
Soyu Jin

Yu Zhang stood their frozen, his heart felt like a roller coaster, right then jo took a punch to his face. Yu Zhang sterched his hands to his face, blood was dripping out of his mouth like a tap. Get out of my house jo added, Yu Zhang try to explain but jo said once again weeping, get out. Yu Zhang packed his bags and left. Arriving to the school it was amazing, there was a huge gate from which students will enter with. he checked his pockets for any extra change to give the taxi driver, out of impatience the taxi driver drove off. Yu Zhang didn't care at all but in fact profited. He entered the university dragging his suit case, unlike his old school no one cared, everyone was on his on own which made it hard for him to know where to go, Every one he tried to stop either had something to do or didn't care. At that moment he regretted pushing Veronica. In the hostel soyu Jin was sleeping peacefully till her alarm clock woke, blimey stupid alarm clock she said smashing the alarm clock on the floor. She looked on her body and they seemed to be strange markes on her. She poked them while shouting , ou ,ouch. I reek of vodka she exclaimed. She then remembered what happened the night before : it was a party of her friend Josephine, the place was crowded and filled up. So Yu was trying her best to go closer to her friend's side, suddenly she slipped and to her surprise she didn't hit her head, it was Clement, he stood above holding her hand as if they were about to kiss, they stood in that position for a while before he finally dragged her up. clement was a Nigerian from Lagos he had a long curved face, short curly hair, white shiny teeth. He was wearing a green shirt and jean trouser, so yu you look sexy tonight he said playing with the coller of his shirt. You're not to bad yourself she replied. ( so yu) someone called in the background. She looked back and it was Josephine. Come and have a drink Josephine said with a broad smile on her face.