

"Oi Paul do you see that Chinese girl over there?" Ransford whispered to me. Pointing at her under the table outside her view.

Looking towards the direction Ransford was pointing at, on the other side of the large central table, sat a stunningly beautiful Chinese girl easily as beautiful as an actresses, wearing thick black rimmed glasses with shoulder length. Quietly taking in every student that introduced themselves and their interests and hobbies, where as I pretended to focus but ogling her with my peripheral vision, my years of gaming has honed it enough to see almost perfectly. I waited patiently until it was her turn to introduce herself. "Hi my name is Jade, and I have an unhealthy obsession with TV show and in the future I want to study neuroscience." She spoke out loud swivelling on her chair with a giant smile.

She suddenly turned to look at me, causing me to freeze up. I felt a nudge in my side. "dude it's your turn!" Ransford whispered.

I turned to look at him in shock, and turned to see the rest of the class looking at me, 'SHIT what do I say???!!! FK it might as well speak the truth…..' "Hi I'm Paul, I'm not quite sure what I want to be when I'm older.... and my hobbies.... well I collect Magic the Gathering as well as Paint and battle mini armored space humans called Warhammer 40k and an avid PC gamer." What followed was the most awkward silence and confusion in everyone's faces even the teacher look at me like I was a I was an alien....

"You like to keep your options open nice...." the teacher responded and proceeded to look at Ransford.

I looked down hiding my face in embarrassment as my friends began introducing themselves and the rest of the class, 'Great start idiot.... now everyone knows you're a weirdo... And none of the girls will probably ever even try and talk to you.'

"Paul what the hell was that?" they both looked at me like they didn't even know who I was.

"Right so we have ten minutes till class starts so just get to know each other more and then head off to classes if you have any." Miss Lewis said as the last student introduced herself.

"Paul what's your day looking like?" Zia asked me.

"Hmmm says here physics then math then economics then chemistry..... You?"

"Hmm I have Physics and math with you, and media studies and IT the day after" Zia replied.

"Damn.... so you have to come in for all three days?... ouch.." I replied.

"Yeah I got the same as you Paul except tomorrow got Biology." Ransford added.

Wow I must be pretty lucky I only have to come in one day this week." I smiled.

"So Paul what you think about that Jade girl? I saw you eyeing her" up Zia asked.

"Yeah....." Ransford added raising and lowering his eyebrows rapidly laughing at me in the process.

'WHAT THE HELL ???? WAS I THAT OBVIOUS ? ...."Really guys.... Not even the first day and you're already shipping me with the first Chinese girl???"

"Yeah but you didn't answer the question Paul..... Trying to hide something??!!" Zia asked curiously

laughing at my blatant attempt to avoid answering the question.

I turned to look at her, 'I could have sworn she quickly looked away as I turned my head'. "She's okay" I replied obviously lying through my teeth.

They both turned away slowly not believing a word I just said. I carried on trying to persuade them there's nothing while I could swear from the corner of my eyes she was looking at me.....'She probably thinks I'm a big weirdo to be honest..... you spend all your time at home by yourself playing games with strangers over the internet, painting space humans and tanks and collecting card game.... non of those scream COOL to anyone."

As the 10mins passed our form teacher let us out, we stayed a little longer waiting for the room to empty before we made our way out. "any idea where we need to go for Physics? I asked them.

"No idea, why the hell does science and Math have no room allocated to it???" Zia asked us checking the time table.

Walking downstairs we took a small detour to the reception to where we got to ask the receptionist where we needed to go. She informed us that we needed to head through the study room towards the doors to the girls school and the teacher will meet us. 'that's a bit odd' as we followed the direction given to us.

As informed there was a shortish man with a large black beard wearing a suit which I assume he was our teacher. He looked up at us with a large smile "physics?" he spoke out.

" Yeah we are" Zia replied .

"Hi I'm Mr Abraham, great now we should be expecting three more girls" He said eagerly awaiting for girls to show up.

"So are you our physics teacher?" Zia asked Mr Abraham.

