
Two world since 1995-2000

"Everything happens for a reason and maybe that's why we met here" - Jungkook I wished for a fantasy world with optimistic moments in my life. That's how I met him. The guy with dark doe eyes. "Miss, are you sure about this drink??" His eyes were wholly on me. ________________ "What are you concealing from me??" He looked into my eyes solely. "Jungkook, there are actually two worlds. One where you live and the other where I live. But, here all feel like real and I am confused as hell". " You will know soon"

Miranda_s7 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The music from heart

It was getting dark when I completely lost my mind. I slowly walked through the town in a hurry although there is nothing I can do. My way is getting confused. The town seems I am in an old generation. But I finally figured out that I am in Britain, not America. I never visited these types of countries before. I had a dream to visit aboard. But didn't happen before. I want a clear clarification about what is going on. But instead of replying to me, everyone stared at me which makes me uncomfortable. I was all alone from the start until now.

Can I find my family??

I looked over a taxi to travel. But when I thought it hard, I don't have any money. It was a blessing that the guy jeon jungkook paid my money in the bar. I think he understood me well or is it because he got pity for me??.

I thought hard about back then incident which made me smile a little unconsciously.

The sky gave a dark color with the moonlight's little glittering which went through my hair and made me shine in that dark surroundings. My visions slowly got dark. I really want to ignore this situation. But, this was so surreal. Everything about my surroundings, everything about the people except me was so different. There was a girl who seems between the age of five and six. She was wearing a black little frock. She was staring at me like I am a diamond or something. The sharp gaze started to go wild telling something to me. I don't know what is this feeling. But all I have done was stare at her the same way she did at me. I love children. But sometimes I want to respect myself even if I am not that good. You know, self-love. I shifted my gaze from the little girl to a shop.

The same shop I found in my world...

What happens after that is I entered in there hoping the old woman will be there. To my surprise, instead of placing old things, that was an ornaments shop. Old ornaments.

Am I in some kind of Bc generation??

I gulped seeing the ornaments kept there. Not like I am into it, not like I am fascinated by all. I was just surprised by the arts. Each shape of the ornaments was so bewitching. I never saw these types of ornaments in my world. Maybe old generations have the best art mind. I slowly walked inside the shop to admire the work.

Is it some kind of museum??....

I smiled my own by seeing the works. But suddenly my gazes stopped on an ornament.

It was a pocket watch necklace. I totally became stunned by its great touching beauty. It was a light golden round-shaped pocket watch necklace. I don't know why I suddenly felt a desire to buy. It's not like I have so much use by that. But it seems very stunning yet attractive. It was taking my complete attention to it by showing its beauty of it. In the middle of that necklace, there was a butterfly art. Honestly, that was the main thing that made me notice it. People always say that I am like a butterfly.

I was...I am...aren't I??

Yesterday the guy also told me..."like a butterfly".

My hands finally made their way to touch it. I deliberately wandered through it with my eyes.

"Mam, that cost so much, do you want that?".

Someone said from behind me making me turn to look at that person. It was a middle-aged man with his mustache up like he is from the military or something.

"Oh...No...i don't want it. It just, I was looking at it".

I said my honest words to him still staring at the necklace.

"Everyone wants to buy it, but since it cost so much, they just shrug it off. Instead of buying, some people stare at it as you did". The man gave a bright smile toward me when he said that.

"It looks beautiful though".

"It is..."

I somewhat managed to walk some of the ways with my tired feet. This was my nth time walking like this without a destiny with so many people's gaze on me. It was uncomfortable at first, but as the stare increased, I just ignored it with my all force. I searched for a place to stay or spend. That's why I entered some of the shops to spend time. If someone will appear in front of me like the old lady, that will be so nice since I am all alone in this confusing generation.

This country was so different from Korea, I realized. But yet it was so admiring. One of my dreams comes true.

Want to visit a rich country.

Although it was not my effort, still I am in a rich country. Britain...

I stopped when I saw a postbox. It was more like a magical one. I looked at it deeply. I remember something from my childhood with my cousins. The days were so happy yet sad. Me, my sisters Hye-jin, Ji-aah, gu-eun, and jimin always write letters for fun although we took it seriously at that time. We always lay down on the floor of Ji-aah's home, and scribe some pictures and words to send a message to someone through letters. Sometimes, jimin will take our crayons and break them into two half pieces which make us cry like stupid. When we start to cry, Ji-aah's parents will come and warn jimin. At last, we all become the same as before. All are just a memory. The beautiful memory we earned through these past so many years.

