
It doesn't mean that I'm lost

America Baker:

The "Arena" was a new club that they had installed in the city. The place was up to the minute, there were all kinds of people, from men and women to the center of attention of the public who were the exotic dancers who moved taken from some tubes in the middle of the place. Several people threw bands of banknotes, others were limited to clapping and throwing improperly at them.

It was about eight or nine at night, when in the middle of the scandal of the show I yelled at Annie that she was going to the bathroom.

"Let me see the show and I'll wait for you outside!" She informed her after me.

I nodded, stepping into the tile stalls.

I peed because my bladder was completely full, by the time I came out of the bathroom, so exhilarated from drink and scandal, I groped my way over to my dear friend. However I stopped, or rather, they held me by the wrist. I turned on my own axis and found the face of a guy so drunk that I winced at having his face so close to it.

"Do you want to dance pretty?" She asked, clinging to my body, taking me by the hips off guard.

"No, thanks," I mumbled, holding him by the chest to push him away, the proximity of him made me uneasy. "I'd appreciate it if you let me go."

She lifted it, swallowed it, bringing it to her lips with her left arm and holding me dangerously with the other. I bit my tongue, I was a peaceful woman but with my heart I hated the guys who spread, and there if I put out my claws.

Before I could process it, Annie's little hands grabbed me by the wrists, pulling me away from the guy that she stumbled.

" Hey! She " she called staggering.

"Let's go," I mumbled.

We walked quickly towards the exit holding hands, the place was already crowded with people and it would be uncomfortable to continue there, especially with that drunk who did not respect limits. I gritted my teeth, there were men who did not understand the valuable meaning of the word "no"

The icy cold of the night hit us in the face, and me in the legs, I was wearing a leatherette miniskirt that I immediately regretted as soon as the freezing cold made me shiver.

"And I wanted to get like a vat!" Annie muttered, shaking her head, "the next time we go out to America, please let it be to a place where we can at least walk and there are not so many people," she complained.

I raised an eyebrow. The one with the great idea of ​​coming to a club bar had been her, it had been a few days since it was inaugurated of course there was not going to fit a soul in the whole place.

However, my thoughts were interrupted as a tall, drunken figure was following us into the parking lot.

" Isn't that the guy from a little while ago? "I screamed as she watched him approach dangerously towards us.

"Move your ass, Ame," Annie muttered, taking my arm. "God!" And this empty parking lot, is that idiot crazy or what?

Was he coming to harass us? I stopped watching his next move and indeed, yes, he was coming after us. I cursed to myself, the guy was very tall and burly, he seemed to be about forty-something. What the hell was wrong with him?

"Come on, let's throw him off. He's drunk anyway, "Annie objected, pulling me by her arm.

We walked to the sidewalk around the place to lose it.

He hadn't had enough to get me drunk, but enough to keep having alcohol in my system, so my brain and Annie's were so giddy that we didn't notice that we had hit a dead end.

The giant was coming after us.

"Oh, but they are a couple of pretty girls," she opened her big mouth, spouting something stupid.

I took Annie by the arm fed up with the situation, if that guy thought he was going to scare me or accept that he would hurt us he was wrong. We pass him by her, Annie nervously me lifting her chin.

"Where do you think they're going? I know what you girls want! "She let out as soon as we passed her by," come here.

I walked faster pushing Annie, however I stopped like a stone as soon as I felt a sting in my butt and heard a bang! in the air. She had spanked me.

"But what's the matter with you, idiot ?!" Annie screamed in horror.

I became angry.

The guy stood up with his chest out. Our size differences were noticeable, but it didn't make me any less brave.

"Are you a troglodyte?"

The guy was almost six feet tall, he was a head and a little taller than me.

"You're tempting your luck girl," he smiled showing his yellow and almost green teeth as he touched my forehead with his index finger. "You came here looking for fun." It's what I'll give you!

I looked at him defiantly.

"You're trying your luck chimpanzee."

That was enough, the guy got too close to me in a dangerous way. Annie, who was shaking with nerves and about to cry, pulled me away before the two-foot giant touched me.

"You are crazy? Quit it! "She whimpered.

She was sensitive but she wasn't going to sit idly by with this fool.

" He touched my bottom! I'll break his nose."

" America! You crazy pussy! " She sputtered, interposing herself between the two, looking directly at his face "It would be best to calm us down, okay? " he said as he pushed me back with his back. disrespectful and not okay.

The guy raised his eyebrows.

"She asked him to eat her ass by putting on that skirt," he mumbled, as if he didn't do anything.

My blood boiled, I stopped thinking.

I dodged Annie and went on top of the giant, but not before punching him in the nose, I knew how to defend myself. Dad hadn't sent me to a military boarding school for free, he'd give this nasty guy the beating of his life. I was a peaceful woman, I hated arguments but that this guy behaved like that made me out of my senses.

He held his nose that was beginning to bleed with both hands as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"You're crazy!" He yelled, grabbing me by the waist. I struggled trying to free my arms as he tried to kick his nutcracker.

