
Two Sides of the World

The first time I entered my drawer. I noticed that the brushes I put inside my drawer are just like "Magic Wands". It seems to me that I could fulfill my hopes if I wave these Magic brushes. Full of surprises, I saw a special entrance, my drawing paper; it was just like " The Enter for Another World". I would say to others, surely, after I came back from my drawer, " Everything is with two sides, you can't think about that thing's other side, forever."

I grew up with full of curiosity. I could remember, being only six years old at that time. As long as my mom didn't pay attention to me, I always took pens to draw; I would draw everywhere. If my mom discovered my small action, she would rebuke me, of course! I told myself, " You couldn't defeat Mom." I walked into my room and looked for some pens to draw. I didn't have any paper, so I portrayed my room's wall as if it is the biggest drawing paper in the world. There were some pictures designed by myself, and some were cartoon characters I like. I was very pleased with my masterpiece. However, my mom wouldn't be happy like me. I would be shouted, of course. This time I decided to hide, though I was used to being reprimanded by my furibund mom, I still would be scared. I took my tool for criminal purposes, my pens, and ran away. I went to my room and drew on the wall continuously. Suddenly, my mom discovered me and " My New Creations." When I wanted to run farther away from my mom again, I found nobody was around me, except my creations. These are active characters! My creations! They were alive!

"Wait! Living cartoon characters? Why? Where's my mom and where am I?" I was so astonished. Was it at all possible that I was knocked out by my mom, so it made up an illusion? I couldn't believe it! There was a rabbit and a turtle taking a race in front of me. When the race started, I saw a fox put many carrots in the middle of the race road for the rabbit. The turtle won the contest; the reason why the rabbit was the loser was that he was allured by food, those fresh and yummy carrots. Sure enough, as cunning as his personality, the fox. In another way, I saw many dolphins and whales flying in the sky, that sky as blue as the sea. When they are happy, vivid dolphins would blow water with their mouths, and whales would blow water with their blowholes. Originally, in this world, rain comes from dolphins' and whales' joy. Suddenly, I was moved to the next city by a large powerful suction. Pulled me out the paradise. I was still surprised at the power. A stone was thrown on my head. I naively assumed things couldn't get worse. A crab and its helpers, an octopus, and a sponge found me; when I was scared to run away, the malevolent octopus used its seven intact legs and one-half leg to catch me for their company and they would like to kill me for their hamburger. A moment later, I feared for my safety and carefully opened my eyes to observe around. I saw a green and small thing just like a cockroach. That is Plankton! It would be killed by the crab which has two big pincers. I found there was a piece of paper on the table, that is "Burger Recipe". I carefully approached the table where the recipe was set. It was amazing that the prescription was written by Plankton because his name was on the paper. That was so unbelievable, I couldn't think about the crab is the most abominable character. Unexpectedly, the sound I bumped the table led crab's subordinates to detect. When they wanted to attack me, I cringed under the table's corner. At that moment, I felt quiet around me and hadn't got one particle. Even the air was peaceful. I pretty well couldn't breathe. After a while, I carefully opened my eyes and observed around. My mom shouted to me, "Don't think you can escape punishment by pretending to be asleep!" That's so dangerous, at least nobody is more terrible than the big crab in the dream.

Not everything is as it seems, and it has two sides behind us.