Ivan, I always liked your stories, but I really want to be alone right now, though Rea as they were slowly riding through the forest, which was still damp even though it hadn't rained in about four days. Ivan was telling her about his stories on the seas, Rea riding behind him, waiting for the opportunity to get rid of him.
»Why so many arrows Rea? You haven't shot any of them yet.« Said Ivan all of a sudden.
»But there is nothing to shoot at.«
»There is always something to shoot at.« Said Ivan and continued. »You are one of the best shooters I have ever met. It's a shame that we can't have you in the royal army.«
»Women should still be allowed in armies. There are as good woman fighters as there are man fighters.« She said sharply.
»Women aren't supposed to be in wars Rea.«
And you aren't supposed to be here Ivan, and yet here we are. Ivan stopped looking down at the forest clearing filled with pink Camellia flowers. He sighed and looked away.
»Is everything okay?«
»He loved those flowers.« He said quietly and continued the way.
Rea knew who he was talking about even though Ivan never told her about it. She heard a word here and there among the guards and members of the royal army. When Rea and Tivon were nine, he had to go to sea because he was called to war.
Ivan had a lover who was also a member of the army, and they went together. Unfortunately, he lost him under the sword of a cursed pirate.
Rea looked down, feeling sympathy for the general. She was fortunate enough that she still had everyone she loved around her. Well, almost everyone.
They quietly continued ridding. She moved her head up, ready to try to cheer up Ivan and then she saw it. Her way to get rid of Ivan. Enixos.
The tree had little round flowers that looked like fruits. If you pop them the inside of the flower gives off an unpleasant smell, putting you in an instant coma for about an hour.
Rea reached for one of the flowers, holding it carefully. She came beside Ivan.
»Hey Ivan!«
As he turned to his right to see what Rea was showing him, she leaned back and popped the flower right under his nose.
»Re-« He couldn't even finish the sentence before he fell down his horse, drowsing off into a deep sleep.
Glad I was growing up with Tivon. She threw the flower away, dismounted her horse and leaned Ivan against a tree.
»I'm sorry Ivan.« While she was fixing him so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. »I promise I'll treat you to a nice breakfast at the town.«
Rea mounted her horse, took the reins of Ivan's horse and headed to the hollow tree to grab the bag. She then headed straight to the cave, always looking around to see if there was someone following her.
Elias was resting, his head in Tivon's lap, Tivon's hand on his chest. Elias' mind was troubled. Ever since they'd gotten captured his mind was still asking if Tivon ever forgave him. Maybe he never did.
His mouth spoke before his mind. »Did you believe them?« Tivon looked at him. »That I knew all along and that I was ordered to get you captured.«
Tivon leaned his head on the wall and sighed. »In truth... Yeah, I did.«
Elias was prepared to hear that, but deep inside, it still hurt.
»But I quickly realized that it didn't make sense. I figured that Sabur just wanted to get me more scared, more than I already were.« Continued Tivon.
Elias reached for Tivon's hand. »I didn't know if you'd ever forgive me. Even now.«
Tivon squeezed his hand. »I would.« Elias smiled. »The only one to blame is Sabur and whoever told him about me.«
»It was Pit.« Said Elias quickly. »He overheard us, I'm sure of it.«
»Of course it was him.«
Elias closed his eyes. »I promise I'll kill him the next time I'll see him.«
Tivon laughed. »I'll help.«
»How long do you think we'll have to stay here?« Asked Elias after a minute of silence.
»Until you are ready to walk.«
»I was ready to walk two days ago.« Elias said with a provocative voice.
»Your wound hasn't healed yet.«
He moved his shirt up and removed the bandages. The wound was actually almost healed, but Tivon knew that if he moved it would still hurt him.
»See, it's fine.«
Tivon sighed. »Maybe tomorrow.«
They heard moving outside the cave and before they could move Rea rushed in. »We need to get out of here.«
Tivon was on his feet. »What?!«
»We?«said Elias.
