
Twisted life of attorney

A crazy but great attorney's life journey through different amazing cases and one of them being by defending her crush who rejected her in her law college! Fully loaded thriller mystery novel I bet you will love it.

Daydreamer261222 · Urbain
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The case begins

6 days ago,

Alarm started ringing, tut…tut…

BAM! Leon smashed the clock to the wall. It was frustrating enough because he wasn't getting any case since a month yes it has been just a month since he started practicing as an official defense lawyer. But it was much worse than he was expecting.

Ah! Dang it. At this rate I will be broke next month. He said that while crying. Suddenly his phone started ringing. His eyes were shining while picking up the phone. It might be my first case. He thought.

Hello this is advocate Leon speaking

Oh Leo how ya' doing bro its Barry yo

It was utter disappointment. Leon hung up the phone. Barry was Leon's middle school friend not to be exact friend but for just a classmate but for Barry Leon was his best friend. He was like a sticky insect for Leon.

Barry called Leon again and again. After too many unsuccessful tries Leon picked up his phone in rage

How did you get my number Leon Asked?

Don't be mad bro I need'ya bro I am at the detention center at Seoul I heard my best friend was a lawyer so I called you for help. Barry's voice was shaking while saying that

Leon asked what did you do

Barry, I didn't do it I aint kill nobody bro please come here they (police) won't let me talk to you for long. Plea… tut. he hung up.

It was a roller coaster of emotions for Leon. He was sad yet happy for getting his first case. But he knew in his heart that Barry can't kill someone.

What will be the story of Barry? is Barry really innocent? If you want to know stick together with us.