

"Hey guys!!!! Wassup!!" I said entering into my friend's group conversation. Luckily for me a lot of my friends also came with me to the College (Jaymesh, Antony, Kyrie, Jamie, Zia, Ransford, Issac, Nikki and Jason). Unlike me though they seem extremely comfortable talking to girls, as the boasted about how many girls are in their class and how many they have made friends with already.

"EYYYY Paul you're back?" Zia noticed me joining in a large grin still on his face.

"I'm gonna get you both back." I said punching Zia and Ransford in the arm.

"Eyyy man…. It's not our fault you was busy." Ransford joked.

"Oi oi, who was those girls you walked in with." Jamie asked with a large grin on his face.

"I dunno, some girls in out physics class." I shrugged off their jokes.

"Ohhh my god Paul. You need to teach me some Chinese there's one Hot Chinese girl in my class called Julia." Jamie joked.

"You guys seen Jay?..." I asked curiously.

They all replied no, "Paul we got Math now." Zia Replied, as I was about to go look for him


"Ahh yeah…. Alright lets head out." I said pulling Ransford with us.

Walking towards the reception to ask for directions again, we bumped into Anna and Stephanie again. "Are you guys going Math?" Stephanie asked with a smile.

"Yeah" Zia responded.

"Ohh awesome. Apparently our teacher will meet up in the 2nd room on the right after the other exit of the study room." Stephanie informed us.

"Ahh cool thanks." Zia replied as we parted ways for some odd reason they went another route.

We followed Stephanie's directions sitting into the room quietly waiting for everyone else and the teacher to arrive. Not too long after the girls arrived with Jade and another additional Asian girl, greeting us with a smile.

"Hey" the three of us responded, as the girls stat on the table in front of us turning their chairs to face us.

Jade chose to sit in front of me petrifying me in my seat,"Hey I'm Jade, you're Paul right? we are in the same form class." she smiled.

I nodded yes extremely slowly unable to utter a word, a small pause of silence followed, the sort where a tumbleweed would roll by between us. She just smiled at me and joined in the conversation everyone else was having.

"Ohhh so all of us except Jessica and Paul are studying Biology." Anna said as everyone began telling each other what we studied.

"Yeah Paul is studying Physics, Math, Economics and Chemistry." Zia explained for me.

Jade looked even more beautiful up close, her flawless skin blemish-less skins, beautiful smile, sweet voice and a intoxicating laugh.

The door opened causing us to all look at who was entering, in stepped a very young adult wearing a shirt and trousers, with two students who were also from our school names Tom and Scott. "Hello everyone I'm Mr Hassan, I'll be your Math Teacher this year." He introduced himself and sat on the end of the table near us, making the atmosphere of the class a lot more chilled, "So I'll take a register and make sure you're all here." He said taking out a small folded piece of paper form his pocked calling out each of our names


"Right so I didn't managed to get the syllabus printed but I'll defiantly have them ready by our first lesson." He explained with a smile on his face. "So tell me abit about yourselves." He asked us.

The whole class began introducing themselves and their hobbies. Until the dreaded time came for me to introduce myself again. "I'm Paul, and my hobbies are… Gaming, Warhammer 40k and MTG." introduced myself again.

"What's Warhammer 40k?" Mr Hassan asked leaning in closer in curiosity.

"Well…. Warhammer40k is a miniature table top game, where we buy and paint small models and battle other people." I explained.

"Ohh that's cool! And what is MTG?" He asked again.

"Well MTG stands for Magic the Gathering, it's a very famous successful card game where people collect and play each other with the cards they have collected." I explained, the class now looking at me like in a weirdo, except jade who was smiling listening to me intently. Refusing my urges to look directly into her eyes.

"Well it's nice to meet you all" Mr Hassan smiled.

Everyone else used the remaining time of the lesson getting to know each other better, where as I remained completely mesmerized by jades beauty.

About 10 mins passed, "That's it for the lesson." Mr Hassan smiled checking his watch, opening the door to let us out.

We all exited still engaged in conversation, to my surprise Jade stood up at the same time I did, following closely behind be as I exited the class. From the corner of my eye I could see she began walking beside me down the hallway, I know I should have said something, but the overwhelming fear overtook me forcing me to walk silently down the hallway.

"Bye Paul." I heard Jade say to me as she departed to her friend group. My brain and body unable to comprehend a response, pretending I didn't hear her.

"Paul!! Why didn't you say anything to her!" Ransford said catching up to me.

"Mate I don't know what you're on about." I said pretending like I didn't know she was beside me.

"Is it lunch break now?" I asked him.

"Yeah I think so." He answered.

"Alright cool.... I'm gonna look for Jay and see how he's doing, see you around Rans." I said.

"Alright laters, bro see you at Chemistry." He replied.

"Take care see you later." I said departing from the study area.