
Two worlds Apart:The Forbidden Love

{ MATURE CONTENT. NO RAPE} It feels like they have known each other forever but they just met. How could they feel so close but apart at the same time. The rule says no but they both say yes. The price to pay is as heavy as stone. How could something forbidden be so sweet. ..... A cough escaped her lips and she used her palm to cover her mouth. Why was it so painful? "What's wrong?" Lucas asked worriedly. She removed her palm to respond but gasped at the sight of blood that stained it. She coughed again and more blood spilled from her mouth. "Lisa!" Lucas hurriedly stood up and tapped her cheeks. She was losing consciousness. "Lucas, it hurts." She groaned and coughed out more blood. She tried keeping her eyes open but she could barely see a thing. Everything was spinning continually and Lucas's voice was becoming distant. Lucas immediately searched around the room for what was making her throw up blood and his eyes spotted the food. His eyes changed completely from blue to red when he realised what happened. 'She was poisoned!.' He gritted his teeth and scooped Lisa into his arms, teleporting to his room and laying her on the bed. "Lucas.." She groaned, her beautiful face contorted in pain. Green veins bulged under her skin and she creased her forehead. "I'm coming Lisa, please stay with me." He whispered softly as he rammed his head for a cure. He contacted his friend Theodore telepathically and he appeared. "Gather all the maids in the palace and take them to the dining." Theodore nodded and disappeared soon after. After which, Lucas climbed on the bed and stared at Lisa hesitantly. There was only one way to save her and he knew she would flip if she woke up. Leaning in, he placed his lips gently on hers. .......... Lucas was a guardian. He had done his job many times cleanly with efficiency and didn't have to worry about anything not until he was assigned to her. He couldn't stay in the same space with her without wanting to touch her. He couldn't just get enough of her doe like eyes that tried to challenge him everytime. He more than ever wanted to change the rules now. He suddenly felt himself getting attracted to her in every way possible and he hated it. This was his job and the repercussions of him doing anything else than guarding her was going to harm them both. Despite him knowing that he still took that step. A step he knew that would cost her him. Whatever was going to happen, he will allow as long as it doesn't touches her. Ever.

Webstar3493 · Fantaisie
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104 Chs



I'm sorry if my words hurt you but the truth is always bitter to accept- By Author


Lucas's footsteps quickened as he felt an indescribable feeling brewing in his chest. Ever since he stepped foot into the forest, he was able to pinpoint the exact location of Lisa which was why he was able to know that the switcher was not her but now he didn't know where she was.

It was like she had totally disappeared.

Every guardian had been given a special bond with their protectee, Lisa not been an exception. Through that bond, he was able to have a deeper understanding of her than she had ever known about herself.

But right now it felt like the bond had been severed completely. And the only way that could happen was if Lisa..

'No.' He refused to believe that anything had happened to her. As long as he was alive, nothing would happen to her.

Lucas halted in his tracks when he noticed something that shook his very being.

He couldn't be mistaken.

A pool of blood was splattered on the forest ground and it smelled exactly like Lisa's.

Judging by the looks, it wasn't too long ago. Maybe he still had time.

He noticed the blood trail further into the forest and could already imagine what happened there.

Following the trail, he noted different creatures that hid in the woods, watching from a distance. It was either they were scared of him or they were smart enough to not try and challenge him.

Finally, the blood stopped at a bush and Lucas couldn't take a step further. A strong scent of blood invaded his nostrils as he stood close to the large bush doubtfully.

He listened carefully but couldn't hear any heartbeat, not even a weak pulse. Lucas had never been as scared as he was now, because his gut feeling told him that whatever lay behind those bushes was going to affect him in a way he couldn't imagine.

Stepping into the bushes, he became completely still as the sight totally shut down his mind.

The wind in the forest blew harsher and the night sky darkened as a loud thunder echoed around the woods. The whole earth shook as the moon totally disappeared into the clouds, giving way for the darkness to consume the lands.

This unexpected weather blew the trees, threatening to uproot them from the grounds and they shook their branches strongly, the most scary creatures in the woods whimpered as they knew that this weather could only be caused by the one they feared the most.

Lucas's eyes continually flickered from red to blue as his anger grew bigger than what he had ever known. The emotions he had felt before coming here had completely disappeared, leaving only an empty shell that gaze down at a body that lay unmoving on the ground. One of his eyes settled on blue while the other was red as he clenched his fist in rage.

Lucas who had tortured many, killed many, ignored many pleas was totally petrified as he looked at the state which Lisa was in.

'You never know you lose something until you finally lose it.'

He didn't know what to do. For the first time in his life he was clueless. Completely helpless. Unpleasant memories kept on flashing through his head as Lisa's smile refused to erase from his mind.

'Lucas, please save me.'

'You are just like a rose, you have prickly thorns outside but you are beautiful in a delicate kind of way.'

'Just kill me! Isn't that what you want?'

'I don't want to live again!'

"Lisa!" Lucas screamed and a loud thunder followed after. Rain fell heavily from the sky and Lucas fell to his knees. The rain soaked him up as he knelt beside Lisa's body in pain and agony.

Why? Why did it always end up like this? He had not only failed Lisa but failed himself. He had promised to be with her. To keep her safe. But he couldn't still do that one single job. He couldn't keep her happy or alive.

He had failed!


He crawled towards Lisa and tapped her cheeks" Wake up! Don't leave me. PLEASE." His eyes begged her to move but he knew it was hopeless. She was dead.

Her forehead has been bruised, her lips were chapped, her body had a hole through it, multiple of her bones in her leg had been broken and her feet were bleeding profusely.

The rain didn't stop and instead increased by each passing minute. The surrounding environment suddenly became cold, to the extent frost slowly started covering the trees and the floor.

Not bothering about his clothes, he swept Lisa in his arms and stood up as carefully as possible. His body swayed for a second before he teleported into the castle.

He had appeared in his room and he carefully layed Lisa on the bed as his hands shivered from fear.

He gently removed her clothes and left her with her undergarments whilst he went to the bathroom and came back with a first aid box.

He placed the box next to the bed and hovered his hand over her stomach in deep concentration.

Just looking at her made him want to storm back to that forest and burn it all down but he couldn't. Not when she was in this condition. He knew she was dead but he was still going to heal her wounds.

His hand glowed bluish-white as the energy flowed into her large cut. The cut sewed itself together and a white thread covered the area before the cut completely disappeared, leaving only the blood that stained her stomach.

He did the same for all the places she had hurt, before using cotton to soak up the blood and a wet clothe to clean it up.

He changed her into a new clothe and sat beside her with his eyes void of any emotion. He had done everything to clean her up and make sure that her cuts didn't remind him of what happened but it seemed like her peaceful face haunted him the most.

He couldn't keep her body here forever, sooner or later she had to be buried.

The door opened and Theodore entered, about to relay a message but the words completely disappeared when he saw what was in front of him.

Lucas looked exhausted and empty as he sat beside Lisa whom he couldn't hear her heartbeat.

It couldn't be..

She was dead.

Lucas looked at Theodore who seemed at loss for words and asked" What is it Theodore." His tone showed he wasn't in the mood for anything that could irk his mood.

"Your Highness i-" He started but paused which even Lucas did too.

A faint noise was heard behind them and Lucas turned to reveal something that made both of them to widen their eyes in shock.


Aaagh....I feel so tired.

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