
Out of Order organism on the loose

It's 2724, the morrow corporation has started production on "two part weapons" genetically engineered humans specially designed for interstellar mech combat. Humanity was in turmoil as always even though they invented interstellar capable travel their greed seemed to follow them, resources were clutched by mega corporations this is where it ends at least for The Morrow corporation.

A mountain top secluded or at least you'd think it would be but morrow corp has set down roots on this alien planet, filled with sterile labs and security guards armed to the teeth ready to shoot anyone or anything that looks at them funny.

On the other side of the compound a plan was hatching one that would take morrow by surprise a worker uprising but not just any worker uprising an organized worker uprising spear headed by exemployees and power grabbers having caught wind of nefarious plans from morrow they know they have or take them down or else they risk everything.

it was a cool morning three men and women converged in a tent the wind whipping to flaps open a folding table in the middle covered in papers, maps and information on the local area were circled in bright red pen "are we ready?" asked a man who sauntered red hair flitting in the wind his piercing catching the rays of the sun "why is your transmitter almost out of battery" snickered an older woman with a silver prosthetic arm "I still don't get why we need him" she continued getting out of her chair walking towards him "I say we brute force our way in she said clasping her prosthetic fist "I know but we need this to be silent and sneaky" said a young man in a crisp white uniform "we can't have them finding out it was us besides it's time for the party" he said smirking walking away from the table "we all can't get what we want" he said walking out of the tent.

Inside the scientists were testing theories and ironing out kink in their product this product being the two part weapon system a fancy way of saying genetically modified humans made to specifically interface with mechs without having to go through implant surgery like normal.



what's that? I've never heard this sound before just "subject 0z13 life sign nominal" excited i listened for more sounds outside of my senses maybe it's time for me to leave or maybe it means my life signs aren't nominal a thought to scary to continue so I thought of other things like when will the instructor be here or what if but those thought were cut off promptly by a new noise



"disconnection successful test subject ready"

test subject who's that?

it can't be me I'm 0z13 not test subject and why is everything shaking

new sensations a burning in my chest

what's happening am I dying! fear struck my heart starts to race confusion coagulated in panic

"emptying gestation pod"

what is this sensation why is this happening why is it so cold

the cold went away but the burning in my chest only got worse as time went on

"breathe" it said "breathe deep or you will die" it continued on urgency in it's voice.

taking deep rattling breath my chest ached I couldn't understand where I was or what was happening it didn't help I was just learning how to human I think, the white walls had blinded me, getting to my feet shivering I stumbled to the table across the room what am I supposed to do there were weapon a plenty scattered across the table I recognized some from the instructional prompts and videos

like this one a pearson repeater 56 made in 2655 for the texas revolution, as soon as I picked up the gun a part of the wall slid away revealing a range for practice shooting with moving targets and test dummies

"you have chosen your weapon now let's see how well you fair against dummies" came the crackly voice instructing me on how to shoot properly as well as having me choose a Melee weapon just in case you run out of bullets it said.

Back on the mountains they were just getting ready

"alright max this should work, right?" he said holding up a white chip with various reflective bits

"yeah and why does he get the scientist one, he ain't even a scientist" she said tossing hers around like a coin

"well for starters don't call me sammy and yes they're gonna work they're up to date as well as loaded with the correct information and max gets the scientist chip because..." a confused look adorned his face "just because he does" he said angrily "now if you don't mind I've gotta minister the alarm system and make sure you he said with great emphasis don't trip any alarms he continued on walking back towards the tent grumpily whipping open the flap

"well let's get going or else we'll be late" max said walking down the hill towards the compound hands in his pocket whistling all the while the woman trailing behind him.

This is new I said as another portion of the wall slid away this place is litter with secrets I thought looking in the hole it's very dark I said hear my voice echo back and echoey I yelled excited to hear and see new things