know a lot about your kind, and I know you have the urge to run right now. This is a big commitment, and your kind and commitments don't mix." She said harshly.

Jungkook did not waver. "I am ready to go through with the bonding in spite of what I am."

"I see. As I said we are not aware how the bonding will affect you, by nature Amaroks are solitary creatures. So, to be bonded with another in this way may take a great toll on you. You would have to take on a supporting role to the most important person of our society, are you prepared to do that?" She asked.

Jungkook took a deep breath. "I understand everything that will be required of me and I am more than ready to support Taehyung."

Mrs. Kim scoffed. "You do seem incredibly determined. I did not wan to say anything to Taehyung when he told me what you were, because I love my son. I want him to be happy, and I don't think the person to make him happy is you. I wish he had been open to meeting others who could be more fitting to his needs and the role as his bonded partner. Have you thought that maybe you would bring more him more stress? You can not give him the emotional support he will need, so what will happen if he really needs that support? Will you leave when your instincts are telling you that he is getting too attached? Will you hurt him because of your own fear?" She asked with as sharp tone.

Jungkook still did not become provoked. He was not affected by her words. He let her go on and explain every reason that he and Taehyung could never be happy together. The more she talked the more angry she grew when Jungkook did not react to her provocations. Jungkook waited until she had finished her slur of insults before calmly responding to her. He turned his gaze to her and with a straight face he answered her.

"Every charge you brought against me is true. My instincts tell me that Taehyung is becoming more and more attached to me, and how much he could be hurt when it is time for us to part. However, I still want to be around him, and I miss him when we are not together. How do you explain such feelings? I should not be able to feel such things, and yet I do. The more time we are together the less I feel the urge to run away, being with him makes it easier not to feel that need to leave him. He has changed me in many ways, and I am thankful. Because of him I can be a better son, a better brother, and a better friend. He is the most amazing person I have ever met and deserves to be cared for and loved. I am sure anyone could easily love him because of how kind, caring and cheerful he is. If he wished to be bonded with someone else, I would happily let him go if it meant him being happy, but he chose me, and I will make sure he never regrets that choice." Jungkook replied calmly.

Mrs. Kim was a silent, and she let out a frustrated sigh. "I fear you will disappoint him in the end, but you are correct. He has chosen you from the beginning, and we fairies are loyal. He would not be able to consider anyone else even more so now. I can see how much he cares or you, I just don't want him to be hurt by anyone. The road ahead will be hard for both of you, but I will be glad to give my son away to you because I now know how much you care for him too."

Jungkook smiled and thanked her. They both stood and Jungkook bowed to her before she showed him to the room where Taehyung and his father were waiting for them. When Taehyung saw Jungkook he flashed him a concerned look, which in turn Jungkook smiled. That was enough to tell Taehyung that everything was settled and he and Jungkook would be going through with the bonding officially. Taehyung couldn't help but smile and hug his mother who let out a surprised laugh and hugged him as well.

"It seems like everything is settled then; I will send over the schedule for the week of the ceremony for you both to look over. We will contact the school and you will be excused from classes during that week. Now that we are done here, let's sit down to eat. We had chief prepare lunch for us." Mrs. Kim said Leading the way to the dining room.

Taehyung weaved his arm through Jungkook's and they followed his parents.

One week and he and Jungkook would be bonded, our souls forever connected. Just one more week.