
Two Perspectives: The First View

Embark on a journey into a realm of technological marvels where Kurumi grapples with elusive memories in a futuristic world. Meanwhile, Suzaku revels in victory within an isekai realm but is haunted by an unresolved mystery in his dreams. The convergence of these parallel worlds weaves the fates of Kurumi and Suzaku together, leading to a collision that unravels hidden mysteries and exposes the intricately woven threads of their shared existence. Navigating the complexities of their intertwined destinies, futuristic wonders and enigmatic dreams serve as the keys to unlocking the secrets binding them across dimensions. The stage is set for a cosmic journey transcending time and space, unveiling a profound connection that defies the boundaries of two seemingly distinct realities. Are you ready to explore the uncharted territories where destiny unfolds across the fabric of existence?

StandingRock · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Volume 1 finale: Chapter 10: New journey

Volume 1: prologue

Chapter 10: New Journey

In the chilling aftermath of Suzaku's valiant stand, the Demon Lord's laughter echoed through the desolation. "How hopeless you are," he taunted, seizing Suzaku's head in a cruel grip. In an instant, Suzaku's vision expanded to encompass the entire kingdom, now a nightmarish realm consumed by demons and cognivores. The once vibrant Alzeria had succumbed to the suffocating darkness.

The Demon Lord released his hold on Suzaku, mocking his futile attempts. "Save this kingdom? You're sure!" Laughter permeated the air as Suzaku, tears streaming down his face, whispered, "I failed..."

As the Demon Lord sensed the approach of powerful beings, he remarked, "It seems the cyclones are here." Suzaku, lost in despair, continued to mourn his perceived failure. Unbeknownst to him, the Demon Lord, feeling Suzaku had seen too much, erased the memories of their encounter and vanished into the shadows.

Behind a weathered house, Lumin, having silently witnessed the tragedy, emerged from the shadows. He approached Suzaku, who remained in tearful contemplation. Lumin, aware of the profound sorrow etched in Suzaku's heart, offered a comforting presence.

As the cyclones arrived, Suzaku's desolate gaze reflected the somber reality. The once vibrant kingdom now lay in ruins, its people lost to the encroaching darkness. The cyclones spoke with a tone of grim acknowledgment, "This is bad... It seems they're the only survivors." In the aftermath of the demonic onslaught, Suzaku and Lumin emerged as the lone witnesses, spared by an enigmatic twist of fate.

Suzaku, now oblivious to the harrowing encounter with the Demon Lord, had lost the memories that would haunt him. Lumin, bearing the weight of what he had seen, chose to shield Suzaku from the burden of that traumatic truth, unaware that Suzaku's memories had been erased. Together, they stood as the solitary remnants of a once-thriving kingdom, grappling with the aftermath of unimaginable loss.

In the silent understanding between them, Lumin refrained from revealing the horrors that had transpired. Suzaku, grappling with a grief he couldn't quite comprehend, found solace in the comforting presence of his friend. The echoes of their shared sorrow resonated in the quietude of Alzeria's ruins.

As the winds of the cyclones swept through the desolation, Suzaku and Lumin remained, two survivors bound by the unspoken tragedy that had befallen their world.

In the dimly lit chamber, Suzaku, battered and bruised, stirred as if emerging from a trance. Lumin, the weight of anticipation in his eyes, questioned, "Do you finally remember everything?" With a sudden jolt, Suzaku's eyes snapped open, a mixture of pain and determination etched across his face. "I... I remember it all," he uttered, summoning a dagger crackling with elemental magic into his grasp.

A triumphant smile crept across Lumin's face as Suzaku, now fully aware of his past, met his gaze. The atmosphere shifted as Selena, Edric, Hikari, Elaiza, and Lumin rallied around their newly awakened comrade. Edric's voice resounded with urgency, "We'll beat the stupid demon lord right now!" Elaiza, her expression compassionate, added, "I don't know all the details, but if it hurts you, we're here to help."

Lumin, a gleam of determination in his eyes, declared, "We'll kill the demon lord." Suzaku, now sporting a resolute smile, chimed in, "Yeah, it's time for revenge!" The air crackled with anticipation as they faced the Demon Lord, who stood before them, a sinister grin on his face.

The Demon Lord, dismissing the bonds of friendship, sneered, "Friendship is worthless." Unfazed, Suzaku assumed a fighting stance, elemental powers swirling around him like a tempest – wind, flame, ice, and lightning converging in a dazzling display. "We'll win," Suzaku declared, his voice echoing with newfound strength and unwavering resolve. The clash between vengeance.

Technotereria perspective:

In the enigmatic confines of Technoteria, Kurumi confides in Cyberoid about her unsettling dreams and the mysterious voices that echo within her mind. As the revelation unfolds, Cyberoid, with a metallic demeanor, acknowledges, "What you say is indeed interesting, Ms. Kurumi."

