
Two steps ahead; A billionaire romance

Meera and Elijah are on their honeymoon. She doesn't want to spend a second with him and he wants to enjoy every second of it with his doe making the time worth his while. After all the efforts he has put through to make her his possession it was his time to enjoy his latest achievement to the fullest. But will he? Or will Meera with her growing hate stop him and ruin his plans? He will get to know that she is not the person he thought her to be or read to be, he is in for a surprise. And after the honeymoon what awaits them? Are they still the same? Did the thoughts and perspectives towards each other change? Is he still the devil to her and is she still a possession to him? Does the new life new people, relations, changes, and chaos after the marriage and honeymoon affect them for the worse or good? Only time can tell. One thing they both are sure of, this honeymoon is surely going to change the two of them. Spending time alone with one another for a whole month can do that to anyone. Either willingly or forcefully. Love was never on both of their lists but it happened. In the line, inevitably. But along comes heartbreak, pain, sadness, and weakness. On the way, something so unrealistically surprising things happen that left broken trust and heart. What remained then? What happened on the day when everything was supposed to be perfect, magical, and fall into place?

jinniechimmy · Urbain
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40 Chs


Third person's pov

Meera was looking around the mesmerizing forest whole while being carried by Elijah. She was so absorbed by the beauty of nature to care about him who was happy enough to give her a piggyback ride. The tall green trees appeared as if a building of cool providing the atmosphere the cold in this hot weather, the leaves creating a canopy through which little sun rays come creating a soothing environment. The squeaking of insects was heard as the sound of the forest. It took her breath away. She turned her head all around to take in the magnificent beauty. She was awed like a five-year-old kid who visits an amusement park for the first time. Failing to contain her excitement, Meera voiced out,

"It's so breathtaking"

Elijah shook his head listening to her. Such a child, he thought. He didn't know the natural beauty of the forest would impress her this much. He can only keep quiet, if she saw where he is taking her, he can only imagine her reaction.

Meera felt him shaking his head, which irked her. Looking at the path ahead, which was through the rows of thick trees, she said,

"What? Don't you find it beautiful?"

"I do, doe"

Elijah replied so nonchalantly that Meera thought he couldn't see what she saw and was dismissing her. Which she didn't like, hence, she asked,

"What's your problem? Can't I compliment and like the forest? Do I have to ask you first? Oh, the great Elijah Mancini am I allowed to praise the view?"

Chuckling Elijah told her,

"You are quite a character, my doe"

"Oh, yeah? What about my hands then? You wouldn't mind if I hold your neck like this"

said Meera tightening her arms around his neck in a chokehold. Elijah was trained so the clumsy hold of his doe did nothing but amused him further. He was enjoying this. Her childish way of punishing him was adorable. The path ahead was about to end at the destination, he observed. Turning his head back, he asked her,

"I wonder what will you do if you see the place where all the fairies live"


Meera couldn't believe her ears, what did he say? Laughing, Meera said,

"What are you, five? You still believe in Disney movies. Wow, that's news"

Elijah smiled at her, it was the smile when he knew she doesn't know that what he said was the truth and that her making fun of him would be useless. He told her,

"You don't believe me? Then, watch this"

Meera was still laughing heartedly when he said that. But the next second all laughter died in her throat with a hitch. Her eyes widened like saucers and her jaw touched the ground. She was shocked.

Her mouth opened and closed several times but nothing came out. Loosening her hold around his neck, she stuttered,

"W-what's t-this p-place?"

Bending down, Elijah put her down on the ground on her feet. He saw her gaping at the scenery around her. Shaking his head, he told her,

"I don't repeat myself"

Moving ahead to the flowers, she asked him,

"The place of fairies?"


replied Elijah standing behind her with hands in his pockets. He saw her running her hands carefully along the velvety petals of colorful flowers. She was again awing at them. One after the other rows she did the same. She was completely absorbed in the heavenly flowers. Taking his camera out, Elijah clicked her photos, one after the other, with her touching, bending, running, and squealing in the field of flowers. She looked like a fairy in her garden. He couldn't help but capture her. She was his fairy. And he created this place for her. Yes, Elijah ordered his men to grow flowers in this area of forest. And looking at her so happy and hyper like a child, it was all worth it.

Turning around, Meera shouted in excitement,

"Elijah, this is so beautiful!"

She has long forgotten the reality of her life when her feet touched the 'land of fairies'. She was running in the field of flowers like a kid. Chuckling and squealing she ran her fingers lightly on the flowers. She was ecstatic to see this otherworldly heaven. She didn't even notice him clicking her photos. She was delighted. Inhaling the sweet fragrance of flowers in the air, she spread her arms, the cool breeze flowing around her, the colorful flowers contrasting with the greenery of the forest. She was happy she got to see this heaven. She was surely in heaven. This is the best thing she got until now on this honeymoon. Remembering what he said, she asked him funnily,

"Where are your fairies, Elijah? I couldn't see or find them"

Tucking his camera back in his pocket, Elijah moved to where she was crouching. Slowly, he hugged her from behind. Startled, she jumped slightly. Confused, she asked him,

"What are you up to? Don't spoil this for me"


shushing her, Elijah whistled a weird tune. She was frowning in confusion as to what is he doing. Before she could voice out, she saw some movement around them. And slowly butterflies filled the field. She gasped. Beautiful different colored butterflies flew around them emerging from underneath the flowers.

Her breath stuck in her throat seeing the beautiful view around her. The colorful butterflies in the colorful field of flowers in between the greenery of the forest. She was overwhelmed with the beauty that her eyes watered. She chuckled softly in awe. Her eyes were blessed with such wonderful nature. She squealed, eyes following the movement of butterflies,

"Wow! Ethereal! I am speechless"

She was blabbering in her excitement. She gasped when suddenly a butterfly sat on her shoulder. She squeaked in surprise and looked at Elijah wide-eyed saying,

"See! It sat on me! It sat on me! Oh my God! I can't believe this, so beautiful!"

Elijah smiling moved away from her, motioning her to stay still. Taking his camera out he clicked several pictures of her with the butterflies. Around her flying and her in between smiling joyfully like a child.

All his efforts to breed butterflies here paid off. His men did a spectacular job training them, one whistle and they will come out. Pocketing his camera he again back-hugged her and whispered in her ear,

"They are the fairies, doe"

Smiling, Meera turned her head to him and nodded agreeing,

"Yes! Yes, you are and were right"

Nuzzling his head further in her neck, he told her,

"And you are their queen, my fairy"