I was starting at a cafe for so long. I don't know what to do. Just looking at it, looking at people...okay, they also returned me a look like the stares given by the others. I walked toward the cafe to look around.

I silently sat on a chair to position myself properly. I took a deep breath to process myself like every time.

Breathe in... breath out...

Breathe in... breath out...

Breathe in... breath out...

My eyes slowly opened to face the front. I am just a little relieved. If someone asks anything, like "what do you want to drink mam?" Or "What do you want to eat mam?"

Then I am screwed. I didn't have any money. I want to find a part-time job well. Because if I live like this, nothing will change or no one will give me the money. But from where??. Since that is a difficult one, before thinking over it, I want to rest more than I can. I sat there like I am not giving attention to anything, but myself. My hands made their way to my hair making some of my bangs to become free from the other hair strands. I looked at my hands just to avoid anyone going to ask about coffee or something.

I drummed my hands again and again on the table by biting my lower lips because of nervousness.

Why I am like this??

The truth is, I was afraid about my current situation. It's already getting dark, I don't have any room to stand or money. While thinking about many matters, I heard the sound of some instruments playing.

It is a piano...

The music was so calming and relaxing. The sound of piano flowed over the cafe to calm the mood. I lifted my head to look at the person playing the piano. That was when I found it, it was the guy from yesterday.

Jeon jungkook

A smile formed my lips as I saw the guy. His Both eyes were closed as he was feeling the music. His hands were slow like the music but later became fast. The hands went fast through the black and white switches. Everyone's gaze was on him. He was handsome in that outfit. A simple white shirt and black pants.

How can a person be this handsome while living in these generations??

I moved with the music he plays. The piano sound was like a melody. It somewhat made me calm from everything for just a minute.

Everyone was enjoying the music. The music made me just remember my childhood. Sad, happy, sorrowful...

It was a music from heart.

When he finished by stopping his hands on the high-scale white switch, everyone clapped their hands to praise the young man's talent. I also joined them by clapping with both hands with a bright smile on my face. Once they almost stopped, he slowly opened his eyes with a smile. He then stood up from there and bowed in front of everyone. The guy stepped toward the counter to say something and turned his head to search for a seat. I was looking at him with my wondered eyes. Then suddenly, his eyes stopped on me. Our eyes locked each other as no one can break them. A different unknown sensation went through my body when our eyes locked with each other.


I was so deep in my thoughts when someone called my name.

"Kim Na bi?"

When I turned back, he already stood there behind me.

The way he asked my name was more than a question.

I smiled at him.

"If you don't mind, can I sit here? Or are you waiting for someone?".

His question was an honest one if I say.

"No...you can sit"

Once he plopped his budd on the chair, his complete attention was on me.


"Oh yeah, your music was so amazing. I was so mesmerized by that".

"Oh, really?".

A bright smile formed in him showing his bunny teeth.

"Yeah, did you learn it?"

I asked by looking at him.

"Not really. I learned it alone".

I raised my eyebrows by wondering.

"Really?? How?? How can a person learn it alone?".

He gave a light smile.

"That is called talent".

"Woow, you are something then. Instead of this, how many talents do you have?".

" Hm...I can draw, I can play guitar, I can cook well..."

He just laughed at that cooking part.

"And I can sing a little well".

My mouth became 'woow' shaped. "How can a person have this much talents?".

He chuckled at my question and then looked at me again.

"Maybe I am god's special one".

We both laughed at his last words. His eyes got too small when smile or laugh. That was so innocent.

"So tell me about you, what is your talent?".

His smile is still on his face.

" That is a bit difficult...I am not good at things like this. Especially since you can't call them talents".

"Come on, everyone has their talents".

He was so confident with his every word.

" Maybe I am god's special one and that's why not having a talent".

Jungkook laughed at my statement. I can't hold my laughter in front of this innocent stranger.

"Okay then, I will find out it my own".


"That is a secret".

I looked up at him with a questioning look without understanding what is he saying.

"Okay, so tell me, what are you doing for a living".

"I am a nurse"

"I see...which hospital?".

"Asan medic-"

I stopped on my half. I know something is not right in this world.

He raised his eyebrows with a questioning look on his face.

Can I tell him the truth?

Will he believe me??