
Twisted life of attorney

A crazy but great attorney's life journey through different amazing cases and one of them being by defending her crush who rejected her in her law college! Fully loaded thriller mystery novel I bet you will love it.

Daydreamer261222 · Urbain
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Talk about murder

27 dec 20xx

Leon got a call from Barry. He didn't delay it. He went straight to the detention center where Barry was. After Leon got a permit to visit Barry.

"Hey Leo my bro i thought you won't come" Barry said.

"well it is my first case. I had to get it."Leon was nervous.

"oh. Shit! I'm screwed it's your first case and how ya gonna defend me." Barry was in awe.

"ahh umm well believe me if you are innocent i will prove you not guilty.just believe it. Well tell me what happened in detail?" Leon changed the topic quickly.

Barry said while crying ,"haaa Mr positive my life is in your hand. Uwaaa... my lovey dovey Christiana. She was killed in her apartment. She was an upcoming big star model and her two big...

Leon: hey! tell me about murder in detail

Barry replied crying, "it was Christmas. We were planning a movie date and dinner date. I went to her home to pick her up. I think it was probably 7.30 pm. I saw .. I saw her dead body lying on the couch."

" so did you... You didn't do it right? " Leon asked slowly

"you my best pal isn't believing me and my girlfriend died what a cruel world it is i want to die uwaaaa" Barry replied.

"hey hey don't cry listen i will prove you innocent. Right now be positive and do not lose it and if cops ask you something don't get scared and don't screw it up okay. I am going to her apartment. " Leon consoled him.

"but aren't ya lawyer why are ya going there? " Barry asked.

" i am going for investigation cause i don't have the budget to hire a professional investigator."Leon was embarrassed while saying that.

"what about your pay bro?" Barry asked.

" pay me when i prove you innocent." Leon was confident.

"thank you very much pal i knew it you are a real gem my friend." Barry felt relieved.

After getting the address Leon reached Christiana's apartment.

A voice came from behind " hey man where are you going? Who are ya? "

Leon turned and saw a big guy wearing a cop uniform coming straight to him. He felt fear for a moment.

He got himself together and said, " I'm advocate Leon the lawyer of Mr.Ackerman who is suspect of the Christiana murder case."

"Haa lol suspect but man he is a killer and there is a witness too... Oh dang it i wasn't supposed to say that."

What a unique cop he is. Leon felt it was funny.

"Uhh Mr...."

"Harry assmann , Harry for ya."

"So Mr. Harry can I ask about the murder details." Leon asked politely.

"Here take it man. "

Leon received autopsy reports. He checked autopsy report.


Autopsy report-

Victim- Christiana rhodes

Time of Death- 7.05 pm

Cause of Death- Single Knife stab in heart instant death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Hey man here is the deal you can go in there but don't touch any single thing and don't disturb other cops, i warn ya. " Harry said.

Barry didn't talk about witness. It was a total mess.if witness gives testimony against Barry it will be game over.Leon was in disharmony. 'Don't give up!!' words echoed through his mind. The memory of his sister flashed before his eyes. Leon knew he had to find evidence to save his client.He took a deep breath and went to the crime scene.

Will Leon be able to find any evidence? and what is the story behind his sister? If you wanna know stick together with us.