" Let go of me! " I struggled.

Annie joined our brawl by catching him off guard.

"You'll be an asshole," the redhead muttered, anger latent in her voice.

Looking good we were a tangle of bodies struggling, my anger was tremendous. Why do some guys think they have the power to decide how I should dress? Or if I do, is it to provoke them?

Annie gasped when the guy hit her on the shoulder with her free hand, that was enough to make her really explode. Before he knew it, I took the arm he was holding me with and although it was disgusting, I bit it with all my might. He gasped, quickly hitting him hard on the nose as he jerked my release away, enough action to send me flat on my face.

Ha! And auch.

"They're a couple of sluts," she spat as he cleaned with the back of his hand, the line of blood that came out of his nostril. "They will pay dearly for this ..."

He lifted her foot to kick me in the stomach, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes waiting for her. But I never arrive.

" What do you think you are doing, dickhead? " Said a thick and masculine voice that did not belong to any of the three present.

I opened my eyes and oh, my gosh.

"I," the giant stammered, stirring nervously, "Okay, I'm sorry Nick, I don't want to get in trouble with you, I didn't know they were from your girls."

I was confused making a face at my sore knees, there would be marks left on me.

"They're not," the other guy clarified as he held the collar of his shirt tighter.

The guy nodded nervously several times. Annie and I were speechless by the scene, we shared knowing glances of total misunderstanding.

"Get the hell out of it, animal," the stranger says with impetus, his voice sending shivers down my spine. He really knew how to intimidate.

The guy with whom only seconds we had started a war found himself fleeing from that dead end in which he had cornered us to enter.

" Are you okay? "He asked, holding out a hand.

I remained static, only a few seconds ago I had not been able to visualize it well other than the ax and marked back of him. He was more than good, brown hair, strong features, pronounced eyebrows and a sharp nose.

But where did such a creation come from?

He cleared his throat at no response from me.

"Oh my God yes, excuse me " he stammered taking it " it was a big scare.

I didn't want to give head to what that guy had been able to do to us.

I fixed my gaze on Annie and she was drooling over the Norse God in front of her.

Then I noticed my physical appearance and began to fix my hair, she had just given me even my last name with a guy who was twice my size, of course she found me sweaty and with my hair in a mess.

"Why did they go into an alley if he was following them?" He asked crossing his arms.

His icy gaze was a clear "Are they stupid or what?"

"It wasn't on purpose, sometimes nervousness clouds you," Annie stammered after her incipient gaze.

I bit my lip.

"I guess we didn't think it through well," I murmured. I was a bit ashamed to have been so clueless, just imagining what could have happened.


She nodded. "It's because they're taken," she said. "They should be careful, these kinds of places are dangerous. And that guy wouldn't have minded giving her a few just to get away with it.

I swallowed, I was aware of it.

" Don't worry, Ashton is just a poor alcoholic. He won't bother you again."

He crossed his arms impassively, he had an aura of authority but above all of mystery. His inscrutable gaze sweeping over him: I couldn't shake the uneasiness that maybe this Nick was even more dangerous than the guy who'd followed us.

But maybe they were just my ideas and that's it.

" If you are well ladies, then " he looked at his watch "I have to go, will you stay here or do you have your car?

"Yes, it's in the parking lot."

He nodded.

"Very well, I'll accompany you."

I looked at Annie, this she immediately she made a flirtatious face. She knew very well what was coming next when it came to her.

" Of course! God, I don't even want to imagine what would have happened to us if you hadn't scared him away, "the redhead praised.

Her chestnut with expressive irises shrugged, it was a very attractive gesture given that he was so much taller than the guy who had followed us minutes ago.

We started walking towards the parking lot.

I rolled my eyes inwardly upon hearing Annie's compliment. The redhead wasted no time, where she put her eye, she itched.

"It wasn't a big deal," she mumbled showing the perfect row of teeth.

We got to Annie's car, as I had the keys I got into the passenger seat without thinking twice.

Annie and Nick had been talking outside the car, maybe sharing a number or what do I know, but after about two minutes had passed I was exasperated and stuck my head out of the window.

"Weren't we leaving?"

The redhead pouted nodding in my direction, making a "Wait, I'm on my move" grimace.

"It's true, could you give me your Instagram, Nick?" She smiled sensually, "you know, to have a little contact."

The hint was in the air, it was impossible for him not to take it.

However, she surprised me when I realized that he did not flinch.

"I don't use that bullshit," she blurted out in a harsh tone that both surprised us.

I frowned at him. He was in front of Annie, I was in the car, however his eyes searched me from top to bottom and I could see the spark of something in his eyes.

She was sure Annie was going to nag him but he opened his mouth before the redhead said anything.

"It was a pleasure to have helped you, girls." His eyes did not leave mine. "See you."

And then he began to walk at a relaxed pace, each of his movements were safe as his silhouette disappeared into the street.

I could feel my drool trickling down my chin, that guy was like a cannon. The word good was not enough for him, he was appetizing.