A shiver of uncertainty lingers in Kurumi's voice as she expresses her worry, "I'm concerned that I might be hallucinating or something." Cyberoid, the ever-watchful companion, responds with measured assurance, "Well, there is indeed a possibility. However, even I have witnessed peculiar occurrences while you were in the embrace of sleep, Ms. Kurumi."

Intrigued, Kurumi probes, "What did you see?" The artificial companion's response is tinged with an almost perplexed tone, "Two shiny eyes, with a purple-ish, blackish body – almost like a crystal, yet defying logical explanation. It simply didn't make sense."

Kurumi, drawing a parallel between Cyberoid's observations and her dream, adds, "I saw it in my dream too." A moment of realization dawns upon her, and with a newfound determination, she declares, "There's definitely something I must do..."

The air in Technoteria crackles with a blend of uncertainty and purpose as Kurumi grapples with the enigma unfolding within her dreams, setting the stage for a journey into the unknown.

Back to Emergia perspective:

In the aftermath of the devastating clash, the scene unfolded with a cruel finality. Selena, her once vibrant spirit extinguished, lay lifeless, her head spattered, a silent testament to the brutality of the battle. Edric, who had valiantly fought, now existed as a mere fragment of his former self, his body almost entirely consumed by the merciless onslaught. Elaiza, reduced to ashes, bore witness to the toll exacted by the unrelenting force they faced.

Lumin, a stalwart companion, breathed his last breath, his sacrifice evident in the loss of an entire legs, arms and half of his face. His final words, a whispered plea, echoed in the desolation, "Run... Suzaku." The weight of despair settled upon Suzaku, who, upon witnessing the demise of his comrades, succumbed to a whirlwind of emotions.

As the tears streamed down his face, Suzaku, consumed by grief and frustration, unleashed a torrent of punches upon the unforgiving ground. Each strike peeled away at his skin, the agony of loss manifested in the physical toll on his body. The anguished cries of "This is all my fault!" reverberated through the desolate battlefield, an embodiment of Suzaku's shattered spirit.

Amidst the devastation, the Demon lord, a callous observer, mocked Suzaku's futile resistance. "I told you... you can't win," the ominous entity declared, its tone dripping with disdain. Suzaku, broken and battered, continued to lash out in a desperate attempt to defy the cruel reality that unfolded before him. The Demon lord's cold assessment lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the cost of challenging the strings of fate.

Suzaku's world shatters as the demon lord materializes with a malevolent presence. The air thickens with tension as the demon lord, clad in darkness, conjures a menacing sword. Suzaku, clinging to the denial that this is just a dream, lashes out in anguish, his fists pounding the ground.

"Is this a dream? Why does it hurt so much?" Suzaku's voice trembles with both physical pain and the unraveling of his reality. The demon lord, a figure of malevolence, scoffs at Suzaku's emotional turmoil. "How pathetic, to think you were chosen," the demon lord sneers before ruthlessly stabbing Suzaku's chest.

As Suzaku's lifeblood spills, a luminous glow emanates from the sword, hinting at a profound connection between Suzaku and the demonic assailant. Suzaku, on the brink of despair, mutters to himself, "Is it over? Didn't I say I'd kill the demon lord?"

Suddenly, a radiant blast disrupts the macabre scene. A mysterious figure, with eyes shining like stars and a crystalline form, materializes. The demon lord, recognizing the newcomer, snarls, "So, you've finally appeared." Swiftly, the mysterious figure rescues Suzaku, teleporting them to an ethereal expanse, an infinite white void.

In this boundless space, Suzaku, still bearing the scars of his ordeal, questions the enigmatic savior. "Why save a failure like me?" he pleads, tears still staining his cheeks. However, as Suzaku gazes into the mysterious figure's eyes, an inexplicable calm washes over him.

"What are you?" Suzaku, wary but intrigued, readies his elemental dagger. The figure, identifying itself as Naturoar, a creator of the universe, reassures Suzaku, "No need to be scared. I am your ally." Suzaku, bewildered, probes further, "What are you?"

Naturoar, the embodiment of cosmic power, replies, "We don't have time to delve into my identity. There's something more pressing we must discuss." Suzaku, still grappling with the revelation, inquires, "What is it?"

Naturoar drops a bombshell – the demon lord, has stolen 50% of your power. Shocked, Suzaku stammers, "Wait, what?" Naturoar reveals The demon lord true name is "timerine" and reveals timerine's ominous intentions. "He wants revenge by destroying two universes," Naturoar declares, leaving Suzaku bewildered and desperate for answers.

"I'm not sure I understand," Suzaku admits, his confusion mirroring the vast complexities of the cosmic conflict that has now ensnared him. The collision of universes looms, and Suzaku, burdened with newfound knowledge, stands at the precipice of a destiny intertwined with the very fabric of existence.

End of Volume 1