Tivon ignored him and asked again. »What do you mean we need to go?«
She put down the arrow quiver. »Your father is going to close the castle. He's going to organize a search party to look for you. Eventually, he will find you here if we don't move.«
»But Elias isn't ready to-«
»I'm ready.« He stood up, slowly and carefully. »We need to move.«
»Fine.« He pointed a finger at Elias. »But if you start bleeding it's not my fault.«
Elias just smiled and winked at him, making Tivon's face lit up red.
»I took as much food as I could.« She reached for her arrows and pulled out Elias' swords. »And I also managed to take this from the armoury.«
She handed it to Elias. He slowly took them and examined them carefully to see if it was really his swords. Rea then reached into her belt and pulled out his three knives and the pistol.
»I think this is also yours.«
Elias took them and to Tivon's surprise, his voice was genuine when he said thank you. Rea smiled and turned to go outside the cave. »We need to move.«
Tivon grabbed his bag while Elias put his knives and swords in their place. He breathed in relived to finally feel the familiar feel of the knives and swords against his body.
Tivon passed him with a smile. »You seemed to be attached to those things as much as you're attached to me.«
»It's hard to say, but I have to admit, I'm more attached to you.« Laughed Elias.
Tivon's cheeks turned bright pink. He smiled and exited the cave, Elias following. Rea had already mounted her horse. Tivon stepped to the other horse and petted its nose.
»How did you manage to get two horses out of the castle without nobody noticing you?« He looked closer at the horse. »Is this Ivan's horse?«
Rea smiled. »A long story.«
»Do we have to ride a horse?« Rea and Tivon turned to Elias. »Can't we just walk?«
»We would be too slow.« A vicious smile ran over Rea's face. »What, you don't like horses?«
Elias frowned at her. »I'm a pirate, not a farmer. I ride ships.«
Rea turned and moved her horse forward. »Ay, ay captain.«
I'm going to push her off that horse. Tivon mounted the horse and asked Elias. »Do you need help getting on?«
He somehow got on, trying to keep his balance, but as soon as the horse started moving, he grabbed Tivon around the waist, thinking that he might fall.
When he realized what he was doing, he quickly moved his hands away. Tivon smiled and pulled his hands back on over his waist. Elias leaned his head on Tivon's shoulder and hugged him tighter. They caught up with Rea and moved their horses into a gallop, quickly making their way through the forest.
A ship with green sails moored in the harbour of The Kingdom of Naydawin. At first, the guards didn't let the woman and her personal little army enter the castle, but her constant persuasion, got the guard to ask the king for permission for the woman to talk to the king.
He allowed it and the woman met the king in the big main room in the castle. She was walking quickly, dragging her long green dress across the floor, her shoulders covered with a green hood, with golden embroideries. Her brown hair was put up in a messy bun, green feathers hanging out of it.
She stopped before the king, inhaling in the smoke from her quellazaire. The makeup was all smudged, for being on her face for a couple of days. She fixed her green eyes on the king.
»What business are you looking for in my kingdom woman?« Asked king already irritated.
»I have some unfinished business.« She smiled. »With your son.«
Urien leaned his head on his hand. »What does my son have to do with you?«
»He owns me money.« She squeezed her eyes. »Lots of money.« She said slowly.
She moved across the room, looking at her surroundings. »I heard he ran away, again. And that Elias is with him.«
She looked at him. »The murderer.« She inhaled again. »Let's make a little deal.«
»I don't make deals with people I don't know.«
»Listen to me!« She moved closer. »Your son and that marily had been missing for almost six days and your useless army hadn't found them yet. I have trained men who can find them faster than your royal asses.«
Now she was only one foot away from him.
Urien tried to hide his anger. He leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. »And what do you want?«
»My money back.« She said sharply. She reached her hand forward. »Do we have a deal?«
Urien looked at her not saying anything. Then he reached into her hand and shook it. »Deal.«
Her red lips curled into a big vicious smile as they shook hands.