"Yes there will be two of us the other being Miss Williams" Mr Abraham replied. "Physics?" he shouted out past us


We turned to see two Asian girls one looking Chinese the other looking Vietnamese and a Caucasian girl speed walking towards us. They looked oddly familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it. "sorry we are later we didn't know where to go" one replied hurtling towards us.

"That's okay" the teacher replied waiting for them to arrive. "Come lets start making our way."

He opened the door leading into the girls playground. And began heading toward what I assume to be the girls building. "sadly the science block is in the girls buildings, but not to worry you guys will be allowed to pass through freely ." The Teacher explained.

We went up a couple flights of stairs, and entered a room passing numerous secondary school girls waiting in line to get into class. Looking at us as if we were lost. Opening the door we entered a quite well equip science room, and to my surprise there were already three girls seated at a table.

"Please take a seat..." Mr Abraham gestured. We quickly sat on different tables staying in our friend groups, "Please take seats closer together closer to the front" Mr Abraham spoke out. So we all Sat on the same table closer to the front the three girls who were already seated stayed a table behind us.

"Zia , nice to meet you" he said shaking hands with the two oriental girls.

Me and Ransford both leaned forward relaying our names as well. " Michelle, Anna and Stephanie" Anna introduced herself and them, "Oh we are in the same form class" Anna said recognizing us.

'Ohhh that's why they looked familiar, they were the girls Jade was talking to. That's awesome maybe I can try and be friends with them and get to know Jade that way.' I found myself smiling at the thought.

"So I'm Mr Abraham I will be one of the two teacher you will have for physics, the three girls behind you are the girls from the other nearby school in mulberry, they will be taking physics with us." Mr Abraham explained to us.

We turned and waved at them "My name is Yasmin and my two friends beside me are Ayesha and Sadia." Yasmin spoke out loudly, the other two Ayesha and Sadia noticeably quieter coming off as extremely shy.

"Now we are all acquainted, here is this year's introduction pack, inside you will see a small introduction of me and Miss Williams, as well as the syllabus and the year breakdown." Mr Abraham explained handing out a small pack to each of us. "There's still about 5 minutes left, so I'll let you all go early" he smiled looking at his watch.

We all began getting ready to leave. "Pssh Pssh" I heard a sound from behind me. Turning around to see the source, it was Yasmin seemingly trying to get my attention. "Paul was it?" she asked politely.

"Yeah, nice to meet you Yasmin." I smiled.

She smiled politely in return, "So tell me about yourself." She smiled.

Taken aback by her forwardness and panicking as to how to answer her question. "hmm... well... My hobbies are gaming."

"I'm so sorry I don't know much about games...but what are you going to study?" She questioned again.

"At the moment Physics, Math, Economics and Chemistry, how about you?" I asked in return.

"Well I'm studying Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math" she answered proudly.

"Ohhh that's cool Ransford also going to study biology" I mentioned turning to him, both Zia and Ransford silently left. I quickly looked at the door, as they slowly exited with the biggest Shit-eating grin on their faces looking at me as they slowly walked out. 'I'm gonna fking kill em!!!'

I began exiting the class with the three of them, "So why do you have to come here?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well in Mulberry we don't have a A-level Physics teacher, so Bishop allowed us to attend your classes". Yasmin answered me, Sadia and Ayesha were extremly quiet. "Don't worry about them, they are very shy when it comes to meeting new people." Yasmin added catching me taking a short glance at them.

"Ahhh okay, that's alright...So do you only come here for physics?" I asked trying desperately to extend the conversation making our way back to the main 6th form building.

"Yeah only for physics." she smiled.

"Is your school far away?" I carried on asking.

"Hmmm its about 15mins walk down Commercial Road..." She answered.

"Ohhh that's close." I replied nodded in understanding even though I have no idea where Commercial Roads was.

"So you guys are gonna head back to Mulberry?" I asked as we walked through the play ground entering the 6th form building.

"Yeah we only allowed to stay for Physics sadly" Yasmin answered.

We entered the study area where I saw all my mates in a corner having a blast. "Well I'll see you guys next week when term starts I guess" waving goodbye to Yasmin, Ayesha and Sadia.

"See you next week" Yasmin replied as all three of them waved goodbye heading to the school reception.