
Two worlds Apart:The Forbidden Love

{ MATURE CONTENT. NO RAPE} It feels like they have known each other forever but they just met. How could they feel so close but apart at the same time. The rule says no but they both say yes. The price to pay is as heavy as stone. How could something forbidden be so sweet. ..... A cough escaped her lips and she used her palm to cover her mouth. Why was it so painful? "What's wrong?" Lucas asked worriedly. She removed her palm to respond but gasped at the sight of blood that stained it. She coughed again and more blood spilled from her mouth. "Lisa!" Lucas hurriedly stood up and tapped her cheeks. She was losing consciousness. "Lucas, it hurts." She groaned and coughed out more blood. She tried keeping her eyes open but she could barely see a thing. Everything was spinning continually and Lucas's voice was becoming distant. Lucas immediately searched around the room for what was making her throw up blood and his eyes spotted the food. His eyes changed completely from blue to red when he realised what happened. 'She was poisoned!.' He gritted his teeth and scooped Lisa into his arms, teleporting to his room and laying her on the bed. "Lucas.." She groaned, her beautiful face contorted in pain. Green veins bulged under her skin and she creased her forehead. "I'm coming Lisa, please stay with me." He whispered softly as he rammed his head for a cure. He contacted his friend Theodore telepathically and he appeared. "Gather all the maids in the palace and take them to the dining." Theodore nodded and disappeared soon after. After which, Lucas climbed on the bed and stared at Lisa hesitantly. There was only one way to save her and he knew she would flip if she woke up. Leaning in, he placed his lips gently on hers. .......... Lucas was a guardian. He had done his job many times cleanly with efficiency and didn't have to worry about anything not until he was assigned to her. He couldn't stay in the same space with her without wanting to touch her. He couldn't just get enough of her doe like eyes that tried to challenge him everytime. He more than ever wanted to change the rules now. He suddenly felt himself getting attracted to her in every way possible and he hated it. This was his job and the repercussions of him doing anything else than guarding her was going to harm them both. Despite him knowing that he still took that step. A step he knew that would cost her him. Whatever was going to happen, he will allow as long as it doesn't touches her. Ever.

Webstar3493 · Fantaisie
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104 Chs


In a different location entirely, a place between the underworld and the heavenly realms, not quite far away from the place where devil has no knowledge of, two masked men in cloaks spoke in hushed tones.

"Have you found the dark soul yet?" The first one who was undoubtedly higher in rank asked.

"No milord, I'm not even sure if the dark soul is really where you sent me to, I have been watching for a long time."

The answer irked the other man and a punch flew to the man in question"I give you one job! One single job yet you come back with this shitty news!"

The man immediately bowed his head deeply, begging for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry master, I have already instigated the guardian council to go to the palace, that way I'll get much closer to the girl as I am a part of them."


"But milord?" He paused uncertain before continuing"What about the witch in our custody?"

"Queen mother is working on it, although the woman hasn't spoken a word since the last century. The woman had acted completely immune to all the torture equipments, even the ones specially for witches." The hatred he had for those wretched creatures was never ending especially because of this woman.

"When we get what we want, we will wipe them all out!" He smiled wickedly and slid his tongue over one of his fangs, drawing little amount of blood from it and he relished the taste.

It was about time he took some human blood.

"And you!" He turned to a particular direction in the room where he had been hearing shuffling for quite sometime now and the lower man followed his sight gingerly.

Out of the shadow, another man in a cloak stepped out and bowed slightly.

"Milord" The voice came out muffled due to the cloth he used to cover his mouth.

"Call me Silas young lad."

The leader removed his mask to reveal a man in his late forties with a scary scar which slid across his left eye and below stood a beard which was grey in colour.

Following suite, the new arrival removed his mask and the leader lifted his brows, greatly surprised.

"Alex? How did the plan go? Queen mother has been waiting for the feedback and she had even done as far as to replace you with Laurence over here who is as good as useless."

Laurence felt ashamed and internally hoped that Alex didn't find anything.

"Your suspicions were correct. She is the dark soul and I discovered that she has some kind of power to see memories only by a single touch." Alex had it all planned out. He had faked that scenario with him being tortured in hopes that Lisa would have that power according to what queen mother told him and things going according to plan, he had made her see his memories to which fortunately, she believed that he wasn't at fault.

After that, he had been spying on his sister. Wanting to see any signs of her showing any more traits of the dark soul but somehow, that stupid guardian was always with her! Even when he escaped the castle, that guardian had almost caught him! It was on that day he realised what he was really playing with.

This upcoming fight wasn't going to be easy.

A great massacre was coming soon.

Other times he felt like the guardian knew what was actually going on behind him but was just mocking his efforts by ignoring him!.

"That's great!" The leader exclaimed happily and patted Alex on his back.

"Now that's how you are supposed to be Laurence." He gave Laurence a knowing look and he scoffed before excusing himself and leaving the hideout.

"I hate that Alex!" He muttered under his breath whilst kicking a few stones that laid on his path.

He gnashed his teeth against each other and decided to use his wings instead of walking further. Not wanting any creature to see him as wings were very valuable these days, he left to a lonely alley and when he made sure that no one was watching, big black wings sprouted out from his back.

Not every demon had wings in the underworld, only powerful demons with higher ranks have wings.

Despite that, these wings have a disadvantage. Once your wings are cut off, other lower demons can use it for themselves.

His wings flapped as he prepared to fly but he instantly realised that he couldn't lift himself off the ground and this confused him. He tried again but to no avail.

"Looks like you're a bit too heavy for your wings." A sarcastic voice rang through his ears and he turned around to see two men who stood with black masks and very expensive looking clothes.

He didn't miss the commanding aura that surrounded them.

Weirdly, that didn't scare him and what scared him instead was the way one of the men stared at him as though he could see his very soul.

Seeing that the stranger one took a step towards him, he turned around with the intention to run, knowing that he couldn't stand a chance against them, but no matter how he tried,he couldn't just get his legs to move!.

"What did you do!?" He screamed as his eyes anxiously searched for a way out.

The two men remained silent and he opened his mouth to yell again but this time, his voice didn't come out of his throat.

The strange man that was walking to him had finally stopped and he noticed the hallow blue eyes that stared codly at him.

In a heartbeat, the strange man tore the wings from Laurence's back and Laurence screamed loudly in pain.

The wings dropped on the ground and flapped continuously before losing its energy and burning to ashes.

Blood flowed out of Laurence's back as he screamed more loudly in agony.

"Please.. please just kill me.. please" He begged.

Ignoring his pleas, the blue eyed man bent over casually and flicked Laurence's head without a shroud of pity and Laurence fell backwards, unconscious.

"I still need you in my plan so I won't kill you...Yet." He whispered to the unconscious Laurence.

"My plan to save my little deer."

Hello readers! just have a few informations that I'll like to share with you guys.

Lisa's birthday is coming up on the 15th of January. it's still quite far but this is just a reminder.

special thanks to you all that are contributing power stones and I'll like to give you all some good news.

this book might be contracted by God's grace, around December and i'll start locking the chapters!

and if it doesn't get contracted then I'll just have to request for one by then but that's still far away.

anything could happen.

I hope you liked this chapter! please comment your opinions and if you probably have an idea on how this book will end then feel free to comment.

creation is not easy my sweeties! vote power stones for our wonderful couple.

thank you and have a wonderful day!

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