"It's a shame, the damned man was very good," Annie grumbled, getting into the car.

I put on my best poker face.

" I hate that you want to fuck everything with feet."

She laughed touching her chest with feigned pain: " You offend me friend, I only want what I see as good and that man was divine."

He would lie if he did not agree.


I took a hot shower, I needed to relax my muscles from the events of forty minutes ago. I rinsed my hair.

The bruises and bruises were already accentuated on my skin, they would soon be purple.

"Megan just wrote to me" I heard Annie's voice muffled behind the door "girls' night?"

I got out of the shower, grabbed the hairbrush, and worked my way up my long black hair.

"I'm not in the mood for wild Megan."

She opened the door and leaned against the frame. "You never have the mood for anything, you screw me." She rolled her eyes with a grimace. So get ready because she is coming with Derek, she will most likely be like a bull.

I laughed ironic

"I bulldoze my ovaries, God, I need a break from that fool."

I had known him for two weeks and he had not stopped making up a thousand excuses just to come see me. How can you explain to a man that you don't care, never with him? That absurd roll of which he perseveres was exhausting me.

"I like him," she murmured.

"I'm not surprised."

She shot me a challenging look.

"He didn't want to get into my panties just because he wanted to do it between yours, America." He deserves to be awarded.

It was an exaggerated first class, what Derek did not get with me, he would end up looking for with anyone.

"Do not even say it." I ironized.

I took lotion, spread it over my body and took several farsalí to moisturize my face. Performing a skin-care gave me a peace that of course Megan and Dereck would take away from me.

"Why do I get the impression that they look like nails and dirt?" I asked Annie who was watching the cell phone distractedly.

"Uh ... well, I don't know." He frowned. She scratched her chin while she was thinking and it made me a little funny— I don't know if they fuck, since Megan has denied me a thousand times but that one doesn't last that long with a man with no interests of his own. Maybe he is covered in a ticket, it would be the most logical thing, right?

"She would have told us about the millions of her in a long time, and of course, she wasn't putting it in my eyes," I pointed out.

Annie sighed heavily, her eyes glued to the mobile screen.

"Can you believe that I have seen every profile with the damn name "Nick" on Instagram and I have not seen the face of the asshole for a while?"

I laughed wryly.

"Did you really look for it? I think I saw how he made it clear to you that he did not have Instagram."

"Better try," she winked at me.

I dried my feet on the rug, grabbing my bunny slippers and clothes off the floor.

"Jesus! I hope he manages to protect himself from your clutches."

I chuckled as I took on some very comfortable pink pajamas. One of my favorites, Mom and Dad had given it to me, not that I liked it so much because they had given it to me but because it was just how I liked things, fresh and very comfortable.

"What ?!" Annie gasped, covering her face as she laughed. "Don't make up!"

I turned on myself to see her, what fly did she bite her now?

"That? Did they cancel your Spotify?"

I scoffed under my breath.

"Not America," she rolled her eyes.

She bit her fist. Sometimes I wondered if Annie had a problem, most likely she suffered from nymphomania. I don't know, but being in the situation of looking for a guy because she had found him handsome had become a habit, it had happened so many times that my fingers were not enough to count them all.

" How did you get the inst ...? "I interrupted myself. She had a supernatural talent for such things "Let's see, show me."

We positioned ourselves on the bed right on his back, she put the cell phone in my impassive face.

"His name is Christopher, he is twenty-two years old and he is from here" she smiled like a child who was given a sweet "Why haven't I come across this chocolate before?"

"You've been living in this city for only a year," I objected.

This Christopher was tall, almost as tall as Nick. (I noticed because the photo Annie first showed me was one of them two) He had jet black hair and sky blue eyes, a very wide Colgate smile, and toned muscles sticking out of his T-shirt, perhaps a little thinner than Nick but no less attractive.

They came out positioned with one arm on the other's shoulder, showing a mountainous landscape behind and both robes black.

Annie went down to the next photos. Several of Christopher alone, the other that we found to be located next to Nick as there were also three other guys. I was surprised by the aura of so brutal helplessness that Nick showed in just one photograph, he was someone very regal with a very high chin, perhaps it was pride or upbringing, but he radiated power.

"Oh! Look at this. "Annie bit her lip. She had stalked the other three boys to see what other information she could get, "apparently there will be a party, and handsome Christopher will attend."

"How do you know?"

"It will be the show," she smiled proudly at the information gained. "Look, it seems that your attendance is important. " I wonder why, even though it doesn't matter."

She smirked. I shook my head.

"So, are you going to find this Nick?"

I don't know why I was surprised. She always so haughty, wild. She had seen a guy who looked good to her and she wanted to go after him.

-"Of course! But I will not "go", we will go "she stressed.

"When will it be?"

She clearly didn't agree with her big idea.

A couple of minutes ago a guy who was twice my size had thrown me on the ground like a sack of potatoes, he had several bruises and bruises that needed to heal. It had been a long day.

- Today.

And perhaps, it was not over.